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Freelooking WHILE using mouse to fly

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Hello guys.

Is there a way to use freelooking while using mouse to fly a helicopter?

For example: I want to land at a tiny rooftop, but I can't do that accurately without looking down. So I double tap Alt to look down... now I can't land accurately because the doing so with the keyboard is a mess.

I want to be able to for instance tap a key (let's call it X), so that activats the freelook, then I adjust where I'm looking with the mouse, tap X again and use mouse to fly without re-centering the view.

Maybe someone can (or did) mod something to be able to do that? Or maybe it can be achived using third party programs to simulate a controller or something...

Please don't sugest me to buy TrackIR or use Freetrack or HeadTrackNoIR, I'm already aware of these options.

Thanks in advance.

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