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Advanced Hints

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Hello guys, I'd like to see if anyone knows about the Advanced hints and if they are available for calling through script or command. Essentially the Advanced Hints are the long hints that often describe the use of a certain item.

In this case, I'd want the advanced hint for Commanding a tank, this hint is shown in the Tank Showcase as well. Does anyone know how to call this?

I tried checking out this && this but I was unable to figure out the config or text to call using the Advanced hint command.

In the Field Manual, the category is Vehicle Controls > Commanding. The example shown at the wiki says [["Common", "GPS"]] call BIS_fnc_advHint; which would stand for General > GPS, so it seems it's not always matching, which makes it harder to figure out the names for it

Any experts around? :)

Edited by Oksman

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*This is my recollection from some time ago, it might need a bit of correcting

If you're describing a default one then I think you can find them in the config viewer under cfgHints, then you use Bis_fnc_advHint to call it, I'd only bother with the first element as that is the only required one. I suspect the kind of thing you would need is [["Showcases","Tanks"]] call Bis_fnc_advHint or [["ShowcaseTanks","Commanding"]] call Bis_fnc_advHint or something like that. However that is a pretty vague guess at best.

Alternatively, depbo the mission itself (probably missions_beta_f.pbo or something similar) and then look at how it is called from there.

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Aaaah! This is why we have the amazing Config Viewer, found in an error report testing your hint that it's cfgHints, now I went into the Config Viewer and found CfgHints, and here's all I need! Cheers

The Specific one I was looking for was [["Vehicle","Commanding"]] it does give me an error saying it's too long but I guess I can't solve that

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