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Respawn loadout set to Players saved loadout in Arsenal

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I've made missions using BIS_fnc_addRespawnInventory with MenuInventory in the respawn template and then defined the loadouts in description.ext.

But I want to know if it is possible to define a respawn loadout based on a player's saved Arsenal loadout?

I have Arsenal added to a supply box at the mission start. There I want players to gear up how they see fit, then save the loadout. I was thinking they could save the loadout as a specific name. Then when they die, I want that loadout to be used for their respawn

Is this possible? How?

If not, is it possible to load Arsenal before they respawn. Like the way MenuInventory works before a respawn?

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Good Question! I would do it like this so it saves their loadout whenever they close the interface. This is not tested ingame.

waitUntil { isnull ( uinamespace getvariable "RSCDisplayArsenal" ) }; 
arsenalLoadout = [player] call getLoadout;
player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {[player,arsenalLoadout] spawn setLoadout; }];

You can use aerosons excellent loadout scripts here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?148577-GET-SET-Loadout-%28saves-and-loads-pretty-much-everything%29

Edited by Kushluk

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Give  This  a go, i wrote it a little while back when arsenal first came out. if it does not work i will revisit, it will be due to patches that have happened.



weird the link seems to have changd to point to this same thread - updated this post to show the answer is not clear.

Edited by KevsNoTrev
updated link

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