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ALiVE persistent MSO or Insurgency Mission for my dedicated server?

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I got a dedicated server up and running, and I wanted to maximize the use of it by running a persistent insurgency or MSO mission on said server.

Now the thing is I got little to no knowledge in mission editing let alone persistence stuff.

Is there a pre made mission somewhere which I can use on my server? Preferably ALiVE, maybe even with the RHS Escalation mod on Chernarus or Takistan?

Forgive me if this is the wrong forum, I have no idea where this request would fit in properly.

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Cool! That seems to be exactly what I need. As far as I can tell from the description this can also be played SP-style right? With AI recruitment.

Also do I need to set up anything specific for it to be persistent (apart from server config part of course)?

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Hms adly that one crashes my server. Maybe have something to do with the new ALiVE version? Some error related to ArmA2NET

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Sounds like it yeah.. might have to wait for the author to update the mission. Arma2NET is no longer required for ALiVE (replaced by @ALiVEserver). See the ALiVE wiki for more details (link in my sig)

For persistence the mission probably already supports basic persistence (ie: you can reconnect if you get disconnected and all your stuff/position is saved). For persistence between server resets you need to also run @ALiVEserver (only on server) and have a War Room account setup and configured.


Edited by SavageCDN

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