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Vietnam type dynamic missions

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hi guys

ARMA 3 is PERFECT for us to recreate the Vietnam war (particularly Sth Vietnam) using something like say the N'Ziwasogo with a number of permanent US bases but having:

- roving patrols of enemy soldiers from 3 to say a squad size (10)

- US patrols of 10-20

- LRRP type missions (5 man, deep insertions to recon and find weapons caches or locations of enemy bases which could potentially move)

- defend the base type scenario (attacks from enemy soldiers in force of say 1-2 companies ie. 100-200 men)

- using current US v Soviet weaponry

Is this doable? I know there's 'whole lotta Altis' (which I haven't tried) but was hoping this could be somehow 'ported' over to a jungle map. Depending on the size, that would be perfect for MP or COOP missions.

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Yes, these are all great ideas. Vietnam era weapons can be found in RobertHammer's M4 Pack, and HLC AK/M60 packs. I'm not sure where we would find good vietnam uniforms for both the US and the OPFOR soldiers. And for insertion missions you would need a good mod for the Huey helicopter (HAFM maybe?). It would be interesting to see a mission like that.

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Search for "vietnam" in the Arma 3 mod subforums, you may find something useful - you never know ;)

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VTE preview has both US and Charlie´s uniforms, but it is still kinda on alpha stage, but it is a start... EricJ just released a Thompson M1 (there´s a tacticool version, but the classic is there) standalone (it is not within his pack so you guys can grab it )

Don´t forget the Alduric´s Vietnam mod, thou not perfect, it is kinda bundled up with major Vietnam gear n stuff =D

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