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Getpos grenade

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Hey guys, just wondering how I can getpos grenade and then create vehicle on top of it?

Working on a "Special Grenades Script" which would include tear gas (working), incendiary (this, tryin to use bis fire effects or createvehicle fire), and poison gas nades, which haven't started yet but I'd also like a strip of code so if player distance SmokeShellGreen > 3 then do DoT so like every 5 seconds takes 20 dmg. If fire does not do damage then I would also need a strip of code like that too.

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I think your going to have to use a Fired EH, to get the grenade object, then you should be able to getPos and so forth. And the fire does cause damage, or at least the below example does:

fire = "test_EmptyObjectForFireBig" createVehicle position this;

I actually started having inspirations of doing something similar to this, but I wanted to do it to teach myself some about modding and addon creation, particle effects, and the sort, but I'm also really really lazy :p.

EDIT: Just to add some insight to the Fired EH, use (_this select 6) to get the grenade object (for position) and (_this select 4) to get the type of grenade used (so it only does something on SmokeShellGreen, or whatever you use).

EDIT2: Kind of interested in this if you can't tell. Below is an old link from A2OA, you should be able to do an alive check on the grenade object, keep getting an updated position of it to compare that to the closest players.


Edited by JShock

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Honestly you were the only one I was going to ask.

Don't know what that's supposed to mean... :p

But what exactly do you need working MP, this should all work MP because the grenade object is global, and any damage done to the player should be local. And createVehicle effects are global as well, so that shouldn't be an issue.

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Just a small addition. This can be handy within the EH so that it won't trigger anything but grenade stuff:

if (_this select 1 == "THROW") then {MyGrenade = (_this select 6) };

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Just a small addition. This can be handy within the EH so that it won't trigger anything but grenade stuff:

if (_this select 1 == "THROW") then {MyGrenade = (_this select 6) };

That and you can make it grenade class specific with (_this select 4):

if((_this select 4) == "SmokeShellGreen") blah...

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Totally forgot about this thread.

Anyway, how would I get that to work with this?

while{true} do {
[getPosATL "SmokeShellOrange","FIRE_SMALL"] call BIS_fn_createFireEffect;} //obviously this doesnt work. THIS IS ZONE.

((nearestObject [getpos player, "SmokeShellOrange"]) distance player < 10) 
(getpos (nearestObject [getpos player, "SmokeShellOrange"]) select 2 < 0.5)

sleep 5;


So, I'd like to create fire in "ZONE" which is just what I'm calling that line/space.

Also, how would I make it for like, poison gas, so when you walk near it < 10m then you take like, 10dmg/sec until the smoke is over (or deletevehicle)


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Ok, just to clarify what your going for, you want to create a fire effect on the position of the orange smoke grenade?

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Yep. And, we gotta make sure that the fire does damage, I'm not sure if the fire is cosmetic.

Also, I dont want to have only 1 flame if possible, but a few around, so I can kill AI and such.

Also how do I call BIS-whitescreen? :D

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Try this....halfway psuedo, halfway has a chance:

player addEventHandler ["Fired",
if (((_this select 1) isEqualTo "THROW") && {((_this select 4) isEqualTo "SmokeShellOrange")}) then
	_grenadeObj = (_this select 6);
	_grenadePos = getPos _grenadeObj;
	_makeFire = [_grenadePos,_grenadeObj] spawn
		private ["_grenadePos","_createdFires"];
		_grenadePos = (_this select 0);
		_grenadeObj = (_this select 1);
		_createdFires = [];
		//below creates anywhere from 2-5 fires in a ~5m radius around the grenade's position
		for "_i" from 0 to (floor(random 4)+2) step 1 do
			_fire = "test_EmptyObjectForFireBig" createVehicle [((_grenadePos select 0) + floor(random(6))),
																((_grenadePos select 1) + floor(random(6)))
																(_grenadePos select 2)];
			_createdFires pushBack _fire;
		//I think the below should work
		waitUntil {isNull _grenadeObj || !alive _grenadeObj};
		{ deleteVehicle _x; } count _createdFires > 0;

Also how do I call BIS-whitescreen? :D

I have no idea.

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Do you know what I mean by whitescreen? :/

Like, with a trigger u can make whitescreen/blackscreen/tv set or wtv. Like that.

Will test right now!

---------- Post added at 21:57 ---------- Previous post was at 21:52 ----------

SITREP: doesnt work :( is _createdfires something?

You may want to look at the BIS createfire thing I used, maybe that would work.

Idk. Still new @ scripting so I'm purely suggestions.

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Well, the below makes the fires and such, just not the right position:

player addEventHandler ["Fired",
if ((_this select 4) isEqualTo "SmokeShellOrange") then
	_grenadeObj = (_this select 6);
	_makeFire = [_grenadeObj] spawn
		private ["_grenadePos","_grenadeObj","_createdFires"];
		_grenadeObj = (_this select 0);
		_grenadePos = getPos _grenadeObj;
		_createdFires = [];
		sleep 2;
		for "_i" from 0 to (floor(random 4)+2) step 1 do
			_fire = "test_EmptyObjectForFireBig" createVehicle [((_grenadePos select 0) + floor(random(6))),
																((_grenadePos select 1) + floor(random(6))),
																(_grenadePos select 2)];
			_createdFires pushBack _fire;
			sleep 0.01;
		waitUntil {isNull _grenadeObj || !alive _grenadeObj};
		{ deleteVehicle _x; } count _createdFires > 0;

And atm, I'm not quite sure why it's giving that result, it seems that it gets the position of the grenade not too long after it leaves the player's hand but I haven't found any type of "waitUntil" to combat that.

Edited by JShock

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maybe waitUntil {isTouchingGround _grenadeObj} can help here

AND to make fire manually:

	_colorRed =          0.6;
_colorGreen =        0.5;
_colorBlue =         0.5;
_particleLifeTime =  1;
_particleDensity =   100;
_particleSize =      1;
_particleSpeed =     2;
_effectSize =        1.2;
_orientation =       5.4;
_damage =            1;

//--- FIRE
_emisorFuego = "#particlesource" createVehicle _pos;
_emisorFuego setPosATL _pos;
_emisorFuego setParticleParams [["\A3\data_f\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal",16,10,32], "", "billboard", 1, _particleLifeTime, [0,0,0], [0,0,0.4 * _particleSpeed], 0, 0.0565, 0.05, 0.03, [0.9*_particleSize,0],[[1*_colorRed,1*_colorGreen,1*_colorBlue,-0], 1*_colorRed,1*_colorGreen,1*_colorBlue,-1],1*_colorRed,1*_colorGreen,1*_colorBlue,-1],[1*_colorRed,1*_colorGreen,1*_colorBlue,-1],1*_colorRed,1*_colorGreen,1*_colorBlue,-1],1*_colorRed,1*_colorGreen,1*_colorBlue,0]],[1], 0.01, 0.02, "", "", "",_orientation,false,-1,[[3,3,3,0]]];
_emisorFuego setParticleRandom [_particleLifeTime / 4, [0.15*_effectSize,0.15*_effectSize,0], [0.2,0.2,0], 0.4, 0, [0,0,0,0], 0, 0, 0.2];

if (_damage > 0) then {_emisorFuego setParticleFire [0.6*_damage, 0.25*_damage, 0.1];};
_emisorFuego setDropInterval (1/_particleDensity);

_lightSize = (_particleSize + _effectSize)/2;

_light = createVehicle ["#lightpoint", (getPos _emisorFuego), [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_light setPos [_pos select 0,_pos select 1,(_pos select 2) + 0.5];
_light setLightBrightness 1.0;
_light setLightColor [1,0.65,0.4];
_light setLightAmbient [0.15,0.05,0];
_light setLightIntensity (50 + 400*_lightSize);
_light setLightAttenuation [0,0,0,1];
_light setLightDayLight false;

Edited by KoVValsky

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maybe waitUntil {isTouchingGround _grenadeObj} can help here

Tried that and the code never gets past that waitUntil block, same goes for checking the grenade's velocity. And isTouchingGround can be unpredictable at times when it is the only condition.

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Ok.. and waitUntil {(((getPosATL _grenadeObj) select 2) < 0.1 or something?)?

player addEventHandler ["Fired",
   if ((_this select 4) isEqualTo "SmokeShellOrange") then
       _grenadeObj = (_this select 6);
       _makeFire = [_grenadeObj] spawn
           private ["_grenadePos","_grenadeObj","_createdFires"];

           // FOR TESTING ONLY, BUT IT WORKS -----------
		while {((getPosATL (_this select 0))select 2)> 0.1} Do 
			hint format ["%1",(getPosATL (_this select 0))select 2];
			sleep 0.1;
           // ---------------------------------------------
           _grenadeObj = (_this select 0);
           _grenadePos = getPos _grenadeObj;
           _createdFires = [];
           sleep 2;
           for "_i" from 0 to (floor(random 4)+2) step 1 do
               _fire = "test_EmptyObjectForFireBig" createVehicle [((_grenadePos select 0) + floor(random(6))),
                                                                   ((_grenadePos select 1) + floor(random(6))),
                                                                   (_grenadePos select 2)];
               _createdFires pushBack _fire;
               sleep 0.01;
           waitUntil {isNull _grenadeObj || !alive _grenadeObj};
           { deleteVehicle _x; } count _createdFires > 0;

Edited by KoVValsky

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Ok.. and waitUntil {(((getPosATL _grenadeObj) select 2) < 0.1 or something?)?

Yep, that seems to do the trick:

player addEventHandler ["Fired",
   if ((_this select 4) isEqualTo "SmokeShellOrange") then
       _grenadeObj = (_this select 6);
       _makeFire = [_grenadeObj] spawn
           private ["_grenadePos","_grenadeObj"];
           _grenadeObj = (_this select 0);
		waitUntil { (getPosATL _grenadeObj select 2) < 0.1 };
		_grenadePos = getPosATL _grenadeObj;
           sleep 1;
           for "_i" from 0 to (floor(random 4)+2) step 1 do
               _fire = "test_EmptyObjectForFireBig" createVehicle [((_grenadePos select 0) + floor(random(6))),
                                                                   ((_grenadePos select 1) + floor(random(6))),
                                                                   (_grenadePos select 2)];
               sleep 0.01;

Edited by JShock

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Will check in 5 min or so...I assume I am checking the most recent comment?

Also how would I add a line of code that says _unit distance grenade < 5 and loop damage?

For another nade. :D xD

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Well, below is pseudo code to hell, but it's a basic concept brainstorm :p:

while {alive _grenadeObj} do
if (alive player && {player distance _grenadeObj < 5}) then
	player setDamage ((getDamage player) + 0.1);

if (isNull player || !alive player) exitWith{};

sleep 1;//however fast you want damage to be applied

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Also how do I call BIS-whitescreen? :D

For an instant change, you could use ppEffectCreate. But that can only be created and removed instantly plus it's pretty complicated as you can do a lot with post process effects.

Your way to go is probably this:

0 cutText ["", "WHITE OUT", 0.01];
sleep 3;
0 cutText ["", "WHITE IN", 10];

That way, the player is blind for 3 seconds and will slowly regain his view.

Info: For the "WHITE OUT" line, you have to set a value > 0.001 as anything below that (including 0) will result in the default value (1) to be used.

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Will try em tomorrow or so, busy, but code seems good. Plan on maybe using this for my Tier-1 missions (check first one out on workshop!) but yea.

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