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2000+ Hours

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Am I addicted? Just noticed how many hours i have in arma. Gotta say this game is awesome though :)

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Nah. My friend's got 3,000 hours and he's not addicted.

But you're definitely right about this game being fucking awesome :D.

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Same, 2000+ hours. Is s bad for me, idk... I haven't had proper sleep since i started playing Arma. BIS might need to donate me some sleeping pills. Lol

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Well if we're talking hours in A3, then I'll have a look.............

Ahh, 43.. :p

A2 on the other hand, lost count..;)

Although I may be spending more time with A3 in the near future.

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ArmA2 - 500h

DayZ (Own server incl. programming, map-making, support, playing etc.) - approx. 3000h

ArmA3 - approx 500h

.... no you're not.

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You still have the other 3k to go to beat me : ))))

i bet that most of the hours was just testing fixes, improvements and content :D

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i wonder what content u played about 2k hours, mp coop stuff (the stuff a3 is made for) or altis'lobotomy'life/wastedtimeland.

3xx hours on my side (editor/coop mp stuff)

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Am I addicted? Just noticed how many hours i have in arma. Gotta say this game is awesome though :)

I was gonna say the same but i only got 830 hours.

Guess i have to go play some more :D

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I can't create a thread for some reason so I'm just going to ask it here:

How to complete the NATO showcase?

ps: almost 2000 hours too :)

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3217h - and whats this SP showcase stuff I hear talk of ?

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A gamer can be considered an addict if his excessive gaming behavior already causes some significant problems in his life and he still can't quit playing despite the problems. Video game addiction has similar symptoms like the substance addiction and psychological addiction. it has 6 symptoms:

1. Salience → Excessive Gaming becomes something that completely dominates your life. Gaming becomes the most important thing in your life and dominates your thinking (preoccupations and cognitive distortions), feelings (cravings), and behaviour (deterioration of socialized behaviour). For instance, even if you're not actually engaged in the game, you'll be thinking about the next time you will be.

2. Mood Modification → the video game can have the capacity to achieve different mood modifying effects at different times. you use video game as a way of producing a reliable and consistent shift in your mood state as a coping strategy to ‘self-medicate’ and make yourself feel better. you use the video game as a tool to create positive moods/feelings like excitement, happiness, relief in order to remove pain, distress, etc

3. Tolerance → the process whereby increasing amounts of the particular activity are required to achieve the former effects. In gaming, tolerance may involve the gamer gradually having to increase the time or duration of gaming to experience a mood-modifying effect that was initially obtained by a much short time or duration. It involves spending longer and longer periods gaming.

4. Withdrawal → unpleasant feeling states and/or physical effects which occur when the gaming activity is discontinued or suddenly reduced. Such withdrawal effects may be psychological (extreme moodiness, irritability, anxiety, etc) or more physiological (nausea, sweats, headaches, insomnia and other stress-related reactions).

5. Conflict → This refers to conflicts between the addict and those around them (interpersonal conflict) or from within the individual themselves (intrapsychic conflict) which are concerned with the gaming activity. Continual choosing of short-term pleasure and relief leads to disregard of adverse consequences and long-term damage which in turn increases the apparent need for the addictive gaming activity as a coping strategy.

(A) The interpersonal conflict → you end up compromising your:

- personal relationships (partner, children, relatives, friends, etc.),

- working or educational lives (depending on what age they are)

- other social and recreational activities.

(B) Intrapsychic conflict → you may suffer:

- wanting to cut down or stop but you're unable to do so (loss of control).

- health issues due to excessive gaming behavior such as sleep deprivation, malnutrition, etc.

6. Relapse → This refers to the tendency for repeated reversions to earlier patterns of the particular activity to recur and for even the most extreme patterns typical of the height of the addiction to be quickly restored after many years of abstinence or control.

all these components need to be present for a gaming behaviour to be operationally defined as game addiction. if you've spent lot of times playing video games but still don't show the core symptoms (Withdrawal, Conflict, Relapse), you most likely to be defined as High Engagement Gamer

so are you an Addict or just a High Engagement Gamer? :)

Edited by TiborasaurusRex

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I was planning on just stopping with ArmA 3 when i reached the 1000 just to make it look awesome but then i couldn't leave it alone ;P

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only playing = 10hours ......the rest was wasted time :(

Arma 2 CO = 400h++

Arma = 100h+

Opf/res = 500h++

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I wonder how many of you guys, claiming how amazing this game is and so on, have gotten into the series only with A3?

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Well Strelnikoff, I started with Arma 2 and I still love Arma 3 leaps and bounds more. It's not as clunky, for one, and that helps. Really, my only big problem with A3 is the damage, and lack of civilian vehicles.

Personally, I only have 625 hours, sadly. EU IV, CS:GO, and then some have been eating up my time more and more lately. Still more than my hours in Arma 2: 570.

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I've only played 400 hours in ArmA 3. :p

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I haven't played ArmA 3 for 3 months now and i'm good lol!There was a gpu issue i had to deal with.It was a nice break from the game and now i came back.1000h+ and i'll keep playing till ArmA 4 comes out or til WW3 comes.If ArmA 4 comes before WW3 i would really appreciate it thought!

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This thread is not 2,5 years old ;) and it's about the same...just...more

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