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Open two doors simultaneously with one action

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I'd like to combine the door open action for a pair of doors. I've followed some older threads with information about this, but keep getting errors when I try what they did. Can someone help me rewrite this so I can open and close the doors together? I based my building on the Test_House in Samples_F.

  class OpenDoor_1
   displayNameDefault = "<img image='\A3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Actions\open_door_ca.paa' size='2.5' />"; 
// This is displayed in the center of the screen just below crosshair. In this case it's an icon, not a text.
   displayName = "Open Door"; 
// Label of the action used in the action menu itself.
   position = Door_1and2_trigger; 
// Point in Memory lod in p3d around which the action is available.
   priority = 0.4; 
// Priority coefficient used for sorting action in the action menu.
   radius = 2.5; 
// Range around the above defined point in which you need to be to access the action.
   onlyForPlayer = false; 
// Defines if the action is available only to players or AI as well.

   condition = ((this animationPhase 'Door_1_rot') < 0.5) && ((this animationPhase 'Hitzone_2_hide') < 0.99999); 
   // Condition for showing the action in action menu. In this case it checks if the door is closed and if the part of the house in which the door is located hasn't been destroyed yet).
   statement = ([this, 'Door_1_rot'] execVM "\ART\ART_Arch\Scripts\DoorNoHandle_open.sqf"); 
   // Action taken when this action is selected in the action menu. In this case it runs a script that opens the door.
  class CloseDoor_1: OpenDoor_1
   displayName = "Close Door";
   priority = 0.2;
   condition = ((this animationPhase 'Door_1_rot') >= 0.5) && ((this animationPhase 'Hitzone_2_hide') < 0.99999); 
// Checks if the door is currently open and not destroyed.
   statement = ([this, 'Door_1_rot'] execVM "\ART\ART_Arch\Scripts\DoorNoHandle_close.sqf");
  class OpenDoor_2: OpenDoor_1
   position = Door_1and2_trigger;
   condition = ((this animationPhase 'Door_2_rot') < 0.5) && ((this animationPhase 'Hitzone_2_hide') < 0.99999);
   statement = ([this, 'Door_2_rot'] execVM "\ART\ART_Arch\Scripts\DoorNoHandle_open.sqf");
  class CloseDoor_2: CloseDoor_1
   position = Door_1and2_trigger;
   condition = ((this animationPhase 'Door_2_rot') >= 0.5) && ((this animationPhase 'Hitzone_2_hide') < 0.99999);
   statement = ([this, 'Door_2_rot'] execVM "\ART\ART_Arch\Scripts\DoorNoHandle_close.sqf");

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