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Camo vs camo1, camo2

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As I was retexturing, i came across a few units that had "camo" in it's hidden section instead of camo1 and camo2. What is the difference? Can the "camo" unit be retextured?

I'm was going to retexture the FIA squad leader and team leader. But every way I tried, it wouldn't change. But I thought I was able to retexture others like that before.

Can those 2 be retextured? I really want them.

Also does a "insignia" interfere?


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Insignia is there for the patch that goes on the left arm.

Camo, Camo1, Camo2 or whatever, is the name of the hiddenselection that the model looks for. It's absolutely important that you choose the correct one. Do those two units have stuff in hiddenSelections and hiddenSelectionsTextures?

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Usually, if the model has only one selection with changeable texture, its name is 'camo'. If there are more, they're named with numbers ('camo1', 'camo2'). However, it's just a name, in your model you can use whatever you see fit. The important thing is to define the selections used in the model in the hiddenSelections property (for example 'hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1","camo2"};), so you can change the textures via the hiddenSelectionsTextures property. You can check the config viewer to see whether the selections are defined in the model you want to retexture, so you would know what to include in your config.

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Thanks, that's what I wanted to know.

Except for the FIA squad leader and team leader. It says "camo" in his hidden selection, with this texture: "A3\characters_f_beta\indep\data\officer_spc_co.paa"

but I haven't been able to use; this setObjectTexture [0,"blah, blah, blah.PAA"]; It works for all the others. But not him.

I really want to retexture him for csat. I don't want to use the opfor/indy officer like everyone else does. The FIA SL and TL look good. So I hope someone can help me figure this out.

I also ran into this "camo" issue before. I was retexturing a Hind and was using the SFP mod. Their hind said "camo" and "insignia" and I couldn't change it's textures. That's why I asked if "insignia" might interfere.

I was using A2 hinds until I got rid of A2 stuff in A3. So I have a really good looking AAF hind and 3 Russian/csat ones but haven't found a good one yet. One mod has some but they come out really really dark.


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Leaders have the hiddenSelections property inherited from the parent class, but the model has no 'camo' selection, it has 'camo1' (the uniform) and 'camo2' (the scarf) instead, so the textures from the model are used. You can retexture these characters via config, just define the right selections, and set textures for them.

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