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Problem exiting while loop

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The overall situation is that I have built a GUI where I can add three inputs, to a map marker script, containing following while loop:

while {?????} do //
	_Name setMarkerPosLocal [(getPos leader _grp select 0),(getPos leader _grp select 1)];
	sleep 6;

now lets say I'm not happy with my input choice, and want to change them, then I am running the same script, which makes another marker(now I have two markers), so my problem is how can I break the first script "while loop", while still running the second one?

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You will need an if exitWith check in the while loop, something like this:

//Psuedo code
while {blah} do

if (isNull _marker) exitWith {};


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spawn, terminate

loop1 = [] spawn
while {true} do

loop2 = [] spawn
while {true} do

//now you decide you don't want to use loop1 anymore
terminate loop1;

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my problem exit this loop intro and back game


titlecut [" ","BLACK IN",3];
_camera = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0];
_camera cameraeffect ["external", "front"];
showCinemaBorder true;
while {true} do
_aliveCount = count allUnits; 
_aliveSelect = _aliveCount - 1;
_randomSelect = round random _aliveSelect;
_newTarget = allUnits select _randomSelect;
_camera camsettarget _newTarget;
_randomX = (random 6);
_randomY = (random 6);
_camera camsetrelpos [_randomX,_randomY,4];
_camera camcommit 0;
sleep (3+ (random 6));

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