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bad benson

Enhanced Movement

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Will this work fine in the latest Dev Build? I'm a big fan of these climbing actions.

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no safe drop won't be changed. works great. looks okish. talking about going crouch after certain landing from certain heights and prone from even higher. i'll remove that until i can make it look and feel better.


does not work with ACE concurrently, seems to keep vanilla stamina AND ace stamina when your mod is enabled.


launched with just ACE and CBA, advanced fatigue working fine.


launch with ACE, EM and CBA, advanced fatigue now has vanilla stamina running at the same time, breaking advanced fatigue. 

will this be fixed?

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Will this work fine in the latest Dev Build? I'm a big fan of these climbing actions.


i don't see why it wouldn't . haven't tested it though.


will this be fixed?


maybe some time in the future. not very likely though.


i was considering removign the possibility to disable stamina bu i think the problem you describe is more likely caused by the stamina penalty being applied. and that part is pretty integral.

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i don't see why it wouldn't . haven't tested it though.



maybe some time in the future. not very likely though.


i was considering removign the possibility to disable stamina bu i think the problem you describe is more likely caused by the stamina penalty being applied. and that part is pretty integral.

would it be very easy to remove the stamina part of your mod on my side for use with ACE?

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would it be very easy to remove the stamina part of your mod on my side for use with ACE?

You can turn stamina off in the EM menu.


BB-have you been able to figure out what the issue was with the error  I posted yesterday-about the IR laser?

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You can turn stamina off in the EM menu.


BB-have you been able to figure out what the issue was with the error  I posted yesterday-about the IR laser?

there is no option to turn off the stamina..

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You can turn stamina off in the EM menu.


BB-have you been able to figure out what the issue was with the error  I posted yesterday-about the IR laser?


i don't think that will fix his issue though.


haven't looked into the laser thing yet. but there's gonna be another update soon taking care of that.




there is no option to turn off the stamina..


why would he say so if there wasn't? have you actually checked all options that are available? it's not many.


anyways. if i ever get to it, then there will be a module for more options in a future update. i can put an option to disable stamina penalties in there. we'll see.


overall i'm not really interested in putting too much work into feature overlap related issues . it's an infinite list of possibilities and just the nature of things. if one mod modifies stamina and another does too then it's just logical that there will be issues.

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Very nice mod so far... with one exception:


Please please please don't hack your settings dialog directly into the ArmA menu (we would get total chaos if every mod did that !!!).


"Configure" >> "Controls" >> "Configure Addons"

THAT is where it belongs.


Not to mention that this could also give us more freedom, like beeing able to trigger a function by doubletapping a key. (running out of keys to bind :P)





ps.: Personally I'd prefer if you split this into seperate mods, with seperate keys.

It's called "enhanced movement" after all, not "enhanced anything_BB_wants_to_enhance" ;)

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I agree 100%, but bad bad benson does what he does, and bitches be damned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(FYI - we are the bitches)



Also, BI pay bad benson, and just incorporated this awesome mod into a new update. If you ask nicely he might just give it to you for free. Seriously, Arma needs this mod badly in vanilla.

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"enhanced anything_BB_wants_to_enhance" ;)

Lol... but it could be



I agree 100%, but bad bad benson does what he does, and bitches be damned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(FYI - we are the bitches)



Also, BI pay bad benson, and just incorporated this awesome mod into a new update. If you ask nicely he might just give it to you for free. Seriously, Arma needs this mod badly in vanilla.

Lol... I wasn't sure we were the bitches till u said so ;)

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feedback acknowledged but that won't change anytime soon sorry.

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not sure how many people actually use the fast interaction stuff but i just realised i was using the wrong lod to detect doors all along :face_palm: was wondering why it wasn't working as intended.


in short: that means you will be able to open any door, including glass doors and fence gates, with one button press by just looking at the actual door geometry. it's one of those hidden poorly documented features but one i use all the time.


another long time issue that will be attempted to fix and is worth mentioning is the ability to climb with binoculars in your hands. i always forgot to put that transition in there so it was limited to the three main weapon slots.

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Oh by the way. If I hold shift and click somewhere in the menu, that settings dialog will jump to my cursor and stick there until I release the button again.

This is quite annoying when working in the devconsole.

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that's a feature (hold shift to move the menu) incase it overlaps with other menus...


i constantly work with the dev console and never had a problem like this.


EDIT: actually i was able to reproduce it now. next time please describe the issue in more detail. easier to fix. i actually never select text like that but i assume that is what you meant. should be fixable. but it's on the bottom of the list for sure.

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Is this being updated on Play with Six? Version numbers don't match Armaholic and our group is worried we are missing out on things. 

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Is this being updated on Play with Six? Version numbers don't match Armaholic and our group is worried we are missing out on things. 


hm. gotta ask the SIX people.


that being said. i'm working on some small changes at the moment. so steam is most uptodate currently for testing purposes. will post a link for other mirrors very soon. i jsut want to make sure it's as stable as possible. so peopel can just keep using it like before.


i forgot (again :face_palm: ) about the frame handlers not throwing errors . so making a version without them made me aware of some error spam. i wanna fix that so RPTs can stay as clean as possible. so nothing big. probably tomorrow.


so most likely one more update before the update with the server side module. after that resting time.

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I wish all people who made addons felt this way. :)


 i wanna fix that so RPTs can stay as clean as possible. 

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i don't think that will fix his issue though.


haven't looked into the laser thing yet. but there's gonna be another update soon taking care of that.





why would he say so if there wasn't? have you actually checked all options that are available? it's not many.


anyways. if i ever get to it, then there will be a module for more options in a future update. i can put an option to disable stamina penalties in there. we'll see.


overall i'm not really interested in putting too much work into feature overlap related issues . it's an infinite list of possibilities and just the nature of things. if one mod modifies stamina and another does too then it's just logical that there will be issues.

that's great, but it only works in singleplayer.. not many people play ACE in singleplayer :)

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that's great, but it only works in singleplayer.. not many people play ACE in singleplayer :)


what did you want to achieve again? if you want to disable stamina in MP why don't you ask the people who made the mission or the server admins? you can disable your stamina by running this code:


player enableStamina false;


i think there might also be an addon that disables stamina permanently. not sure.


the menu option only works in SP because it could be considered a cheat, if you do it client side.

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The previous version worked wonderfully with Realistic Units Ragdoll, but latest version constantly crashes to desktop. Please fix this!

P.S. I don't play ArmA3 without Realistic Units Ragdoll.

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small update.



- fixed: the laser script error

- added: automatic Exile support, compatibility pbo obsolete

- added: experimental laser line (can't remember if this is new or not). it's in a pretty generic position since there is no way (that i know of) to get the IR laser position...totally optional

- removed: landing animations...until i made something more pretty and smooth


google drive


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