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Hopefully someone can answer this in time (i know its pretty late)

Ive been doing trademark research recently, and have noticed that pretty much everything is trademarked. AMRAAM is a trademark, Sidewinder is a trademark, F-35 is a trademark, Lightning II is a trademark,

heck, pretty much every addon submission i look at i can find something that is trademarked (USS-iowa PHALANX is trademarked, TFAR Falcon III is a trademark, Bundeswehr MP7 G36 Aimpoint all trademarks... and so on)

everything is a trademark... Will this stuff get us disqualified?

edit: looks like i totally fubared the title somehow. oh well.

Edited by Olli_

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Hi Olli, we consider depicting a vehicle or weapon and naming it by its military designation allright for the purpose of the contest, and we will NOT disqualify anyone for e.g. naming M-16 as "M-16" in game. However, it will probably do no harm if you avoid company names or obvious brands (e.g. "Aimpoint"). Please note that MANW contestats warrant they hold the rights, and if we (BI) would receive compaints of copyright or trademark holders, we will investigate and make sure to remove any infringements in cooperation with respective entry's authors.

Please, may you tell me about the references for trademark ownership you used? PM will certainly do if you'd feel an extensive info would clutter the thread. Thanks in advance!

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Thank you for the information!

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