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How can I have ArmA NOT loading mods?

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OK guys, this seems to be a stupid question.

Usually I start ArmA via long command lines with -mod=@x;@y;@mod;@anotherone. For my mod testing I sometimes need to start vanilla ArmA. But with no -mod= part in the command line ArmA loves to load recent mods, which I have to deactivate via UI one by one, which sucks. I simply want to tell it not to load mods at startup - but how? I want to express my wish through a command line...


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At some point you have opened the expansions menu in-game and clicked ok. This writes the currently active mods to arma3.cfg.

Using the -mod=xxx will ignore the cfg settings but omitting it will not, so you end up starting mods you have in the cfg.

Open your arma3.cfg and delete all non-official mods under the "class ModLauncherList". And promise never to open that menu again.

Using empty -mod= will not remove the mods from the config.

Edited by Greenfist

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Using empty -mod= will not remove the mods from the config.

It won't remove them from arma3.cfg but it will run that instance of the game in vanilla mode without any non official mods active.

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Dude, use BIS' launcher or a 3rd party launcher to activate/deactivate mods. Messing with the command line is too much time wasted! Easier to just check/uncheck boxes and launch!

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Thanks guys.

It won't remove them from arma3.cfg but it will run that instance of the game in vanilla mode without any non official mods active.

Yup, if it does, it's enough for me.

No its not waste of time. I use template cmd's with varianles, because with specific missions I need to replay them with exactly the same mods, due to the nature of ArmA. So I simply replicate cmd files. It's my way of doing things. It guy, cannot resist.

Example, if anyone is interested.


SET mods=@JSRS2;@sthud;@st_gi;@status_hud;@st_nametags;@st_map_autobrightness;@bzly_UIcorrections
SET mods=%mods%;@advancedballistics;@atragmx;@kestrel4500;@agm_essentials;@bcombat
SET mods=%mods%;@blastcore_a3;@tpw_mods;@tort_dynamicWeather

REM ==========[Weapons and factions]===========
SET mods=%mods%;@asdg_jr;@hlcmods;@hlcmods_core;@hlcmods_fal;@hlcmods_g3;@hlcmods_jsrs;@hlcmods_m14;@hlcmods_m60e4

REM ========[Defaults]============
SET mods=@CBA_A3;@BaBe_midTex;%mods%

"_Arma III Vanilla.cmd"

[_Arma III Vanilla.cmd]

@echo off
start /b "" "c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\arma3.exe" -nosplash -skipIntro -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 %flags% "-mod=%mods%" -name=Tortuosit %init%

Also in those templates I have the islands plus their dependencies and don't need to reinvestigate:

REM ==========[A2 ISLANDS]===========
SET mods=%mods%;@AllInArmaTerrainPack
rem SET mods=%mods%;OA\@mcn_aliabad;@ascz\aliabad
rem SET mods=%mods%;OA\@ngs_capraia;@ascz\Capraia
rem SET mods=%mods%;OA\@Carraigdubh
rem SET mods=%mods%;OA\@MBG_Celle2;OA\@mbg_buildings3
rem SET mods=%mods%;OA\@CLAFghan;@ascz\clafghan
rem SET mods=%mods%;@everon2013
rem SET mods=%mods%;@Fata;@ascz\fata;OA\@praa_av;@ascz\afghanvillage
rem SET mods=%mods%;OA\@fallujah;@ascz\Fallujah
rem SET mods=%mods%;OA\@mcn_hazarkot
rem SET mods=%mods%;OA\@Isla_Duala;OA\@ibr_dtowns;OA\@mbg_gen_afr_buildings;OA\@brg_africa
rem SET mods=%mods%;OA\@Jade
rem SET mods=%mods%;OA\@katherine
rem SET mods=%mods%;OA\@Lingor;OA\@Lingor_Units;OA\@ibr_plants;OA\@brg_africa;OA\@MBG_Buildings2;OA\@csj_snake;OA\@chn_crocodile
rem SET mods=%mods%;OA\@mb_mana;OA\@mb_veg_adv;OA\@mb_rocks
SET mods=%mods%;@Namalsk;@ascz\Namalsk
rem SET mods=%mods%;OA\@Napf
rem SET mods=%mods%;@Nziwasogo;OA\@ibr_dtowns;OA\@mbg_gen_afr_buildings;OA\@brg_africa
rem SET mods=%mods%;OA\@Panthera;OA\@ibr_rn;OA\@ibr_plants;@ascz\Panthera
rem SET mods=%mods%;OA\@FDF_Podagorsk;@ascz\Podagorsk
rem SET mods=%mods%;OA\@caa1;OA\@oac_core
rem set mods=%mods%;@sfp_islands;@sfp
rem SET mods=%mods%;OA\@Sangin;OA\@beton;OA\@mb_objects;OA\@mbg_killhouses;OA\@opx_objects
rem SET mods=%mods%;@sangin_a3_public
rem SET mods=%mods%;OA\@Schwemlitz;OA\@Thirsk;OA\@MBG_Buildings3;OA\@mb_veg_adv
rem SET mods=%mods%;OA\@Taviana;OA\@taviana_objects
rem SET mods=%mods%;OA\@Thirsk
rem SET mods=%mods%;OA\@Tigeria;OA\@Tigeria_se;OA\@Tigeria_Units;OA\@Isla_Duala;OA\@ibr_dtowns;OA\@mbg_gen_afr_buildings;OA\@brg_africa
Edited by tortuosit

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I use both shortcuts and a launcher, depending on what I'm doing. Ranging from private ops with modpacks to editing and developing addons.

Incidentally, the right launcher can indeed achieve what you're doing with those cmd files, tortuosit, but I dig your style.

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Or you could create several new icons with parameters of each mission/game mode included, that's what I would do for your situation.

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I use a folder with .bat files I find it best for me.

an example .bat

@echo off
echo Launching Lord BL1PPYS Arma3...
start "" /wait /High "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3.exe" -noBugs -use64bit "-mod=@BL1PsAwsomeModofExcellenceV1"

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