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Custom soldiers used and Placing units in buildings

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Disclaimer: Forgive me if this is not the right place to post this. If it is wrong, please attach instructions on how to move this and I will.

Hello All, I dig Arma 3, have from the early days.

Zeno, your framework seems to make my mission creating versatile, thanks.

1. Can you explain what I can modify to allow me to spawn my choice of Opfor soldier?

2. Can you explain what I can modify to allow me to spawn my choice of Bluefor soldier?

What I trying to relay is, what script can I modify to allow me to insert the "Classname" of the soldiers, of my choice, I want to use.

3. I've been trying to use the Zen_FindBuildingPositions to place my soldiers of choice in buildings.

Thank you in advance!


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