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[CODE SNIPPET] Fun with scripting - Make a gun that shoots CARS

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Hello all,

I got bored again tonight and decided to mess around with Event Handlers. Turns out making a gun that shoots strider's is easy!

I wish my video didn't come out at 360p for some reason and is blurry as hell.

add to your init.sqf

player addEventHandler ["Fired",
_bullet = _this select 6;
_dir = _this select 0;
_velocity = velocity _bullet;
[_bullet, _velocity, _dir] spawn 
	sleep 0.02;
	_newPos = getPos (_this select 0);
	deleteVehicle (_this select 0);
	_newBullet = createVehicle ["I_MRAP_03_F", _newPos, [], 0, "NONE"];
	//_newBullet setDir (_this select 2); //breaks setVelocity for some reason. do not uncomment.
	_newBullet setVelocity (_this select 1);

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Nice effort. Some of the syntax is wrong though which is why you had issues with setDir plus you don't need to spawn unless you really want to.

player addEventHandler ["Fired", {
   _bullet = _this select 6;
   _unit = _this select 0;
   _newPos = _unit modelToWorld [0,8,1];
   _veh = createVehicle ["I_MRAP_03_F",_newPos,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
   _veh setDir getDir _unit;
   _veh setVelocity velocity _bullet;
   deleteVehicle _bullet;

Edited by Das Attorney

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Thanks, I still get commands wrong sometimes too! Anyway, the reason I had spawned a new thread was specifically for the sleep statement, you don't want to spawn a car right at the barrel. Maybe I should have tested that, though. I just thought it was best to avoid it so I don't inadvertently create an awesome suicide method. :p

Also, I noticed that sometimes the cars would not be spawned where they should (sometimes they'd be off to the side), is that related to the "CAN_COLLIDE" you changed?

Edited by DreadedEntity

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Yes the CAN_COLLIDE tells the engine that the object being created doesn't need to go through a "safe position" to spawn check, basically putting it where it's "supposed" to be. Now obviously if it ends up somewhere without proper space, a vehicle might just explode, but I never minded a fireworks show here and there :p.

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