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Cut ennemy fingers script

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Hi there, I'm looking for a script that will allow a specific faction (FIA in my case) to cut one of the finger of a dead body from another faction (it must be dead).

I spend my afternoon looking and turning around but I can't find a clue, maybe someone can help me ?

Cheers ;)

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Here's a simple pseudo method. There may be some syntax errors as i can't test it atm and I'm pretty rusty too. At any rate...

//Add to the init line of the unit. The one who's finger you want to cut off. 
this addAction [
     "Cut Off Finger", 
     {hint "The finger has been stored in your bags"}, 
     "!alive _target && {faction _this == 'IND_G_F'}" //condition for action to appear

Edited by Iceman77

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If you want to see the finger missing from the body , there's no possible way .

For just a finger in front of you maybe an addaction opening a gui menu with an imported finger image ... :j:

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Yup, i'll try your script tomorrow Iceman, but i've to give the finger to a pnj in order to validate the mission how can i script that ?

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You essentially want to cut the finger off of a corpse and give it to another person back at base to complete the objective? I hope I'm on target here...

dead guy

this addAction [
     "Cut Off Finger", 
     {hint "You've cut off the finger and stored in your bags.";gotFinger=true;publicVariable "gotFinger";}, 
     "!alive _target && {faction _this == 'IND_G_F'}" //wait until the unit is dead and run a faction check before the action may be used 

Officer back at base

this addAction [
     "Give The Finger To The Officer", 
     {hint "You've given the finger to the officer. Objective completed."; objDone=true; publicVariable "objDone";}, 
     "gotFinger" //wait for the variable -gotFinger- to become true before the action is visible

Obviously you can use your own variables and even run different code. ie; for updating your briefing / objectives. Hope that helps.

Edited by Iceman77

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Sorry for using the world "pnj", its NPC in english and pnj in frencch, but thanks a lot, I'll give it a try this morning, i'll keep you posted :)

EDIT : Working like a charm, thanks a lot bro :D

Too bad that you're that far i would offer you a beer xD

Edited by Kreator
Working :D

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