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Spawning Underwater Mines?

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I'm trying to do a few things with Naval mines, specifically the bottom one, "UnderwaterMineAB".

Couple of questions.

1) I can't seem to spawn them using anything other than placing them in editor. I've tried things like "mine1= createVehicle ["UnderwaterMineAB",(getmarkerpos "mineLoc"),[],5,"NONE"];" but it just doesn't spawn anything.

2) Is there any way to set it so players (and only players, not AI) will set those mines off?

3) There any way to disable the "I see a mine!" automated message a player yells out?

4) Is there any way to change the texture/color of them? I've tried just messing with the base colors by doing "mine1 setObjectTextureGlobal [0,"#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0)"];", but it doesn't do anything to it.

Any ideas?

Edited by Meatball

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1) Use createMine to create it. And you'll need to set its position to get it to sit just below the surface (about 2m).

_mine = createMine ["UnderwaterMine", [_pos select 0,_pos select 1], [], 0];
_mine setPosATL [_pos select 0,_pos select 1,(getPosATL _mine select 2) - 2];

2&3&4) not that I'm aware of.

Edited by roy86

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Why is there a separate command for creating mines? Is a mine not a vehicle just as any other object (except for markers, triggers, groups and other "game logic" things)?

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