KingScuba 1 Posted August 31, 2014 (edited) This will be simply a text document, so people can see what's going on. I'll be bumping this topic when I edit something in, and discarding this when both my video and written guide are complete. The longterm goal of this is to get as much input as I can before commiting it to video and image work, since text is much easier to fix than a video. The goal of 102 is to enhance the knowledge gained in 101, and aid players transfering from Utility Helicopters (UH) to Attack Helicopters (ATKH or AH). Airschool 102 Hello, and welcome! This is the 2nd installment of my Arma flight school series. In 102, we’ll be discussing combat tactics and deployment. I will not baby you in this lesson as I did in 101. I expect you to come to 102 as a 101 graduate. If you haven’t read my 101 guide, I recommend you do so, since 102 will fly over your head. In this guide, I will be discussing how to use any gunship effectively while keeping your survival rate as high as possible. I. Table of Contents I. Table of Contents II. Making use of your bird III. Fundamentals Brevity Code, it’s use and how you can use it in arma. Responsibilites between the gunner and the pilot PilotFlying Flight Plan Spotting if needed Situational Awareness Radar Bird Dog Coordinating with gunner for movement Communicating with Command [*]Gunner Aiming Prioritizing Targets Spotting Coordinating with pilot for best shots Communicating with Squad Actuals to line up shots [*] Using the Terrain When you should fly high and when you should fly low IV. Planning the Mission Study the intel and targets Study the map and set up reference points Set up Ingress and Initial Point A note about Fuel High threat vs Low Threat Attacking more than once Set up Egress V. Ten Rules to Live By Avoid Target Area Overflight Stay as far away as possible Avoid flying in the Dead Man’s zone Make a high reconnaissance when possible Always assume that the area is hot Always Identify targets Conserve your ammo Know the intel and utilize it Attack the enemy flank whenever possible. Stay calm, take your time VI. How to use your ATKH and Ordiance AH-9 Pawnee (Light) M134 Minigun DAR [*]PO-30 Orca (Medium) Gatling 6.5 mm DAGR [*]WY-55 Hellcat (Medium) M123 Minigun DAR [*]AH-99 Blackfoot (Heavy) Gatling Cannon 20mm DAGR (Wireguide or Lock on) ASRAAM [*]Mi-48 Kajman (Heavy) Cannon Caseless 30mm Skalpel ATGM (Wireguide or Lock on) Skyfire Dummy VII. Tactics Breakdown - Light ATKH Ground Attacks Vs Light Armor Vs Heavy Armor Vs infantry Suppression Vs Static Strategies AI vs PVP Flying Patterns What NEVER to do. Air to Air Vs Gunships Vs Jets Stay Low Fire at max range Fire First Lose Sight, Lose fight Mission First AA and you Countermeasures Avoidance Pop up attacks NOE is your best friend Break into the missile, not away VIII. Tactics Breakdown - Medium ATKH Ground Attacks Vs Light Armor Vs Heavy Armor Vs infantry Suppression Vs Static Strategies AI vs PVP Flying Patterns What NEVER to do. Air to Air Vs Gunships Vs Jets Stay Low Fire at max range Fire First Lose Sight, Lose fight Mission First AA and you Countermeasures Avoidance Pop up attacks NOE is your best friend Break into the missile, not away IX. Tactics Breakdown - Heavy ATKH Ground Attacks Vs Light Armor Vs Heavy Armor Vs infantry Suppression Vs Static Strategies AI vs PVP Flying Patterns What NEVER to do. Air to Air Vs Gunships Vs Jets Stay Low Fire at max range Fire First Lose Sight, Lose fight Mission First AA and you Countermeasures Avoidance Pop up attacks NOE is your best friend Break into the missile, not away X. Special Thanks To II. Making use of your bird To utilize your bird effectively is your task when rolling as a CAS. Flying your bird shouldn’t be a thought process, it simply is. However, knowing where to be and when is the information I seek to give you in this guide. Knowing when to use your cannon vs when to use your missiles, as well as learning what your High Value Targets (HVT) is essential. III. Fundamentals Brevity Code, it’s use and how you can use it in arma. You know your brevity code. The reason you use it is to convey as much information as you can in as few words as possible. You also know there’s quite a bit of useless wording that simply will not show up in Arma. Arma is a footsoldier simulator, not a flight simulator. As such, brevity code is useful, but will mostly be used to help immersion. However, you should still strive to learn how to communicate effectively. “Bandit 11 left high†Is still QUITE A BIT easier to say than “I see an enemy jet..uuuuuh 11 oclock above us.†Think about what you’re going to say, then say it. Don’t go “Uhhhh†since that uhhhh is probably going to get you fried. If playing with friends, set up your brevity code before the game, and roll with it. Here’s a few examples of brevity that you can utilize in Arma 3 without being too in depth. Code Names : code names allow you to identify your resource to all players. This can be simply what you’re flying “Blackfoot-1â€, “Orca 1â€, etc… Or it can be shortened down “Hawk -1†can mean “Mohawk-1â€. If there’s more than 1 bird of the same type (For example, 3 mohawks), you can identify yourselves easily by saying Hawk-1, Hawk-2, and Hawk-3. Remember also, that you can make use of the phonetic alphabet. Please refer to the bottom of Part 1 of my written 101 guide to see the entire list. Each helicopter has a unique 2 letter start to their name. You can use this to establish yourself as well. For example, Mi is Mike India. You can simply be called Mike 1, or India 1. When talking with your pilot as a gunner, it’s important to help him know when to move. If you perform a pop up maneuver, you should let the pilot know as soon as you’re done firing. This would be a good chat during 1 such instance. There doesn't need to be callsigns between the pilot and gunner, it's just useless chatter since you know the other guy's voice. Gunner: Pop, 2-1-2, DAGGER LOCK Pilot : Copy (Flies up) Gunner (Gets Lock, Fires Missile) : Rifle Out, Break down Pilot : Copy (Flies back down) The above example is short, sweet, and to the point. The gunners first call is to initiate a Pop manuever, in azimuth 212, in order to get a DAGR Lock and then fire if possible. The Pilot flies out of cover, and the gunner Fires his missiles. When his ordinance is expelled, he calls Rifle out (Air to Ground Missile Out) then calls Break Down to tell the pilot to get back into cover. Remember, you and your gunner should create a way to communicate to improve effectiveness before flying. The Above action should take no more than 15 seconds total start to finish. Responsibilites between the gunner and the pilot Pilot Flying – Obviously, the gunner will not fly. Flight Plan – As determined by Command, the pilot will set up the best flight path and stick to it. Spotting if needed – The pilot will always keep his head on a swivel, so why not help your gunner too? Situational Awareness – The gunner is best served with his eyes set in the gunner’s POV. As above, the pilot must stay aware of what’s going on around him. Radar Bird Dog – The pilot MUST pay attention to the radar. Early missile avoidance is seen through the radar, not by the eye. Coordinating with gunner for movement – The gunner will talk to the pilot to set up the most efficient shots. The pilot gets the gunner there. Communicating with Command – The gunner should be trying to talk with squads to prevent friendly fire. Comms get jammed very fast in a large game, so having the pilot talking to the command and the gunner talking to the Actuals is handy. Gunner Aiming – This is obvious. Prioritizing Targets – Know what your gunship can and can’t handle. Attack the high threats, and move on to the low threats as called out. Spotting – You and your pilot are always to be on a swivel to detect any threats. Coordinating with pilot for best shots – Talk to your pilot to line up your shots. Don’t rush your shots either. Take your time and get a solid bead. The element of surprise is lost the second you shoot, don’t waste a rocket on a hill and waste your chance. Communicating with Squad Actuals to line up shots – As before, this helps with comm clutter. Do it if possible. The gunner is also an overwatch, use your information and pass it along to the actuals to let them get into a safer position to increase mission success. Using the Terrain Utilizing your terrain correctly is one of the main things that will make or break you as a pilot, no matter what helicopter you're in. A helicopter can vary its speed and elevation at will. This is a distinct advantage over a jet, which must operate at high speeds to stay airborne. Don't waste this advantage. Terrain Masking Terrain masking is the term for using terrain, made by god or man to mask yourself from unfriendly eyes. A hill and a valley are obvious places for NOE flight, but a skyscraper, barn, and even a lowly haystack can make the difference between life and death. Use everything you can use to keep yourself out of unfriendly eyes. Using terrain masking requires constant vigilance on terrain, objects, and enemy positions and weapon employments that can be used against you. By placing terrain between you and the enemy, you diminish the enemy's capabilities to successfully track and engage you. Attacking using terrain What would you like to see when facing an enemy helicopter? Think about this, and never do what you'd love to see in their position. Learn from your failures, and try not to repeat. Staying still, popping over a hill, or staying in view long enough to get an AA lock is not a good idea. Stay below the crest of a hill at all times. Use the contours of a hill to make an attack by sweeping into view from the side. You can weave in and out of cover while making it even harder for an enemy to get a bead on you. You are NOT fixed wing You are not, nor should you ever fight like a fixed wing resource. Why would you give up your major tactical advantage and engage the enemy as if you were a jet? By varying your speed and attack points, you'll find yourself being much more effective at rotary based combat. By denying this thought process, I see a lot of frustrated pilots. In and out, that's how you should focus on engaging. When you should fly high and when you should fly low There are times when to leave the safety of the ground. Usually, this is vs AI instead of players. You can also fly high (2k meters or higher) in order to allow your gunner to act as a fast moving overwatch. A gunship isn’t only for attacking. If you can use it for surveillance to keep your team alive, do it. Remember that most people lack decent computers. If you can ramp up your view distance and object distance, you have a tactical advantage that the enemy does not. Some may cry unfair, but using every advantage you have to beat your opponent is also an ironclad rule to warfare. IV. Planning The Mission Study the intel and targets Before you fly in any actual mission, you have specific targets you should be assigned. You are to eliminate these targets before anything else. This intel is vital, since it will also tell you what kind of resistance you should expect. High AA possibilities mean you need to stay low and take extra caution. Low to Zero AA possibilities means you can take altitude and punish the enemy. Let's take a look at 2 of the more popular mods, Invade + Annex and King of the Hill. Invade and Annex One of the earliest, and most successful mods made for arma 3. The point of this is to fight against an enemy force in and around a designated point, and eliminate all hostiles. The threats I will face are mass AA from foot soldiers, multiple AA vehicles on the ground and in the air, as well as several tanks. My HTT in order is CAS, AA, Tanks, Armed Vehicles, and Foot Soldiers. My HVT are CAS, Tanks, and Armored Vehicles. The primary mission of CAS in this setting is to take control of the sky to allow UH in, then proceed to prune AA tanks. The mission area covers about 800 meters from the center of the AO. With all the AA presence. My boundaries should set a High Threat area as 1.5k meters from the center of the AO. I set a secondary boundary of 2k meters as a Low Threat area. So my operations will generally take place 1.5 to 2k meters from the AO. King of the Hill This particular mod is 3v3 PvP warfare. Gunships are few and far between, but tanks and 50 cal mounted vehicles will usually show themselves here. If you make your presence known in the AO, you should expect a few AA. Before setting up where your High Threat zones are, you need to consult with your team to figure out if there's any vehicular threats. If there is vehicular threats, consider the high threat zone to be about 1k meters from the center of the AO, with a medium threat zone set up 2k meters from center of AO. You never know what you'll face in KOTH, so getting complacent with threats is easy to do. Assume that there's constant AA presence in the AO to keep a hold of your bird. Study the map and set up reference points Take time to set up key points in your flight path. A mountain, hotel, church, river, or bridge can indicate when you enter enemy territory or when you need to change your flight path to a different vector. Take time to learn these so you don’t keep your nose in your map while flying. Set up Ingress and Initial Point Your ingress to the combat zone is very important. It should factor in all enemy presence that you might encounter as well as when you should switch from cruising to stalking the enemy. The “Initial Point†refers to when you cross from friendly territory to Enemy territory. A note about Fuel Rejoice armaholics. You will RARELY need to take this into consideration. The only helicopter you should worry about concerning this is the pawnee. However harsher missions might set you up with only ¼ tank of fuel to keep balance in the game. No fuel means no flying. High threat vs Low Threat A high threat area is swimming with potential AA and 50 cal action waiting to kill you. A Low threat is the opposite; with little to no presence expected. Knowing which one you’re flying into is essential. If you’ve played any Invade and Annex server, the AO should be considered High threat for 99% of the duration. When there’s only a couple stragglers left in the AO and no heavy armor presence, it becomes Low Threat. A low threat situation is when flying over a village or terrain where your intel indicates zero or very VERY unlikely enemy presence. Attacking more than once If you need to attack more than once, you should not follow the same flight path as you did. You need to come from a different direction, using different tactics. The second your presence is known, the enemy will assume you might do the same thing you just tried. You need to stay flexible or you’ll end up as another crater in the armascape. After the first attack, you should have new intel so you can switch tactics fast in order to keep the enemy down. Use it. Set up Egress Getting out of the AO alive after a job done is your main mission. Try to keep this in mind. You should set up a main egress and an emergency egress before flying. V. Ten Rules To Live By Avoid Target Area Overflight Stay as far away as possible Avoid flying in the Dead Man’s zone Make a high reconnaissance when possible Always assume that the area is hot Always Identify targets Conserve your ammo Know the intel and utilize it Attack the enemy flank whenever possible. Stay calm, take your time VI. How to use your ATKH and Ordiance Every bird is different, from it's armaments to it's airframe, to the way it can fly, and most essentially what it can and cannot do. I aim to explain some of the more key differences, as well as help you understand what each ATKH is capable of. AH-9 Pawnee (Light) The Ah-9 has it's concept from the Boeing AH-6 MELB (Mission Enhanced Little Bird) It is also known as the Killer Egg. It can seat a pilot and a copilot. The pawnee is a littlebird that has had it's seating ripped out and 2 weapon systems added to it. The Pawnee is the only official light ATKH in arma at the time of this guide. A light helicopter doesn't have the sheer firepower or top speeds that come with the Medium and Heavy class of helicopters. The Pawnee shines in recon and suppression fire. It will not devastate a battlefield, nor will it survive much damage. In return for these, it has the most available to it in terms of maneuverability. Do not think that simply because you're in a heavy class, that the little bird is little threat to you. I've encountered quite a few overconfident pilots and shot them down using this light frame. The Pawnee has a major advantage over bigger frames, that being the ability to find cover behind almost anything in arma. It can go places larger birds cannot. Utilize this advantage, and you'll come to love the pawnee. M134 Minigun Twin miniguns that fire at 2000 RPM with a wide spread. Utilizing the spread and sheer ammo you push out, you can make an enemy squad cower in fear. The main advantage of this weapon is the huge ammo belt. No reloading, just spray n pray. Keep your finger on your ammo for seconds, and you'll hit something eventually. DAR DAR is short for Direct Attack Rocket. These are rockets that simply go where you aim them. They're useful against light armor and infantry. They will only dent a tank, or at most take out the turret. Learn how to shoot one rocket at a time, since these fire automatically. PO-30 Orca (Medium) The PO-30 Orca has its concept from the Kamov KA-60 Kasatka (russian for orca). It can seat 8 players, a pilot, and a copilot. The Orca is a cross between a utility helicopter and a gunship. It has capabilities to engage heavy armor, as well as act as a utility helicopter with it's 8 seats. It isn't as maneuverable as the hellcat, but it has more seats. This serves best as a light CAS, Overwatch, Medivac. With it's ability to come in and clear out a couple squads and vehicles, it can secure an LZ for itself to extract or drop off troops. Gatling 6.5 mm The gun itself has tracer ammunition, and fires in a straight line with little spread. It's good for fast strafing and hitting exact targets. Being a 6.5mm, this gun is only efficient for tackling infantry or unarmored vehicles such as trucks and cars. DAGR (Dummy or Lock On) DAGR is short for Direct Attack Guided Rocket. With the particular DAGR on the orca, it will take 5 shots to blow a tank up. DAGR missiles are fire and forget, meaning you can fire with a lock, and move onto the next as soon as you fire. WY-55 Hellcat (Medium) The WY-55 Hellcat has its concept from the AgustaWestland AW-159 Wildcat. The Hellcat is aimed more towards an overwatch and light CAS role. It can seat 4 players, a pilot, and a copilot. You can think of it as a big brother to the Pawnee in terms of how you can use it, with less agility and more armor. It can seat up to 4 players in the back. It's more maneuverable and sits lower than the Orca, so it can utilize terrain and obstacles easier. At the cost of speed and handling, you lose out on some firepower. M134 Minigun Twin miniguns that fire at 2000 RPM with a wide spread. Utilizing the spread and sheer ammo you push out, you can make an enemy squad cower in fear. The main advantage of this weapon is the huge ammo belt. No reloading, just spray n pray. Keep your finger on your ammo for seconds, and you'll hit something eventually. DAR DAR is short for Direct Attack Rocket. These are rockets that simply go where you aim them. They're useful against light armor and infantry. They will only dent a tank, or at most take out the turret. Learn how to shoot one rocket at a time, since these fire automatically. AH-99 Blackfoot (Heavy) The AH-99 is taken from the concept of the Boeing-Sikorsky RAH-66 Comanche (Discontinued). It seats a pilot and a gunner. This is the first gunship released to Arma 3, followed shortly by the Mi-48 kajman. The blackfoot can decimate an entire battlefield by itself. Unlike the rest of the gunships described above, the blackfoot excels at extended long range combat (at least 2k meters out). The best way to use a Blackfoot is simply stay far from the battlefield and unleash hell from where you can't be engaged from easily, or at all. With 28 lock on missiles, you shouldn't have to get close to anything. 1000 x Gatling Cannon 20mm The 20mm is a HE round, that cannot pierce armor. It can take out turrets, but is pretty useless against anything above a light armored vehicle. You have the ability to zero up to 2100 meters. Unfortunately, unless you score a couple direct hits, this will not down enemy infantry despite being HE. Ideally, you want to engage infantry at no more than 800 meters, or the spread from this gun makes it hard to kill. You want to utilize this gun to give highly accurate suppression fire, or to disable light and medium armored vehicles (Up to ifrits, more or less). You can engage tank turrets as well, and you should find a good degree of effectiveness. 24 x DAGR (Dummy, Wire guide, or Lock On) DAGR is short for Direct Attack Guided Rocket. With two shots from a DAGR missile, you can blow a tank up. DAGR missiles are fire and forget, meaning you can fire with a lock, and move onto the next as soon as you fire. The DAGR mounted on the Blackfoot has the additional ability to be manually wire guided onto target, which can be useful against smoke screens. 4 x ASRAAM (Dummy or Lock On) ASRAAM is short for Advanced Short Range Anti Air Missile. If you fire all 4 of these missiles at a target in half second intervals, you'll always hit when facing AI. Being AA, these are very ineffective against armored targets, and achieve slight success against infantry. Use these rockets to disable enemy aircraft, not vehicles. In a pinch, however, 4 AA rockets can generally demolish a tank. Mi-48 Kajman (Heavy) The Mi-48 Kajman has it's concepts from the Mi-28 Havoc, with a coaxial rotor added to it. It seats up to 8 passengers, a pilot, and a gunner. This gunship is the biggest, meanest, and fastest gunship available to you. I will even venture out to say that it is the single most lethal vehicle in all of arma at the moment, bar none. With 500 rounds of 30mm combined, and 46 rockets at your disposal, it's hard not to love this toy. Unlike the blackfoot, the Kajman excels a little closer up. With 38 dummy missiles, you can easily demolish an enemy base from 1k meters out and have enough left over for the next project. 250 x Cannon Caseless 30mm (HE) HE is short for High Explosives. This weapon is just the big brother to the 20mm gatling. It works the same way, with 2400 meter zeroing capabilities. You want to use the HE rounds against infantry and light armored vehicles. You can also bring down houses, bunkers, or any type of structure with this weapon as well. 250 x Cannon Caseless 30mm (APDS) APDS is short for Armor Piercing Discarding Sabot. as above, it has 2400 meter zeroing. Unlike above, you use this against armored vehicles. It is very effective against any vehicle, ground or air. 8x Skalpel ATGM (Dummy, Wireguide, or Lock on) ATGM is short for Anti Tank Guided Missile. ATGM missiles are fire and forget, meaning you can fire with a lock, and move onto the next as soon as you fire. The ATGM mounted on the Kajman has the additional ability to be manually wire guided onto target, which can be useful against smoke screens. You only have 8 of these missiles, so use them carefully. 38 x Skyfire (Dummy) Probably the hardest munition you'll have to get used to on the Kajman is the skyfire. These rockets fire straight ahead of the kajman in a straight line. Unfortunately for you, you have no way to precisely aim these. The easiest way to learn how to aim these is to exit your aiming screen. Skyfire missiles will also act like a standard RPG, and drop over distance, starting around 1k meters out. VII. Tactics Breakdown - Light ATKH Ground Attacks Light helicopters should primarily be used as recon, scouting, and light CAS duties. They're useful for clearing out infantry and generally acting as a secondary over watch. While they can engage heavier targets, such as light tanks, they will not be very effective, since they can only disable the turret at best. Your main airspace will be very low to the ground, at mid to high speeds usually unless setting up for a concentrated attack. Generally, your HVT will be Light Armor, large groups of infantry, and static weapons. Vs Light Armor Light Armor is the extent of what you can effectively engage in a light ATKH. You simply lack the firepower to destroy anything above an Ifrit or Strider. When going for a kill on one of these, you need to approach the enemy from behind their turret. If the vehicle has a GMG on it, you're pretty safe. However, if it's equipped with an HMG, you should use much more caution. While in the air as a light atkh, it's much easier to die to 50 cal than it is almost any other weapon in the field. Unlike a missile which you see coming for a few seconds, a good burst from 50 cal can take you out with little to no warning. I would generally suggest attacking from a medium height to a low pattern. You'll want to start off around the 50 meter mark while moving fast, fire your munitions and turn away into a low path to seek cover from your terrain. If you're forced out onto terrain with little to no cover, you should disengage, or follow a High to NOE path. So you'll want to start your attack from 100 meters or so in the air, dive bomb, and then disengage away from the AOE while following an NOE path to avoid both rockets and 50 cal. This is a cartoon way to engage, but it's effective. Vs Heavy Armor Simply put, do not engage any tanks. Run like a little girl with the devil himself on your heels. A tank is nothing but an ammo sink, and you'll have to use at least half of your load of rockets just to take out the turret. It is generally not worth it when you can focus on taking out several vehicles and 30+ infantry with the same ammo consumption. Vs infantry When engaging infantry, you should try to rely on your minigun. Use 3 to 5 second continuous sprays concentrated in a small area. When engaging, don't sit in a hover. Use some sort of sideways drift, and then duck out of view again. Your main goal is to cause a large disruption and pin the enemy down so your ground forces can move in on the enemy. Don't worry if you only get one or two kills, you've more than likely hit every unit at least once with a peppering spray, which means their aim is unsteady and their movement is potentially slowed. These conditions will cripple your enemy, and make it that much safer for your allies to engage. There's two types of patterns you should consider following when engaging infantry. The first pattern is a low altitude attack. Stay low to the ground, use a little drift, and spray the enemy formation until shots have started coming your way. This is a classic low altitude pop and hide tactic. Generally, this will be the safest tactic you can employ. The second pattern you can follow is a High altitude dive attack. You need to approach the AO from 150 or so meters, locate the enemy ground forces,and pull off a dive bomb. You need to time your dive to end behind a mountain between you and enemy forces, so generally you won't be able to keep yourself on target as easily Suppression Vs Static Strategies AI vs PVP Flying Patterns What NEVER to do. Air to Air Vs Gunships Vs Jets Stay Low Fire at max range Fire First Lose Sight, Lose fight Mission First AA and you Countermeasures Avoidance Pop up attacks NOE is your best friend Break into the missile, not away VIII. Tactics Breakdown - Medium ATKH Ground Attacks Vs Light Armor Vs Heavy Armor Vs infantry Suppression Vs Static Strategies AI vs PVP Flying Patterns What NEVER to do. Air to Air Vs Gunships Vs Jets Stay Low Fire at max range Fire First Lose Sight, Lose fight Mission First AA and you Countermeasures Avoidance Pop up attacks NOE is your best friend Break into the missile, not away IX. Tactics Breakdown - Heavy ATKH Ground Attacks Vs Light Armor Vs Heavy Armor Vs infantry Suppression Vs Static Strategies AI vs PVP Flying Patterns What NEVER to do. Air to Air Vs Gunships Vs Jets Stay Low Fire at max range Fire First Lose Sight, Lose fight Mission First AA and you Countermeasures Avoidance Pop up attacks NOE is your best friend Break into the missile, not away X. Special Thanks To These are the people who've made this guide possible, as well as what they contributed. KingScuba - Maker of this guide Richard Sheffield - Maker of "Gunship Acedemy", I used several resources from this site [10 Rules to live by, along with other tactics]. ( Vince "Beer Camel" Putze - Made a large list of Brevity code and it's uses ( Edited September 29, 2014 by KingScuba Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
the_demongod 31 Posted August 31, 2014 Great guide. Good balance of realism vs. consideration for those who are less skilled or after a hardcore experience. I have my own little list of simpler Brevity codes that are useful to arma, they're in the spoiler below for those interested. Apologies for the ones that were already mentioned in the post or that guide, I simply copy-pasted my list over. I picked ones that are relevant to the systems and mechanics of the game, leaving out more complex ones. The list was made with Fixed wings in mind, but still applies to helicopters. Brevity Codes Bandit - an aircraft ID’d as hostile Bingo - minimum fuel level for safe RTB Bogey - unknown air contact, radar or visual Break (direction) - instruction to perform max-performance evasive maneuver Broke Lock (advisory) - loss of lock-on Cleared Hot - ordinance release authorized Closing - decreasing in range Divert - proceed to alternate objective, base or mission Egress - point of exit/return following a CAS strike Faded - radar contact lost Fox... - advisory preceding air to air missile launch (not exactly useful but still cool) ...One - semi active radar-guided missile ...Two - infrared guided missile ...Three - active radar guided missile Gimbal - target is approaching azimuth/elevation limits (of radar/laser/tracking) Guns (Guns Guns) - advisory preceding AtA or AtG cannon fire Ingress - point of entry for a CAS strike Laser On - directive to turn on laser Rifle - advisory preceding AGM-65 maverick launch Scramble - take off ASAP Sparkle - target marking with IR pointer Splash - target destroyed (AA); target hit (AG) Weapons… ...Free - Free to engage anything not friendly ...Tight - Free to engage anything positively ID’d as hostile ...Hold - In self Defense or after formal order ...Safe - Do not fire Wilco - will comply Winchester - no ordinance remaining Cheers Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mistyronin 1181 Posted August 31, 2014 Really cool guide. Much appreciated! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
the_demongod 31 Posted September 4, 2014 Unfortunately it looks like this guide is not getting much attention here. I would recommend posting it as a Steam guide, and getting it published on Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ohheyitsniel 10 Posted September 7, 2014 This is awesome. There's definitely not as many Helicopter guides and tutorials as there should be. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KingScuba 1 Posted September 9, 2014 I've updated the weapon section, as well as a few sections above. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DnA 5162 Posted September 16, 2014 Hi KingScuba - very nice guide! Perhaps consider adding it as a Steam Guide as well :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KingScuba 1 Posted September 17, 2014 Hi KingScuba - very nice guide! Perhaps consider adding it as a Steam Guide as well :) i might. I already added my 101 guide to steam Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pipyn1970 19 Posted December 10, 2014 Loved your 101 guide & am so looking forward to watching this as well. Thanks for all the time your putting in to this mate Share this post Link to post Share on other sites