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Generating Values instead of typing them?

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I hope this is in the right topic...

I have a good, Time Saving question, if answered..

I've placed 889 blocks onto a map each individual block is named

"h", "h_1", "h_2"......."h_889".

This is only half the problem, I must now type each block's

name into a .sqf call function which is:

null = [["h","h_1",......."h_899"],[4,2,100],[5,2,100],[1,1,100],[1],[2],[1,2],[0,0,400,EAST,TRUE,FALSE]] call EOS_Spawn;

Yes this is EOS we are dealing with.

My question is: Instead of typing all those names, is there a way to generate them so I can save time?

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Not having much knowledge but can't you just create the blocks via script? and put the instance created into an array?

Alternate simple way - open Calc, Excel or what ever, make an h_ cell, copy paste 899 rows. Then next column do the 1, 2, 3 and fill the rest with the mouse. Then, save as csv.

Other simple way, small C prog.

Other simple way - cmd: for /L %i IN (1,1,899) DO @echo h_%%i and pipe it into a file

I guess I didn't get your question right, sorry if I wrote nonsense

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1 - Rename "h" to "h_0". (Don't blame me for this quirky workaround - it's your nomenclature) :D

2 - Run some code that adds all of those strings* to an array

* they are strings as they have "" around them. Ex: "this is a string" or "h_66" or "h_1"

_awesomeArray = [];
for "_i" from 0 to 889 do {
_string = "h_" + format ["%1", _i];
_awesomeArray set [count _awesomeArray, _string];

Then plop _awesomeArray into the last bit of the code you put up.

null = [_awesomeArray,[4,2,100],[5,2,100],[1,1,100],[1],[2],[1,2],[0,0,400,EAST,TRUE,FALSE]] call EOS_Spawn; 

So the whole thing looks like this:

_awesomeArray = [];
for "_i" from 0 to 889 do {
_string = "h_" + format ["%1", _i];
_awesomeArray set [count _awesomeArray, _string];

null = [_awesomeArray,[4,2,100],[5,2,100],[1,1,100],[1],[2],[1,2],[0,0,400,EAST,TRUE,FALSE]] call EOS_Spawn;

Untested as I don't have EOS. But if you want to use an array of the stringnames for your blocks as an argument in a script, then that's how I would do it . BTW, for future reference, in the future post your scripting queries in the Mission Editing Forums. You'll probably get better replies there.

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