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GetTactical - a tactical-RTS interface

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Hi !

I use the latest version of your mod and Arma3 together with the latest version of CBA but there is a problem.

As soon as i enter realtime mode my guys (both player unit and AI run somewhere and never stop.

If i give them orders they fallow them but any unit with no move order will just try to run somewhere, is this a know bug ?

I think its because the GT View itselfe acts like the "leader" and the units try to run back into formation.

Edited by Wiggum

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You're right. New update seem to have broken the mod. And you may right, I've read something about formations in the changelog, so it is possible that units are trying to form on the leader, who is an invisible unit attachedTo last player unit. So they wil lrun forever. :)

I am quite busy with real life projects, but if I find some time I'll take a look into it.

Strange is that doStop doesn't work either, they just keep running.

To tell you the truth I am starting to get fed up with Arma a bit, with things that don't work as they should, the numerous workaround fixes which break with the next update...

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Yes, that is the problem, but it's fixable.

It may need a complex fix though if we want to return to the exact same setup (eg. units following player) after closing GTI.

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Hope you can fix it, your mod is the only thing that makes ArmA3 SP fun !

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Fix is frontpaged.

It is supposed to fix the running forever problem of 1.42. Please report back if it didn't.

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New version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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This addod has to be my favorite for arma3. I was shocked and suprised it did not place for a top 3 ranking. Should have won a prize in my opinion.

I really do hope that you are able and willing to keep supporting this fantastic add on for the life of arma 3. It is one of the reasons I still play this game and in my opinion it should actually be integrated into the game as one of its main features for single player!

You are awesome in my opinion sir!

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Well, thanks for the kind words, it means a lot. (Even more after the last major update which for some reason hasn't made people's feedback glands running, despite I had thought that rubber command is something grand.)

Naturally I keep on supporting, I can't play with anything else either. :)

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My game is crashed after clicking "multiplayer"-"new" with this mod (arma ver. 1.42, mod version 1.10, CBA ver. RC6).

This bug appears maybe 2 weeks ago or something like that, after last arma 3 update, i think.

I know that mod is for sp only but i think that it's good for multplayer too.

Running MP with this mod possible only with using of dedicated server (it means that something wrong with in-game server initializing).

In MP this mod sometimes works wrong with respawn system (after switching player to control some other unit).

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I am sorry, but I cannot really help with MP debugging. I have zero experience in MP environment and the mod has been written with taking SP systems into consideration. I am sure that eg. respawning can totally destroy the mod.

Take a look into C2 if you need an MP capable team managing system.

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Okay, wrong work with MP respawn system (but not so wrong as it can be) - it's not so sad, and i'm ready to accept it...

but game crashing after clicking multiplayer-new in main arma3 menu seems bad...

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Can anyone else confirm the mod crashing after entering MP?

It works fine for me...

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Just WOW... How didn't I find out about your addon earlier... I don't even need to try to know it's gonna be a must have for me. A free looking cam with pause for command, I'll take it if it is just for those 2 things.

Just one question: Is it still limited to a maximum of 10 men? If so will you ever considering expand that? IMO it could really shines when it comes to commanding a relatively large squad that spread out far, which is too hard to manage with the stock ARMA 3 AI control. Say you have to split up between 2 fronts.


Okay, how do I disable the stance override in GTI, say I want them to use automatic stance when I get them to return to formation, without getting stuck in prone just because I didn't tell them to stand up. I know I could order a specific stance in the stock ARMA 3 command menu but they'd be stuck in that stance too. Wouldn't be a bad idea if you set the stance override to disable when AI's ordered return to formation. Also I would like the GTI to not override my combat mode selection for the whole squad even if I just gave order to one guy. It also seem to return units to "return to formation" status after accessing the GTI, even if I didn't order them to do so. It seems to happen when a unit is "ready", that is completed my order in orginal ARMA 3 command, but not ordered to go anywhere else(In fact I'd like them to stay there, like after completed a movement order with the original ARMA command).

Also experienced a bug with opening map. Probably have something to do with me opening map and set up waypoint in GTI mode. What happens is that the screen blackout for a few second when I close the map, sometimes if also spawn a NPC(probably the hidden 11th guy in GTI?) on top of me. Then what could happen is the game simply freeze in the black screen. I haven't tried to replicate it in another session yet. Something to note also is that I'm using a "bootleg" version myself, with the setAccTime set to 0.2 upon exiting the interface.

Last but not least, when it does work as expected, it's pure awesomeness. The core concept and functionality is genius. Always wanted to make Jagged Alliance a dismounted combat sim and play ARMA like JA(although not the tactical combat but the non-linear campaign and progression, but nevertheless), my call is finally answered.

Edit2: Apparently it is also the addon that cause Moral Fiber campaign mission to fail. Also in preventive diplomacy I happen to lose the ability to interact with a pile of gear on the ground or doors, as well as ability to deploy weapon. It also seem to kill my GAM TimeXleration access from the support command menu. Can't say for sure it's caused by the GTI, but all those glitches are new to me. Makes me wonder if your addon hates something else mess with setAccTime.

Edited by mmm

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Just one question: Is it still limited to a maximum of 10 men? If so will you ever considering expand that? IMO it could really shines when it comes to commanding a relatively large squad that spread out far, which is too hard to manage with the stock ARMA 3 AI control. Say you have to split up between 2 fronts.

On team level, yes, it's definitely 10 max (GTI's UI is drawn ON default UI, and it is 10 units per page.)

The problem is that as an addon, player's team level is the only level I can handle. I cannot take control of a larger battlespace.

On a mission level however it's doable to make it work for more than 1 team. Black Rain is my dynamic mission I am working on, and it will have this feature in the distant future. But I cannot imagine this to work as a general mod, but only as a specific mission, with GTI customcoded to integrate.

Okay, how do I disable the stance override in GTI, say I want them to use automatic stance when I get them to return to formation, without getting stuck in prone just because I didn't tell them to stand up.

Thats a thing I've been struggling with since the beginning. Sometimes I can make it work, but the next update messes it up again. The biggest problem is that the default command menu doesn't use the stock scripting commands, so there is always some interference.

And then I use the "switch to unit1, set stance and all, switch to unit2, set everything, and then attack with unit3", so I want the units to keep their exact state after exiting the interface until told otherwise.

Also I would like the GTI to not override my combat mode selection for the whole squad even if I just gave order to one guy.

I don't touch combat modes as far as I remember. So could you give some more info on this?

It also seem to return units to "return to formation" status after accessing the GTI, even if I didn't order them to do so. It seems to happen when a unit is "ready", that is completed my order in orginal ARMA 3 command, but not ordered to go anywhere else(In fact I'd like them to stay there, like after completed a movement order with the original ARMA command).

Yes, this is intended. You need to stop a unit, or order by the interface if you want him to stay there. Because on the other hand it's annoying that when your team moves together and you enter the interface to throw a grenade or smthing like that, and all units halt after exiting the interface. I don't know about any methods that reliably differentiate why a unit is not moving. Moreover last update brought some more deep and unfollowable changes in this field, so I am glad that it works at all.

Also experienced a bug with opening map. Probably have something to do with me opening map and set up waypoint in GTI mode. What happens is that the screen blackout for a few second when I close the map, sometimes if also spawn a NPC(probably the hidden 11th guy in GTI?) on top of me. Then what could happen is the game simply freeze in the black screen. I haven't tried to replicate it in another session yet. Something to note also is that I'm using a "bootleg" version myself, with the setAccTime set to 0.2 upon exiting the interface.

What is bootleg version?

When you open the map, GTI remembers the cam position, closes the interface (so that you can open the map), and on map close, it restarts with the saved cam pos. It is rather easy to interfere with it during these processes.

Edit2: Apparently it is also the addon that cause Moral Fiber campaign mission to fail. Also in preventive diplomacy I happen to lose the ability to interact with a pile of gear on the ground or doors, as well as ability to deploy weapon. It also seem to kill my GAM TimeXleration access from the support command menu. Can't say for sure it's caused by the GTI, but all those glitches are new to me. Makes me wonder if your addon hates something else mess with setAccTime.

I don't know about how GTI behaves with a specific mission and I cannot support any specific missions either. It does rely on SetAccTime of course, otherwise you couldn't halt/restart time. It does change team setup and leader by adding a nonvisible unit, otherwise you couldn't control player unit.

This is all a big fat gunge in an unknown, badly documented and constantly changing environment, with solutions that shouldn't work but they do and things that should work but they don't, so I am glad I could even get to this point with it. :)

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On team level, yes, it's definitely 10 max (GTI's UI is drawn ON default UI, and it is 10 units per page.)

The problem is that as an addon, player's team level is the only level I can handle. I cannot take control of a larger battlespace.

On a mission level however it's doable to make it work for more than 1 team. Black Rain is my dynamic mission I am working on, and it will have this feature in the distant future. But I cannot imagine this to work as a general mod, but only as a specific mission, with GTI customcoded to integrate.

It is sooo good I actually want to apply it to almost every SP situation I'm going into. I'm personally Ok with spending all the time to micromanage a larger number of people(within reason) in time freeze mode, and by that I mean within a squad without resorting to high command or squad hop, just let me flip the pages. I could understand how it can be way too time consuming for people to play with a larger team, but if it is not for any technical obstacle, I'd really like to see the GTI to support a larger team. It can actually be done to an extend already as it is, as long as I don't have to use the tab, with contains the grenade function and a whole lot of info and easy access to the team member.

I don't touch combat modes as far as I remember. So could you give some more info on this?

By combat mode I mean when you issue an movement order everyone returns to aware mode unless already underfire, this happens pretty consistently every time. Not an issue really since whatever mode they are in does not seem to really matter if you control their every move manually, which is something I do in combat anyways. Plus the GTI stance override the combat mode stance behavior anyways. Is it actually intentional?

Yes, this is intended. You need to stop a unit, or order by the interface if you want him to stay there. Because on the other hand it's annoying that when your team moves together and you enter the interface to throw a grenade or smthing like that, and all units halt after exiting the interface. I don't know about any methods that reliably differentiate why a unit is not moving. Moreover last update brought some more deep and unfollowable changes in this field, so I am glad that it works at all.

In the case it is because of the technical limitation you have to let everyone to return to formation I guess I'll just have to live with it and use stop as a workaround. The other things is that the stop orders are even sometimes overridden(can't say for sure) up on hopping on to control another team member. For example team leader would automatically return to the team member you're assuming control of. There are other times orders like rearm is seemingly automatically issued without my intervention(but wasn't actually carried out?). On another unrelated issue sometimes units won't respond to movement order, even forced, to a seemingly reasonable location, until a few cycles of deleting/reissuing waypoint and switching between pause/real time, sometimes taking control of the AI. Again I have no reliable way to reproduce these issues, or even guarantee my recollection is perfectly accurate . It's just from time to time it does not behave the way I expect it to. As for particular glitch with some particular mission on my particular set up, I won't bother you anymore. There are just too many variables, it's just ARMA.

Now I feel I have to say something positive about your work after all the bitching. You probably don't need another guy to tell you how awesome GTI is but it is. The AI is maneuvering like I've never seen before, in all the sudden AI is moving into good cover and laying down effective fire from positions with good line of sight. They are carrying out sophisticated, coordinated flanking maneuver, and are capable of laying down smoke screen where it is really needed. It's all because you gave me the tool to help AI with what they are not capable of, precisely every single tool to make AI on foot effective. I can't thank you enough for that.

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Not sure what's going on, but after I installed your mod and some of the text changed in the Arma UI menus and the editor as well. Mostly dropdown menus and the classnames in the editor. It's not a huge deal, and not a deal breaker since it's such a awesome mod, but something I thought I'd let you know about.


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That's another thing I failed to mention so far: It screws up fonts somehow. And it did obscure certain texts in WLA scenario in my case.

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Could you guys show me some screenshots?

Or at least tell me what text has changed to what?

And where do you see that fonts are screwed?

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Sure. For me it's mostly dropdown menus and in the editor. Some feedback though: Is there anyway to use multiple teams that have been made the vanilla way? Like team red, team blue, etc and then command those? Or use multiple selections with the F keys instead of the red boxes?

http://i.imgur.com/y4dUS7H.jpg?1 (211 kB)

http://i.imgur.com/LFaCa0T.jpg?1 (246 kB)

http://i.imgur.com/NjqNTag.jpg?1 (705 kB)

I'm in the process of cleaning up and updating my mods now, so I'll let you know if it's anything conflicting with it somehow that's causing this. I had the same problem with SpookyWarCom, just a different font. I've since removed it.

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I couldn't reproduce the character issue. And as far as I remember I don't use any special fonts, only the default one.

About default teams: I couldn't really make the default color system work together with my mod, that's why I went with my version. The F selections could work, I'd just need some motivation to do it. Kerbals kinda made me abandon Arma for quite a while now. :)

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Hi zapat! Thank you for great work.

Can i post updated version of your Black Rain mission, with last GT?

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I think I figured it out. GetTactical isn't compatible with the latest CBA they released for ACE, which screws up the font for some reason. I was messing around last night and downgraded CBA and everything showed up normally.

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Thanks Caboose, I haven't tried latest CBA. I am just using an xtended eventhandler from them so that I can start the mod. So I really don't understand why that interferes.

Serena: I don't really understand your question. Where would you like to post Black Rain? (Note: Black Rain is very underdeveloped at the moment, it is so buggy, it is rather unusuable. New version is coming within a year or two. :) )

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