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SetObjectTextureGlobal and Tophe's Respawn

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Hello mates,

Ran into problem while using Tophe's Vehicle respawn script. Got a Hellcat on the base with .paa texture strapped on it.

Hellcat's init:

_m = [this,60,300,0,false,false,"this setObjectTextureGlobal [0,"\media\skins\blackcats.paa"]"] execVM "scripts\vehicle\monitor.sqf";  

The problem is, though that texture is loaded and displayed on the vehicle just fine after initial spawn, after-respawn texture re-sets to the default one, despite init field being properly set up. Remarkable, that after I tried to execute

(vehicle player) setObjectTexture [0,"\media\skins\blackcats.paa"]; 

trough server console while being mounted in the vehicle, console returned "Picture \media\skins\blackcats.paa not found". I tried doing it another way - setting up on-respawn init as "execVM scripts\vehicle\paint\hellcat.sqf", when hellcat.sqf contained basically the same setObjectTextureGlobal command with the same texture path - that didn't really work out either. Any clues where it had gone wrong?

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