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MANW Terrain submission issues

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Hello. I'm Egil Sandfeld. I am creating a terrain for Arma 3 and would like to submit it to MANW contest. However there are some issues for me regarding that. I have mailed to support at MANW but they haven't replied, so I'm trying my luck here.


In its nature a terrain for Arma consists of multiple PBOs, where for example one contains data on the terrain, while other the layers and models. Amount of files that is taken to make up a terrain is in nature very many. That's the reason for dividing them into several pbos to make the design process easier, but also for post-release updates. Normally terrains are packed as a ZIP file, which can easily be extracted with an attached guide.

The only way that I know to submit material for MANW is through Steam uploading one single pbo and with my knowledge this way is simply not sufficient for terrains. Also for terrains we often provide mod.cpp, mod pictures, readme etc. in the mod root folder. Is there a possibility for terrain makers to upload in a different form?

Size of terrain

If I'm mistaken and it is possible to upload a package of files to Steam which combined is the whole contest entry, terrains are often larger than usual mods in file size because of the large layers and many unique models. Eg. my terrain is currently 1.85GB and Steam as standard only allow up to 900Mb-ish. That is simply not enough for terrains. And the rules from the start have not mentioned any upper limit in size of mods afaik.

All in all, it would seem easier for terrain makers to be allowed to upload to a different server, just like the Total Modification entries are allowed.

I really think it's a great contest and it would be so sad to see terrain makers not able to submit their creations especially as the MANW rules do not say anything regarding size.

Looking forward to hear from you :)

Kind regards, Egil

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Hi Egil,

Sorry for the delay in our response, somehow I thought I had already replied to your e-mail!

In any case, we're planning to discuss this issue next week with the Make Arma Not War team. We'll get back to you as soon as possible with the result. Apologies for the inconvenience.

Good luck in the contest!

Kind regards,


Hello. I'm Egil Sandfeld. I am creating a terrain for Arma 3 and would like to submit it to MANW contest. However there are some issues for me regarding that. I have mailed to support at MANW but they haven't replied, so I'm trying my luck here.


In its nature a terrain for Arma consists of multiple PBOs, where for example one contains data on the terrain, while other the layers and models. Amount of files that is taken to make up a terrain is in nature very many. That's the reason for dividing them into several pbos to make the design process easier, but also for post-release updates. Normally terrains are packed as a ZIP file, which can easily be extracted with an attached guide.

The only way that I know to submit material for MANW is through Steam uploading one single pbo and with my knowledge this way is simply not sufficient for terrains. Also for terrains we often provide mod.cpp, mod pictures, readme etc. in the mod root folder. Is there a possibility for terrain makers to upload in a different form?

Size of terrain

If I'm mistaken and it is possible to upload a package of files to Steam which combined is the whole contest entry, terrains are often larger than usual mods in file size because of the large layers and many unique models. Eg. my terrain is currently 1.85GB and Steam as standard only allow up to 900Mb-ish. That is simply not enough for terrains. And the rules from the start have not mentioned any upper limit in size of mods afaik.

All in all, it would seem easier for terrain makers to be allowed to upload to a different server, just like the Total Modification entries are allowed.

I really think it's a great contest and it would be so sad to see terrain makers not able to submit their creations especially as the MANW rules do not say anything regarding size.

Looking forward to hear from you :)

Kind regards, Egil

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