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Terrain Builder crashes when saving

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Hi guys :)

I got some serious trouble in Terrain Builder. Been having the issue since Friday with saving my terrain project after either:

  • Importing new tile 5x5km of vegetation objects (approx 170,000 objects, count total is 1.6mil currently)
  • Swapping model t_populus.p3d to mikebart tree
  • Adding own made custom object

Now, to debug this out I have removed my custom object both from object layers and from the object library. The Mikebart vegetation is also changed back to its previous model of t_populus.. Also I have tried removing the tile of vegetation that I imported Friday. If I remove ALL objects by removing all object templates so it deletes objects in object layers and templates I can save the project all fine. So one would imagine the issue is with objects, the count of them or something related.

But deleting all objects is not quite a progressive forward way to build terrains, so here's one of my many RPT logs:


== G:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3 Tools\TerrainBuilder\TerrainBuilder.exe

== "G:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3 Tools\TerrainBuilder\TerrainBuilder.exe"

Exe timestamp: 2014/08/18 12:30:02

Current time: 2014/08/18 18:49:00

Type: Public

Version: 125886


Layer [0-12288]: Objects [es\bornholmobjects\bo_t_populus3s.p3d] from template: [t_populus3s] were shifted!

Layer [0-17408-ob2]: Objects [es\bornholmobjects\bo_houseblock_a3.p3d] from template: [00_trees_00_t_picea1s] were shifted!

Layer [0-17408-vege]: Objects [es\bornholmobjects\bo_t_populus3s.p3d] from template: [t_populus3s] were shifted!

Layer [10240-12288]: Objects [es\bornholmobjects\bo_t_populus3s.p3d] from template: [t_populus3s] were shifted!

Layer [10240-2048-TB]: Objects [es\bornholmobjects\bo_houseblock_a3.p3d] from template: [00_trees_00_t_picea1s] were shifted!

Layer [10240-7168]: Objects [es\bornholmobjects\bo_t_populus3s.p3d] from template: [t_populus3s] were shifted!

Layer [15360-2048]: Objects [es\bornholmobjects\bo_t_populus3s.p3d] from template: [t_populus3s] were shifted!

Layer [15360-7168]: Objects [es\bornholmobjects\bo_t_populus3s.p3d] from template: [t_populus3s] were shifted!

Layer [5120-12288]: Objects [es\bornholmobjects\bo_t_populus3s.p3d] from template: [t_populus3s] were shifted!

Layer [5120-17408]: Objects [es\bornholmobjects\bo_t_populus3s.p3d] from template: [t_populus3s] were shifted!

Layer [5120-2048-TB]: Objects [es\bornholmobjects\bo_houseblock_a3.p3d] from template: [00_trees_00_t_picea1s] were shifted!

Layer [5120-7168]: Objects [es\bornholmobjects\bo_t_fagus2s.p3d] from template: [t_fagus2s] were shifted!

Layer [Dueodde-TB]: Objects [es\bornholmobjects\bo_houseblock_a3.p3d] from template: [00_trees_00_t_picea1s] were shifted!

Layer 'default' successfully loaded.

Layer '0-2048' successfully loaded.

Layer '0-7168' successfully loaded.

Layer 'Buske' successfully loaded.

Layer '0-17408-vege' successfully loaded.

Layer '0-17408-ob0' successfully loaded.

Layer '0-17408-ob1' successfully loaded.

Layer '0-17408-ob2' successfully loaded.

Layer '0-17408-TB' successfully loaded.

Layer '5120-17408' successfully loaded.

Layer '5120-17408-TB' successfully loaded.

Layer '5120-12288' successfully loaded.

Layer '5120-12288-TB' successfully loaded.

Layer '0-12288' successfully loaded.

Layer '0-12288-TB' successfully loaded.

Layer '10240-12288' successfully loaded.

Layer '10240-12288-TB' successfully loaded.

Layer '10240-7168-TB' successfully loaded.

Layer '15360-7168' successfully loaded.

Layer '15360-7168-TB' successfully loaded.

Layer '15360-2048' successfully loaded.

Layer '15360-2048-TB' successfully loaded.

Layer '10240-2048-TB2' successfully loaded.

Layer '10240-2048' successfully loaded.

Layer '10240-2048-TB' successfully loaded.

Layer '9216-0' successfully loaded.

Layer '11264-0' successfully loaded.

Layer '13312-0' successfully loaded.

Layer '15360-0' successfully loaded.

Layer 'Dueodde-TB' successfully loaded.

Layer 'Christiansoe' successfully loaded.

Layer '5120-2048' successfully loaded.

Layer '5120-2048-TB' successfully loaded.

Layer '10240-7168' successfully loaded.

Layer '5120-7168' successfully loaded.

Layer '5120-7168-TB' successfully loaded.

Application initialization finished.

Debugger info - Unhandled exception.



Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 6B85E12C

Version 0.00.125886

Fault time: 2014/08/18 18:51:21

Fault address: 6B85E12C 01:0000D12C C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\MSVCR110.dll

Prev. code bytes: 00 00 75 1F C1 E9 02 83 E2 03 83 F9 08 72 0B FD

Fault code bytes: F3 A5 FC FF 24 95 54 E2 85 6B F7 D9 FF 24 8D 04


EAX:8423122C EBX:42C69EB8

ECX:0FA8D723 EDX:00000000



SS:ESP:002B:00D5E1D0 EBP:00D5E1F4

DS:002B ES:002B FS:0053 GS:002B



Call stack:

Stack 00D5E1D0 00D5F674

Debugger info - Applying offset 10a3b70 to mapfile

mapfile: G:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3 Tools\TerrainBuilder\TerrainBuilder.map (empty 1)

Debugger info - Generating minidump please wait.

note: Minidump has been generated into the file Logs\TerrainBuilder_2014-08-18_18-48-36.mdmp

As you can see in the top some object from a template was shifted. Don't know what that does but these kind of lines exist in my rpt's almost each time and sometimes with new objects from new templates. Middle part is where it loads my object layer all fine. Latest imported is the "5120-7168" tile. But then at the bottom it starts to go very wrong. The lower part is written to rpt when I click save. TB crashes and it does not save any changes. To sum it up - I'm stuck right now.

Does anyone know what I can do about this problem?

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From Bushlurker:

main thing to ascertain is if TB and bulldozer are otherwise ok - a simple terrain like

Jakerods tutorial or anything you have handy - load save run BD, etc - see if it behaves

if it does then its something to do with your project

you could strip it of all data and start again

export mapframe heightmap, mask and sat, export all shape layers one at a time, export all object layers one at a time - take a screenie of your mapframe properties settings - then make a backup of the whole project folder - then delete it - and start with a new project folder - add in the subfolders - start Tb - new project - load in all your stuff, put a mapframe around it - go in and set the parameters - import if its a corrupt project file somewhere that'll fix it

if its a dodgy object you'll find out if you save between each object layer import

if its a dodgy template lib you'd find out when you tried to save after importing them


I'm trying this now. Think I located it to a couple of objects maybe

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Problem solved for now. Seems like you must remember to right-click on a template library and Save, before saving the project. Don't know if it was this issue alone causing all my problems but it's steady now again.

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Had the problem again apparently without adding new objects to either terrain, layers or templates...

I do not understand the logic of TB. Had saving issues again. Couldn't do anything to the terrain and save it without TB crashing. RPTs says nothing really except unhandled exception. So I ran A3 Tools, updated A3 files on P with Arma3P, restarted (again), opened TB and placed a few bushes in a forest, SACRIFICED A GOAT, clicked save - and then!! TB decided to accept my highest wish on this planet and went ahead and saved.

This was my last attempt before having to start all over again with exporting layers and templates, starting a new project, importing all that stuff and reloading sat layers.. Luckily for me I don't have to spend a day doing that now, but sheeeeez TB you wierd girl


Crashed again. So here was what I did:

Right clicking on every object template library -> Save made a discovery. It crashed when attempting to save my a2 objects library. Either I did forget to change a wall model to the right location or TB moved it back. But I can save now again after fixing this. So issue solver for me now is to right click and save each individual template library until I find the library creating problems.

Edited by EgilSandfeld

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Finally.. I think.. The problem is that TB had by it self swapped a model in a template to another. In my case a houseVxx_Interier.p3d with a b_Betula.p3d. Yes all by itself. Swapped it back, saved template and saved project. It's now working again. Been running three days without saving hassles :) But Gheeeez TB you wierdo.

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Picky thing, isn't it. Glad you sorted it out. I've had to manually swap models but so far haven't had TB become self-aware and decide on its own to edit my map :)

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