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All in Arma Terrain Pack (AiA TP) - A1/A2/OA terrains from BI in A3

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Grass clutter is visual ONLY - and does NOTHING for concealment (I tend to prefer maps with sparse grass as it means we can run it without the illusion of it actually hiding us) for maps with Long grass, you're best just using a mod to hide it or Milanese it.


Not entirely accurate. Grass surfaces do lower the ability for the AI to spot anything on it. It's not LOS calculations, but it will have a simulated effect. You may say it's a trick, but the whole simulation is a big trick right?

Edited by seba1976

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hmmm, I think this only works at long distance though... i.e. the disappearing prone player.

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hmmm, I think this only works at long distance though... i.e. the disappearing prone player.

I think the whole spotting apparatus factors in distance, so conclusions may be distance dependant, yes.

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Not entirely accurate. Grass surfaces do lower the ability for the AI to spot anything on it. It's not LOS calculations, but it will have a simulated effect. You may say it's a trick, but the whole simulation is a big trick right?

This is basically what I read from the fella at BIS. Basically that grass concealment isn't calculated the same way as say solid object are, as it would impact performance far too much, but that there was another method implemented for vegetation. The statements were based on the vanilla A3 maps though, so I was just wondering if this A2 ported content had the same features.

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Just read the links above - you have the word from the guy that coded it.

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;2847090']Just read the links above - you have the word from the guy that coded it.

Woops, I browsed right over your post. Bad news though, I can't open those links for some reason.

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The server is just unavailable right now - should be back later today.

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Hi Kju,

Are you familiar with this error upon startup ?

Addon 'AiA_Buildings2_Config' Requires addon 'AiA_Buildings2_Data'

I've attached my Play With Six PAR file and my most recent RPT Log.

This error causes some maps on AiA to have missing structures/buildings.



PAR File


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I get this warning, everytime I start my dedicated server with AiA Terrain Pack. I've already redownloaded everything, but it's still persistent.

In addition, I would like to know if the 1.5Gbyte patch is needed, even though one has already downloaded the full pack and what the pbos in the dta folder are for. I'm asking, because we had some serious trouble getting AiA to work on our server yesterday.

Edited by R3vo

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Hi guys, not sure if it has been covered but are there any hard Zeus / MCC templates for the AIATP? you can subscribe to them on steam but it is rather difficult to get them onto a Dedicated server. Has anyone upload the templates to Armaholic or to Mega?

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strange question, but i find that the smoke that supposed to continue burning forever (aka as defined by


private ["_eSmoke"];

_smoke1 = "BigDestructionSmoke";

_eSmoke = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal getPosATLVisual _x;

_eSmoke setParticleClass _smoke1;

_eSmoke setPosATL [ getPosATLVisual _x select 0, 1 + (getPosATLVisual _x select 1), random 0.5 + ( getPosATLVisual _x select 2)];

} foreach _explodedArray;

doesnt actually last that long on chernaus but on altis its there forever. is it a map thing?

PS - wow, must say the feeling of playing these maps is unbelievably good. awesome job each and all. i really like how each map has mapsize configured. makes life a lot easier.

edit - this however works fine and keeps on smoking

_smoke2 = createvehicle ["test_EmptyObjectForSmoke",getPosATLVisual _x,[],0,"none"];

_smoke2 setPosATL [ getPosATLVisual _x select 0, 1 + (getPosATLVisual _x select 1), random 0.5 + ( getPosATLVisual _x select 2)];

Edited by twisted

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Hi Kju,

can we use only 2015-01-01 patch, if have 2014-10-18 version, or need to install full version?

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Hi Kju,

can we use only 2015-01-01 patch, if have 2014-10-18 version, or need to install full version?

2014-10-18 is the latest version before 2015-01-01 , so you don't need anything else .

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Thanks but I wait for Kju to respond because I need to update my A3Sync repository.

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i get error starting the game

"Addon 'AiA_hotfix_config' requires addon 'Sara'

this did not happen before the update.

hope this helps

I AM USING PWS (play with six)


after starting the game, i found that my terrain pack was not working full stop, no islands available other than altis and stratis

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