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opfor vest doesn't sho on Virt arsenal

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with a a config file, i want enable the black textures for the CSAT helmets and vest

for the helmets there are no problems, but the harness vest doesn't show in virtual arsenal

but i don't see any error this is the code if someone has more skill

thanks in advance

obviously cfgweapons is on top

class Vest_Base;
class VestItem;

   class Opfor_carrier_blk : Vest_Base {
       scope = 2;
       displayName = "opfor rig black";
       picture = "\A3\characters_f\Data\UI\icon_v_harnesso_brn_ca.paa";
       model = "\A3\Characters_F\OPFOR\equip_o_vest01";
       hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};
       hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\a3\characters_f\OPFOR\Data\tech_rus_co.paa"};

       class ItemInfo : VestItem {
           uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F\OPFOR\equip_o_vest01";
           containerClass = "Supply100";
           mass = 50;
           armor = 5*0.5;
           passThrough = 0.7;
           hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};

edit i try to put direclly tha classname on model via init field and have a error about anims.......

Edited by Zukov

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Since you're aiming for retexturing a certain vest, I'd recommend inheriting most of the parameters from the vest's original class itself. So the code would look like this:

class cfgWeapons
class ItemInfo;
class V_HarnessO_brn;
class Opfor_carrier_blk: V_HarnessO_brn
	displayName = "OPFOR Carrier Black";
	hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1","camo2"};
	hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"a3\characters_f\opfor\data\clothing_rus_co.paa","\a3\characters_f\OPFOR\Data\tech_rus_co.paa"};
	class ItemInfo: ItemInfo
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1","camo2"};

class cfgVehicles
class Vest_Base_F;
class Vest_Opfor_carrier_blk: Vest_Base_F
	scope = 2;
	scopeCurator = 2;
	displayName = "OPFOR Carrier Black";
	vehicleClass = ItemsVests;
	class TransportItems
		class Opfor_carrier_blk	{name = Opfor_carrier_blk; count = 1;};

Of course, feel free to add desired parameters like mass, armor, custom icon texture, etc. The important thing is to set right camo selections (the model has two of them, as you can see above), and textures (those above shall do the trick). If you don't need the vest to appear in the Editor and in Zeus, you can omit the whole cfgVehicles part. Please note there is a minor issue with texturing one of the vest's fasteners, which I might try to fix eventually.

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thanks!!!!! now i understand this


---------- Post added at 05:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:26 PM ----------

thanks again Locklear !


Edited by Zukov

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