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Marker Localisation System

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Marker Localisation System (MLS)

By BangaBob


Easily localise markers according to players - side, group, faction and name. Fully MP compatible.


Add this code into the init.sqf

null = [] execVM "H8_LocMkr_OpenMe.sqf";

Open "H8_LocMkr_OpenMe.sqf" and place your initial markers inside.


0 = [["ARG1"],[ARG2],ARG3] spawn H8_addMarker;

ARG1 - Marker Name (String) | Paste the name of the marker you wish to localise. Can be ordered as a list for multiple markers.

ARG2 - (SIDE, GROUPNAME, UNITNAME, FACTION) | Define who can see the marker. Can be ordered as a list for multiple conditions.


ARG3 - Marker Alpha (Integer) | Define the alpha of the marker. 0 = Invisible. 1 = Max Alpha. (Default 1).


Localise "mkr_3" to ONLY west units

0 = [["mkr_3"],[WEST]] spawn H8_addMarker;  

Localise "mkr_1" and "mkr_2" to ONLY independent units

0 = [["mkr_1","mkr_2"],[iNDEPENDENT]] spawn H8_addMarker; 

Localise "mkr_4" to "BLU_F" faction and the unit named PLAYER1

0 = [["mkr_4"],["BLU_F", PLAYER1]] spawn H8_addMarker;	 

Localise "mkr_5" and "mkr_6" to groups, group1 & group2 and set the alpha to 0.7

0 = [["mkr_5","mkr_6"],[group1,group2],0.7] spawn H8_addMarker; 


Update Marker Alpha

0 = [["MKR_1"],0.3] spawn H8_updateAlpha;

Remove Marker

0 = ["MKR_2"] spawn H8_removeMkr;

Get local Marker

_localMkr = ["mkr"] call H8_getLocalMkr;

Get all markers

_addedMarkers = H8_markerArray (Returns array of all markers);

waitUntil INIT complete

waitUntil {!isNil ("H8_initComplete")};


here v1.0

ArmaHolic Link


Take a look inside the script below!


H8_Localinit = {
/* Marker Localisation Script by BangaBob (H8erMaker) v1.0
Easily localise markers according to players - side, group, faction and name.

Add this code into the init.sqf 
	 null = [] execVM "H8_LocMkr_OpenMe.sqf";

0 = [["ARG1"],[ARG2],ARG3] spawn H8_addMarker;

ARG1 - Marker Name (String) | Paste the name of the marker you wish to localise. Can be ordered as a list for multiple markers.

ARG2 - (SIDE, GROUPNAME, UNITNAME, FACTION) | Define who can see the marker. Can be ordered as a list for multiple conditions.

ARG3 - Marker Alpha (Integer) | Define the alpha of the marker. 0 = Invisible. 1 = Max Alpha. (Default 1).

0 = [["mkr_3"],[WEST]] spawn H8_addMarker;  				// Localise "mkr_3" to ONLY west units
0 = [["mkr_1","mkr_2"],[iNDEPENDENT]] spawn H8_addMarker;	// Localise "mkr_1" and "mkr_2" to ONLY independent units
0 = [["mkr_4"],["BLU_F", PLAYER1]] spawn H8_addMarker;		// Localise "mkr_4" to "BLU_F" faction and the unit named PLAYER1
0 = [["mkr_5","mkr_6"],[group1,group2],0.7] spawn H8_addMarker;	// Localise "mkr_5" and "mkr_6" to groups, group1 & group2 and set the alpha to 0.7

Update Marker Alpha
	0 = [["MKR_1"],0.3] spawn H8_updateAlpha;

Remove Marker
	0 = ["MKR_2"] spawn H8_removeMkr;

Get local Marker
	_localMkr = [] call H8_getLocalMkr;

Get all markers
	_addedMarkers = H8_markerArray (Returns array of all markers);

waitUntil INIT complete
	waitUntil {!isNil ("H8_initComplete")};


#define LOCALPREFIX		"h8"

H8_addMarker = {
 if (isServer) then {
  private ["_preAlpha"];
_mkrArray =		(_this select 0);
_condArray =	[_this, 1, []] call BIS_fnc_param;
_alpha =		[_this, 2, -1] call BIS_fnc_param;

	_mkr = _x;
if (_alpha != -1) then {

_preAlpha = _alpha;

	_preAlpha = markerAlpha _mkr;
	 if (_preAlpha == 0) then {
		_preAlpha = 0.5;

H8_markerArray set [count H8_markerArray,_mkr];

_mkrProperties = [_x,_mkr,_preAlpha];
H8_markerProperties set [count H8_markerProperties,_mkrProperties];	

	if (!isDedicated) then {
0 = [_mkrProperties] spawn H8_fnc_Localise;
					};//RUN IN EDITOR

		}forEach _condArray;
	_mkr setMarkerAlpha 0;
			}forEach _mkrArray;
publicVariable "H8_markerArray"; // SEND TO ALL CLIENTS
publicVariable "H8_markerProperties"; // SEND TO ALL CLIENTS

H8_checkCond = {
// Credit SHUKO for this code
   _cond = _this select 0;

     switch (typename _cond) do {
       case (typename grpNull): { (player in (units _cond)) };
       case (typename objNull): { player == _cond };
       case (typename WEST):    { (side player == _cond) };
       case (typename true):    { _cond };
       case (typename ""): {
         if (_cond in FACTIONARRAY) then {
           (faction player == _cond)
       default { false };

H8_removeMkr = {
 private ["_index","_tempProperties"];
  _mkrsToUpdate =	_this;

_mkrToUpdate = _x;
_indexs = [_mkrToUpdate] call H8_findIndex;

	_index = _x;

	H8_markerProperties set [_index, "delete_me"];
	H8_markerProperties = H8_markerProperties - ["delete_me"];;
		}foreach _indexs;

0 = [[_mkrToUpdate],"H8_deleteLocalMkr",true] call BIS_fnc_MP;
	}forEach _mkrsToUpdate;

publicVariable "H8_markerProperties";

H8_deleteLocalMkr = {
_mkr = 		(_this select 0);
_localMkr = format ["%2%1",_mkr,LOCALPREFIX];

deleteMarkerLocal _localMkr;

H8_updateAlpha = {
  _mkrsToUpdate =	(_this select 0);
  _alphatoUpdate =	(_this select 1);

_mkrToUpdate = _x;
_indexs = [_mkrToUpdate] call H8_findIndex;

_index = _x;
_tempProperties = H8_markerProperties select _index;
_tempProperties = [(_tempProperties select 0),(_tempProperties select 1),_alphatoUpdate];

	H8_markerProperties set [_index,_tempProperties];

	if (!isDedicated) then {0 = [_tempProperties] spawn H8_fnc_Localise;};//RUN IN EDITOR
		}foreach _indexs;
	}foreach _mkrsToUpdate;

publicVariable "H8_markerProperties";

H8_findIndex = {
private ["_index","_return"];
_mkrToUpdate =	(_this select 0);

_index =	0;
_return = 	[];

_mkr = (_x select 1);

if (_mkrToUpdate == _mkr) then {
_return set [count _return,_index]

_index = _index + 1;
	}forEach H8_markerProperties;


H8_getLocalMkr = {
 _mkr	=	(_this select 0);
 _localMkr = 	format ["%2%1",_mkr,LOCALPREFIX];

 _localMkr //RETURN

H8_fnc_Localise = {
_markerProperties = (_this select 0);
_cond =	(_markerProperties select 0);

_return = [_cond] call H8_checkCond;

if (_return) then {
	_mkr =		(_markerProperties select 1);
	_preAlpha =	(_markerProperties select 2);

	0 = [_mkr,_preAlpha] call H8_fnc_createMkr;

H8_fnc_createMkr = {
if (!isDedicated) then {

 _mkr =		(_this select 0);
 _preAlpha =	(_this select 1);

_localMkr = 	format ["%2%1",_mkr,LOCALPREFIX];

if (getMarkerColor _localMkr == "") then {
_localMkr = createMarkerLocal [_localMkr,(getMarkerPos _mkr)];

	_localMkr setMarkerAlphaLocal 	_preAlpha;
	_localMkr setMarkerPosLocal		(markerPos _mkr);
	_localMkr setMarkerColorLocal 	(markerColor _mkr);
	_localMkr setMarkerDirLocal 	(markerDir _mkr);
	_localMkr setMarkerShapeLocal 	(markerShape _mkr);
	_localMkr setMarkerSizeLocal 	(getMarkerSize _mkr);
	_localMkr setMarkerTextLocal 	(markerText _mkr);
	_localMkr setMarkerTypeLocal 	(markerType _mkr);
	_localMkr setMarkerBrushLocal 	(markerBrush _mkr);

if isServer then {
if (isNil ("H8_markerProperties")) then {
	H8_markerProperties = [];
	publicVariable "H8_markerProperties";};
if (isNil ("H8_markerArray")) then {
	H8_markerArray = [];
	publicVariable "H8_markerArray";};

0 = [] spawn H8_Localinit;

if (!isServer && (player != player)) then { waitUntil {player == player}; waitUntil {time > 15};};

if (!isNil ("H8_markerProperties")) then {
_mkrProperties = _x;
0 = [_mkrProperties] spawn H8_fnc_Localise;
		}forEach H8_markerProperties;

"H8_markerProperties" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
_mkrProperties = _x;
   0 = [_mkrProperties] spawn H8_fnc_Localise;
		}foreach H8_markerProperties;

H8_initComplete = TRUE;

Edited by BangaBob
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Very nice, I'm sure lot's of multiplayer mission makers will find this useful.

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Very clever,

I knew it was possible to draw markers in multiplayer local to which chat channel you're in, but your additional options make this a gem.

would it be possible to use drawIcon and a draw eventhandler on the map instead of markers?

No idea about localization, so I'm curious.


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Very nice, I'm sure lot's of multiplayer mission makers will find this useful.

Yes thank you for this.. saves some annoying headaches :)

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Very clever,

I knew it was possible to draw markers in multiplayer local to which chat channel you're in, but your additional options make this a gem.

would it be possible to use drawIcon and a draw eventhandler on the map instead of markers?

No idea about localization, so I'm curious.


In theory yes. Anything that is local to the player could be done in a similar method.

I think that the drawIcon is local to the player. So take the barebones of this script and adapt it for drawIcon instead of markers if you like.

---------- Post added at 19:20 ---------- Previous post was at 19:19 ----------

Yes thank you for this.. saves some annoying headaches :)

You're welcome. I was surprised that there aren't any other scripts that do this already.

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Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

Awesome. Thanks!

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I want to use the follow car script to follow around 30 cillivians for only the indepentent player to see.

how would i execute that locally on a dedicated server for the independent player? and would I need to

make that same script 30 times (one for each civ) to get it working?

please let me know if that makes sense ;)

awesome script, perfect for my mission.

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I want to use the follow car script to follow around 30 cillivians for only the indepentent player to see.

how would i execute that locally on a dedicated server for the independent player? and would I need to

make that same script 30 times (one for each civ) to get it working?

please let me know if that makes sense ;)

awesome script, perfect for my mission.

Each marker is local to the player. Therefore to move/change the marker the script has to be run on the players machine.(Not dedicated).

Something like this ran from the init.sqf (After MLS has initiated)


while {true} do {
_localMkr = [(format ["%1mkr",_x])] call H8_getLocalMkr; //MARKER NAME INSERTED HERE
_localMkr setMarkerPos _x;
 }forEach _civs;

This is a rough concept. It will need adapting depending on how you are generating the markers.

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