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Editing the BI models

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Hello I downloaded https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_2_Sample_Models (Vehicles one, aircraft specificly) and I'm trying to modify the huey to be unarmed however when I try to use it ingame the rotors dosn't spin and nothing animates, however if I use the EXACT same config setup and use the huey model currently ingame(From the air_e.pbo) it works perfect and even if I don't modify the downloaded version and try it ingame the rotors still do not spin, I'm not quite sure what I need to do...

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I think that the way that the game handles rotors spinning is through, something like making them have a texture that appears to be spinning or something (ie: I thought that the objects didnt actually move unless you make some scripted stuff or something).

So I assume you have to do something (not sure what) more to actually get the functionality.

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I think that the way that the game handles rotors spinning is through, something like making them have a texture that appears to be spinning or something (ie: I thought that the objects didnt actually move unless you make some scripted stuff or something).

So I assume you have to do something (not sure what) more to actually get the functionality.

But if it works (the configs) with the huey model currently in the ingame (air_e.pbo) shouldn't the model I downloaded from BI work out of the box aswell?

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The BI pbo already contains the needed tex files and the config is setup correctly already. Mike is correct, you need to have rotor blur textures. Removing the weapons would not affect rotors, so you've most likely over looked some aspect(no worries we all have done it). My advice is to research the BI pbo, check and make sure your values match BI pbos, ensure you have all the needed tex maps, named selections etc.

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The BI pbo already contains the needed tex files and the config is setup correctly already. Mike is correct, you need to have rotor blur textures. Removing the weapons would not affect rotors, so you've most likely over looked some aspect(no worries we all have done it). My advice is to research the BI pbo, check and make sure your values match BI pbos, ensure you have all the needed tex maps, named selections etc.

I fixed it, the problem was the configs the models are shipped with are not working by default (odd if you ask me).

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Glad you got it sorted :)

I still have one issue, I've removed things such as get in pos gunner etc and replaced the gunner proxy's with ones named cargo but I still get the option to get in as gunner

I've also edited the config. I'm not quite sure why I still get the option to get in as gunner.

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Have you tried putting the "Hasgunner" entry into the config?

If the default is set to 1,and you inherit from that class then you'd

need to specify a new value.

As in:


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Have you tried putting the "Hasgunner" entry into the config?

If the default is set to 1,and you inherit from that class then you'd

need to specify a new value.

As in:


I have, no luck.

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I'll take a look at the BIS config for the huey, and try to identify a solution

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