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Scripted force move?

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I know it has been asked some times already, but it seems possible now although I have no idea how.

The problem: it seems to be impossible to move a unit in combat state when he thinks he'll cross an enemy's LOS (be it true or not).

I've tried all the combinations of

-commandMove, doMove, move, moveTo

-diasableAI target,autotarget, fsm


-courage skill to 1

no luck. Units refuse to move. (only way is to put him into a civ group temporarly, but then he is not fired at)

the BUT:

The above are true for units in player's team too, and this is where it gets interesting.

If you issue an order to the same unit via the action menu: voila, he moves without hesitation. So it has been solved and possible.

But not with scripting commands. Is there anything I am missing here?

Edited by zapat

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