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PurePings .cfg help

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Hello all,

After switching to PurePings to host an ArmA 3 game server I have noticed some oddities that have me scratching my head and coming here for answers. Other services(HFB/ViLayer) I have used had much easier control panels to work with that had more options for configuration. There is only one config file editable which is the server.cfg. Also, with PurePings you are only allowed to edit the -mod line in the 'Command Line Changer' editor, making it unable to switch which .cfg files you want loaded, which brings me to the problem.

I have so far been unable to find a way to edit the difficulty settings for the server. I did find the .Arma3Profile in Users>server but it is a barebones file that is not a .cfg and only had the top six or seven lines. There were no difficulty settings to edit. I've read it should be in Users>SYSTEM and as with HFB/ViLayer should be a .cfg and editable. Even if they were though I am unable to call them through the Command Line.

It is also the same story with the Arma3.cfg file. It is in the correct place and .cfg but is barebones with nothing to really edit.

As I'm sure you can tell I am very new to maintaining a game server. I want to be sure I will not fubar the server. Am I able to just copy/paste the .cfg files I need from > https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Dedicated_Server < there into the proper area(Users>SYSTEM) and they will boot properly with no command line editing? This is very frustrating and I would greatly appreciate some insight.

Thank you in advance,


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Your provider should have a command line option for the -profiles parameter which should point to your server root directory (or have it done automatically). If this is done properly there will be a Users folder (taken from the -name param) in your server dir which will have the .profile file there you can adjust.

If the -profiles param is not configured it will create the .profile file under \Users\username\etc, etc which you probably can't access through your control panel.

I would try pasting those files from the wiki to your .cfg files and test (obviously adjust to suit your server).

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