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[COOP/PVP] Stronghold

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Not yet but, in the next few weeks or so there will be.

Dirty Haz

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Nice Haz!

What you were telling me on steam sounded good, but your thread here makes it much clearer, I like the look of this already, looking forward to playing it when it become available.

One question,

Where it says AI support, this means that I could play this with a friend, against enemy AI correct, so its not solely dependent

on other players to be on the opposing side correct?

What are you using to get the AI's to the objectives, and how are they respawning?

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Sounds promising!

Don't set a firm deadline for completion/publication yet. Release it when its ready to your standard.

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@Günter Severloh: Yes, you can play it coop with your friends or solo against AIs who will attack the objective. I am using the awesome AIRS (AI Respawn Script) from SPUn, with permission to use it.

Dirty Haz

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I've been working with Haz on this project although i'm newish to this type of gameplay. I can honestly say it's great for teamwork and solo play, fast action packed fun, Haz has put a lot of time and effort into keeping all types of players happy and has converted me, keep it up Haz good job. Cheers Stu

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First post updated... Stronghold is now in beta phase! A public release will be available soon.

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Dirty Haz, all links lead to steam subscription only. Could you provide an alternative direct download?

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I've uploaded it to Armaholic, stand by while they validate it.

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