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class CfgSounds
    sounds[] = {NoSound,arab1,arab2,arab3,arab4,cantDo,Vent,Vent2,Para,shout,introfx,siren,HighVoltage,boo};
    class NoSound {name="NoSound";sound[]={"", 0, 1};titles[] = {};};
    class arab1 {name="arab1";sound[]={"Sound\arab1.ogg", db+10, 1.0};titles[] = {};};
    class arab2 {name="arab2";sound[]={"Sound\arab2.ogg", db+10, 1.0};titles[] = {};};
    class arab3 {name="arab3";sound[]={"Sound\arab3.ogg", db+10, 1.0};titles[] = {};};
    class arab4 {name="arab4";sound[]={"Sound\arab4.ogg", db+10, 1.0};titles[] = {};};
//JW Custom CAS
    class cantDo {name="cantDo";sound[]={"JWC_CASFS\cantDo.ogg", 1.0, 1.0};titles[] = {};};
//ATM Airdrop
    class Vent {name="Vent";sound[]={ATM_airdrop\data\Vent.ogg, db-11, 1.0};titles[] = {};};
    class Vent2 {name="Vent2";sound[]={ATM_airdrop\data\Vent2.ogg, db-11, 1.0};titles[] = {};};
    class Para {name="Para";sound[]={ATM_airdrop\data\parachute.ogg, db-11, 1.0};titles[] = {};};
//Suicide Bomber
    class shout {name="shout";sound[]={"Sound\shout.ogg", 4, 1, 100};titles[] = {};};
//Jig's Sounds
    class introfx {name="introfx";sound[]={"Sound\introfx.ogg", db-10, 1.0};titles[] = {};};
    class siren {name="siren";sound[]={"Sound\siren.ogg", db+18, 1.0,900};titles[] = {};};
    class HighVoltage {name="HighVoltage";sound[]={"Sound\HighVoltage.ogg", db+16, 1.0,900};titles[] = {};};
    class boo {name="boo";sound[]={"Sound\boo.ogg", db+2, 1.0};titles[] = {};};

//And the bit in the functions:
    _randomtrack = floor(random 4);
    switch (_randomtrack) do {
        case 0 : {playsound "arab1";};
        case 1 : {playsound "arab2";};
        case 2 : {playsound "arab3";};
        case 3 : {playsound "arab4";};

Usage of the Scripting Commands

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Can you confirm that stamina is back again after respawn?


Yes, it works, thanks mate! :rolleyes:

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Can some one tell me what the Headless client do and how to us it in my server ?

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you should stop posting offtopic stuff in threads, instead use general/help forum parts

Im new to this server renting stuff and i have never use Headless Client but i se that it is one at this mission that i'm hosting at my server, so thats way im asking her. This is the BMR Insurgency that i am hosting at my server so what wrong with that.

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Yes, it works, thanks mate! :rolleyes:

Thank you. I've added the ASR_AI ACE_3 combo delay fix to v1.45alpha


That link in your post does not work.


Tried 1.45 Zaraga with cup units.  It runs well.  Taliban dudes look funny with NVGs.  I feel like the more guerrilla type factions shouldn't have them.  Also, in Zarga 1.44 with RHS/LOP, the chopper at the beginning is an Mi-17, but in 1.45 with CUP units, it's a Taru.


HUGE GAME KILLER IS STILL THERE:  if i approach the main town, the grids don't know how to light up.  A lot of them kinda activate and deactivate.  The 1 I'm in always deactivates so it can never be clear.  Also happens in the Feruz Abad area on Taki.  Usually, I'm just running this on my own computer with ~1000m spawn and 20-50 simultaneous grids allowed.


And dude, the default settings are weird.  300m spawn, air patrols on hard, enemy accuracy up to .5.  Really weird.


Know what would be a good faction?  Cherno or Chadaki guys from CUP or RHS/LOP.  whoever has it.  I'm sure there's 16 different redundant ones.


Also, the bodies seem to hang around a little longer instead of deleting right away.  That's nice.  Gotta be able to resupply ;)


Also, Altis 1.44 with RHS Russians as the enemy, there are a lot of tank crew guys running around without tanks, lol.

I think it will be to expensive and maybe slow down eos by adding a faction check to determine who gets NVGs. The whole reason why all are equipped with NVGs are so the AI will be more responsive. Though you can remove them if you like. The edit required has been covered a few pages back. I like the the premise of lots of live action. I never use suppressors and favor daytime play only because the AI respond a little more.


Thanks for the limiter bug notice. I also noticed this a couple of days ago and was indeed a game breaker. Its fixed now in new alpha Though there is something you must understand with how it works that I cannot change. If limiter is set to say 10 zones and say 6 have already fully activated and your buddy halos to the middle of some big town, He may trigger activation of maybe 40 grids. Since they were all triggered at the same time, usually only the 6 original grids will stay lit and the others will continue to flash until your buddy backs away far enough for zone activation to be incrementally activated. Then all 10 grids can stay activated until deactivation delay has passed and distance is evaluated again. I hope this makes sense. I tried to make a video of how it works but failed with my shitty recording software. For some reason it records arma fullscreen as black screen.


The default settings are weird? 300-350 meters trigger is ideal for most public servers. AI accuracy lobby setting only affects the objective deffence AI who are usually in a more open spot. .5 is good. EOS skill settings are done by script and for performance reason will stay that way. Currently on all 145alpha version accuracy is set at 0.30.

The body and weapon cleanup was increased only when HC was present since v1.44, but have now also increased delay equally when not using HC in this new version below.

 I just removed RHS the tank crews from house and foot patrols.

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Can some one tell me what the Headless client do and how to us it in my server ?

No Problem.

Headless client is another instance of Arma usually ran from same server machine that connects to server as a client and is used to offload the task of spawning and managing the  AI. This allows server to run faster and handle all other tasks more efficiently.

Spawning of AI is the biggest CPU thread in arma. Headless Client is a way to make arma use more CPU cores.

Here is a working example of our moded server and what needs to be setup in order to use Headless Client.

HC needs its own user/player profile space.

Create a player profile folder for the HC. Name it anything you want. We named the profile/folder HC_1

Our server is not a rental so we have access to the whole hard disk. On our server the profile is located here:

C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\HC_1


These are the shortcuts/ batch files to launch server and HC we created in notepad. Save to .txt then rename the files to .bat extensions.


//Headlessclient startup .bat file:
start "" "D:\Games\ArmA3\A3_Coop_2\arma3server.exe" -client -connect= -nosound -nologs -name=HC_1 -profile=HC_1 -filePatching -mod=@CBA_A3;@ASR_AI3;@CUP_Terrains_-_Core;@CUP_Terrains_-_Maps;@CUP_Units;@CUP_Vehicles;@CUP_Weapons;@ADR-97;@Napf_Island_A3


//Server startup .bat file:
start "" "D:\Games\ArmA3\A3_Coop_2\arma3server.exe" -port=2502 -config=A3_Coop_2.cfg -cfg=A3.cfg -name=OG -profiles=moddedserver -noLogs -loadMissionToMemory -filePatching -mod=@CBA_A3;@ASR_AI3;@CUP_Terrains_-_Core;@CUP_Terrains_-_Maps;@CUP_Units;@CUP_Vehicles;@CUP_Weapons;@ADR-97;@Napf_Island_A3

And here is a Server config

headlessClients[]={"",""};//headlessclient machine address

steamPort = 2602;
steamQueryPort = 2603;

hostname = "Onion Gamers [OG]  ts3.oniongamers.com  Steam for Mods";
maxPlayers = 15;
// password = "";
passwordAdmin = "********";
verifySignatures = 2;

motd[] = {
"Welcome to the Onion Gamers Arma3 Server",
"Please join TeamSpeak3 for great comms @ ts3.oniongamers.com or"
motdInterval = 12;

voteMissionPlayers = 1;
voteThreshold = 5;
disableVoN = 0;
vonCodecQuality = 8;
persistent = 1;
BattlEye = 1;
logFile = "A3_Coop_2.log";
allowedFilePatching = 2;// 0 is no clients (default)    1 is Headless Clients only    2 is all clients
regularCheck = "{}";

class Missions {
    class Mission {
        template = "BMR_Insurgency_v1_45alpha.Altis";
        difficulty = "Custom";

allowedLoadFileExtensions[] = {"hpp","sqs","sqf","fsm","cpp","paa","txt","xml","inc","ext","sqm","ods","fxy","lip","csv","kb","bik","bikb","html","htm","biedi"};
allowedPreprocessFileExtensions[] = {"hpp","sqs","sqf","fsm","cpp","paa","txt","xml","inc","ext","sqm","ods","fxy","lip","csv","kb","bik","bikb","html","htm","biedi"};
allowedHTMLLoadExtensions[] = {"htm","html","xml","txt"};

//some ArmA specific stuff - signature verification
onUnsignedData = "kick (_this select 0)";
onHackedData = "kick (_this select 0)";
onDifferentData = "";

I hope i didn't forget anything. Anyways it took us a while before we got it all setup properly. Most if not all is covered in the Wiki.

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v1.45alpha updated with full changelog on first page.

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v1.45alpha updated with full changelog on first page.

First i will thank you for all the help you have given me, this is a good mission.

1. I wonder if you know way after players have logged out from the server the server still say that you dont have like a weapon mod that one player that have bean in the game earlier use. way will that still be registered in the server.

2. Can i move the MHQ3 ? I haven't moved the helicopter because of the delivery mission, so i dont know if that will be a problem for the mission, as the crate spawn there.

3. The HC i will come back to you on that as i don't need to use it now i think, but that is very good information. Do i have to make the new profile on my computer and add the rest to the server. But i will come back about that one day.

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Tried the new Zargabad one briefly.  Performance is really bad.  Hitches every 3 seconds.  Like, in a rhythm.  Same game killer bug.

Thanks for the report ss9.

I found the problem. I just need to come up with a solution now. This may be a problem on all the smaller terrains like Zargabad Kunduz and Diyala. Disabling the air patrol for now should resolve the rhythmic and frame drop. The air patrol script gets stuck in a loop calling the  function which determines a suitable random position to spawn the aircraft from. The trick I've got to figure is a new method to find positions for waypoints and spawn position that is not too close to blufor base.

First i will thank you for all the help you have given me, this is a good mission.

1. I wonder if you know way after players have logged out from the server the server still say that you dont have like a weapon mod that one player that have bean in the game earlier use. way will that still be registered in the server.

2. Can i move the MHQ3 ? I haven't moved the helicopter because of the delivery mission, so i dont know if that will be a problem for the mission, as the crate spawn there.

3. The HC i will come back to you on that as i don't need to use it now i think, but that is very good information. Do i have to make the new profile on my computer and add the rest to the server. But i will come back about that one day.

You must use keys on server to only alllow mods you want in the server by placing the keys that come with the mod into the keys folder in the game root. Then to enforce it use verifySignatures = 2; in the server.cfg. However if the server has a key for a mod you are not running you will still get that message when someone else has that mod so the alternative to force everyone to have exact same mods with equalModRequired = 1;

Moving MHQ_3 is disscused in post #344.

Sorry I may have been unclear on where the HC should be. I have edited the post above. It is best to have the HC in same computer as server or at least same network as server for the least latency. The maching running HC is is where the profile needs to be created. The configuration above is an example of HC and server on same computer. In fact, they both launch the same arma3server.exe




Mission pack v1.45alpha updated once again on front page. Includes fix for frame stutter on small terrains.

If all is well I will concentrate on adding the additional mod and faction support now.

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hi good day, i see thanks. Are you thinking of adding the new respond from BI to the game ? I haven't try it but it's looking good. The new update today is looking so cool, i am looking forward for the new Tanoa map, are you going to make a BMR mission on that.

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I didn't see this on list or I'm just blind but do you support MIDDLE EAST WARFARE units by Massi?

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hi good day, i see thanks. Are you thinking of adding the new respond from BI to the game ? I haven't try it but it's looking good. The new update today is looking so cool, i am looking forward for the new Tanoa map, are you going to make a BMR mission on that.

I probably will not use the BIS respawn. If I add it then it will be the only choice as it does not play well with others. Even better would be the revive system Dirty Haz is working on if he would be so gracious to share. It has lots of cool features. Of course I will do a Tanoa version.




I didn't see this on list or I'm just blind but do you support MIDDLE EAST WARFARE units by Massi?

No your not blind. I will post details of which factions and mod will be included soon. So far its the new RHS factions combos and maybe more cup combos. I will do a MIDDLE EAST WARFARE without the vehicle mod and just use Massi's more universal Nato Russian Vehicles mod in combination. Also possible future Unsung integration to compliment Tanoa, Nziwasogo and upcoming Lingor version.

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since version 1.60 from Arma3, no more respawn, i have black screen, all i can do is ctrl + alt + sup...


Do you have same problem ?

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since version 1.60 from Arma3, no more respawn, i have black screen, all i can do is ctrl + alt + sup...


Do you have same problem ?

Hi i am running BMR Diyala on my server and its normal the respawn for me, only problem i got now it's that i don't have no more intro music after the update.

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I have Stratis open in Editor and when I go to preview it I get all sorts of odd errors like fnc_animal something and some sidemission script errors..thought it was maybe I did something when I edited the base but tried a vanilla one open in the editor and got the same thing..I assume it has to do with the new 1.60 update..anyone else getting odd errors other than respawn?




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I have not experienced those errors at all. Gonna ask just to ask.... Are you sure you are running the latest version of BMR?

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After many testing, problem is back and randon with 1.45a - sometimes black screen instead of respawn, sometimes it works fine


in fact, when this timer has expired:


class INS_revive_time//9
title=" Revive time";
texts[]={"1 minute","2 minutes","3 minutes","5 minutes","10 minutes","30 minutes","60 minutes"};
default = 60;
I can press "ESC" and can reappear.
Black screen (lol)
When i'm really dead, i can press esc
If a friend respawn me with medic kit: he sees me alive, but i still have black screen
Very strange
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Good day, where do i change the point of the intel when we grab it ? Thanks.

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Hi guys i change the hold meaning of the BMR Insurgency to fit my needs to play with some good help from HoverGuy. Read all about it in my web page that i'm creating. Domain name will come soon. Now we need to wait for more great updates from BMR and Diyala map. See you in the battlefield!!

Infinity V Servers =I.V.S=

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So I went in and tested the edited mission in MP and no errors..so maybe because editor doesn't load all the extras it tosses errors..either way It doesn't show up in MP or on the server. So its all good. I am debating running Diyala with Jbad and BMR on my server anyone know how that Map runs?




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Hi i'm, running a Diyala server that's up 24/7 and its good. if you wont you can come and test and see how its is.

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About black screen respawn 


We have complety reedit our custom mission from original 1.45alpha and it works again... Something went wrong when we updated to 1.60... Dont know what, but it works fine :)

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