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ID:14 - A TvT Event Hosted by MediusGaming.com & SA-SIM.com

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MediusGaming.com and DCS's SA-SIM.com cordially invite you to compete in the inagural ID:14 TvT Event! ID:14 pits FIA (with a little NATO help) [bLUFOR] against AAF forces [iNDFOR] in a 100% TvT coup de tat!

When & Where:

When – Saturday August 9 at 8:30 PM PST

Teamspeak address: ts25.gameservers.com:9384

Server: Filter for "Medius" as host OR direct connect: arma3.mediusgaming.com Port 3202

The Mission:

  • No AI combatant forces, Totally PvP / TvT Environment
  • Civilian Resistance Forces (BLU-FIA) (50 slots) and NATO Support Forces (20 slots) face off in PvP warfare vs. Altis Armed Forces (INDFOR -AAF) (70 Slots)
  • Civilians (As BLU-FIA) are fighting to overthrow the government and win independence and freedom
  • Local Military Forces fight to maintain stability in the region and quell the rising rebellion
  • Altian civilians (As BLU-FIA) will have limited NATO support (Weapons and Equipment)
  • AAF will have full range of equipment and control over major assets


  • Domination (Attack / Defend major strategic zones)
  • Supply Run (Convoy Delivery / Ambush
  • VIP Escort – (Escort / Assassination)
  • Seek and Destroy – (Tactical Team Death Match)

Team Scoring

  • Each Sub-Mission will add a score to the team’s score
  • Once the team score reaches 100 points, the gamer is over
  • Battle time limit is 2 hours and a half, team with highest score wins

Player Scoring

  • Rating is added for enemy kills, amount based on “Rank†of enemy killed
  • Rating will be subtracted for team kills and civilian kills
  • Bonus points will added for SA rankings according to this formula :
  • individual score or base SA points (whichever higher) x (2 if team victory + 2 if survivor)


  • Respawns: 1 life per player – no respwaning unless it’s a technical issue
  • Gameplay recording: For your protection, we recommend utilizing Xsplit Gamecaster to record your experience. These recordings can be submitted to admins as evidence in the event of a gameplay dispute. The choice not to record leaves a player no option to dispute gameplay as there is no body of evidence to go on. It’s always a better idea to record.
  • Disconnection: Any player has the option of connecting to our servers, which run 24/7, and testing his connection out prior to game day. If the player chooses to connect and test, Medius Admins will be available to provide technical assistance to players to ensure that any connection faults are addressed and remedied as much as possible prior to game day. Our internet connection here at Medius is a business SLA 100 Mbps down, 20 Mbps up (usually more like 23-25 Mbps up) and our servers are wired via CAT 6 to a professional Cisco switch, so on our end, there really shouldn’t be anything causing a problem. Any disconnection issues will very likely be player-side. There will be few “Reinstatement Slots†that people aren’t allowed to use to join in without permission from admins. If you experience a disconnection, the correct procedure is to reach for an admin on TeamSpeak, explain what happened and ask for permission to rejoin.

Planning Rooms

There will be a dedicated planning room where players can discuss tactics in preparation of the battle and where only members of the same team can see. To join your planning room, you must register to the forum SA-SIM.com, then include your new forum username in your application (see registration section below). You will then be manually added to your planning room to see and contribute to what your teammates are planning for the battle.


Registrations will be handled exclusively on BIS official forums. To sign up, one must include the following in a reply to this thread:

(please make sure you are confident you will be available on D-day)

  • Official callsign as you would like it to appear on the ARMA results and rankings page, which will be created after this maiden battle
  • Chosen team (NATO-backed Resistance Forces OR Altis Armed Forces)
  • If BLUFOR, notify whether or not you would like to be part of the NATO support force or FIA Resistance Force. Slots are limited and your request does not guarantee placement as a NATO or FIA operator. You will be notified before the match if you are selected to be a NATO Operator for your team.
  • For either side, indicate whether or not you wish to be a MEDIC (Your request does not guarantee placement as a medic, medic slots are limited. You will be notified before the match if you are selected to be a medic for your team)

Edited by Fr33d0m

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Call Sign: Cpt. AJK1LLA aka Ghost

Team: NATO-backed Resistance Force

Medic: No

Hired Gun at the Ready. Cya on the Field. I'm available all day that Saturday.

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We were expecting more players and we are interested in reading feedback from anybody who could participate and decided not to join. This can help us in making things better next time.

Thanks to those who signed up. We will run this maiden event even with a small number of players and give birth to ARMA 3 player rankings on Situational Awareness.

Sign up is still open and will remain so until Saturday 16:00 PST. Event will kick off as planned on the same day at 20:30 PST.

If you have trouble converting to your local time, you can use this (make sure to adjust the right clock to your own location):


If you need assistance with your ARMA game, connection or have questions regarding the ID14 mission, please do not hesitate to drop us a line here or get in touch directly with Medius Gaming staff over Teamspeak on: ts25.gameservers.com:9384.

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