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Blood Particle Effect

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I was wondering if anyone might have an idea about creating a blood particle effect? I can only get some particles working using the setParticleSource command. Maybe someone has an idea for a workaround? Perhaps, spawning a bullet with velocity? Just curious! Thanks in advance!

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Try this:

// by EightSix
// or maybee BI...
private ["_unit","_display", "_texLower", "_texMiddle", "_texUpper", "_x", "_y", "_w", "_h"];
_unit = _this select 0;
if (_unit != player) exitWith {};

if (isnil {uinamespace getvariable "RscHealthTextures"}) then {uinamespace setvariable ["RscHealthTextures",displaynull]};
if (isnull (uinamespace getvariable "RscHealthTextures")) then {(["HealthPP_blood"] call bis_fnc_rscLayer) cutrsc ["RscHealthTextures","plain"]};
_display = uinamespace getvariable "RscHealthTextures";

_texLower = _display displayctrl 1211;//1013; //1001
_texLower ctrlsetfade 1;
_texLower ctrlcommit 0;

_texMiddle = _display displayctrl 1212;
_texMiddle ctrlsetfade 1;
_texMiddle ctrlcommit 0;

_texUpper = _display displayctrl 1213;
_texUpper ctrlsetfade 1;
_texUpper ctrlcommit 0;

_x = ((0 * safezoneW) + safezoneX) + ((safezoneW - (2.125 * safezoneW * 3/4)) / 2); //textura vycentrovana na st?ed (p?i??t? se polovina m?sta kter? zb?v? od konce textury k prav?mu okraji obrazovky)
_y = (-0.0625 * safezoneH) + safezoneY; //levy horni roh o 10% nad obrazovkou
_w = 2.125 * safezoneW * 3/4;//safezoneW * 3/4;  //sirka o 20% vetsi nez sirka obrazovky (10% presah vlevo, 10% presah vpravo)
_h = 1.125 * safezoneH;

_texLower ctrlsetposition [_x, _y, _w, _h];
_texMiddle ctrlsetposition [_x, _y, _w, _h];
_texUpper ctrlsetposition [_x, _y, _w, _h];

_texLower ctrlcommit 0;
_texMiddle ctrlcommit 0;
_texUpper ctrlcommit 0;

_texLower ctrlsetfade 0.2;
_texMiddle ctrlsetfade 0.7;
_texUpper ctrlsetfade 0.7;

_texLower ctrlcommit 0.2;
_texMiddle ctrlcommit 0.2;
_texUpper ctrlcommit 0.2;

waituntil {ctrlcommitted _texUpper};
waitUntil {(_unit getVariable "FAR_isUnconscious" == 0) || {!alive _unit}};

sleep 0.5;

_texLower ctrlsetfade 1;
_texMiddle ctrlsetfade 1;
_texUpper ctrlsetfade 1;

_texUpper ctrlcommit 1.5;
sleep 1;
_texMiddle ctrlcommit 1;
sleep 0.5;
_texLower ctrlcommit 0.8;

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Yes, thanks for the response - but I'm after the blood particle effect, please give a shout if anyone has a script! Or, alternatively, can think of a workaround!

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^^ I think it was called mao_blood_mist_a3.pbo

I have it in my 'always run' addon folder :)

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Thanks chaps, but I'm not after a mod unfortunately, just a script for the blood particle effect which can be used with vanilla settings - MANW prohibits mod use for the SP category. All the same, cheers for the response!

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Open up the PBO, locate the matching script and see how they did it?

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its in the "bloodEffect" function. you can see it right from the function viewer.  
i remember slightly modifying it for a mod i made but honestly can't remember how different from original it is.


File: fn_bloodEffect.sqf
Author: Vladimir Hynek
Modified By: Nimrod_Z

Blood splash (texture) postprocess.

_this select 0: Number (5-90)

Returned value:
//---------------- Hit that caused bleeding - show blood--------------------------------------------------------------

private ["_display", "_texLower", "_texMiddle", "_texUpper", "_x", "_y", "_w", "_h"];

if (isnil {uinamespace getvariable "RscHealthTextures"}) then {uinamespace setvariable ["RscHealthTextures",displaynull]};
//if (isnull (uinamespace getvariable "str_screen")) then {1918 cutrsc ["screen","plain"]};
if (isnull (uinamespace getvariable "RscHealthTextures")) then {(["HealthPP_blood"] call bis_fnc_rscLayer) cutrsc ["RscHealthTextures","plain"]};
_display = uinamespace getvariable "RscHealthTextures";

//remove old textures --TODO: replace this by texture overlay-repaint textures
//textures are defined in TEST_description_screen.hpp
_texLower = _display displayctrl 1211;//1013; //1001
_texLower ctrlsetfade 1;
_texLower ctrlcommit 0;

_texMiddle = _display displayctrl 1212;
_texMiddle ctrlsetfade 1;	
_texMiddle ctrlcommit 0;

_texUpper = _display displayctrl 1213;
_texUpper ctrlsetfade 1;	
_texUpper ctrlcommit 0;

        _x = ((0 * safezoneW) + safezoneX) + ((safezoneW - (2.125 * safezoneW * 3/4)) / 2); //textura vycentrovana na st�ed (p�i��t� se polovina m�sta kter� zb�v� od konce textury k prav�mu okraji obrazovky)
        _y = (-0.0625 * safezoneH) + safezoneY; //levy horni roh o 10% nad obrazovkou
        _w = 2.125 * safezoneW * 3/4;//safezoneW * 3/4;  //sirka o 20% vetsi nez sirka obrazovky (10% presah vlevo, 10% presah vpravo)
        _h = 1.125 * safezoneH;

       //temporarily commented 
       _texLower ctrlsetposition [_x, _y, _w, _h];
       _texMiddle ctrlsetposition [_x, _y, _w, _h];
       _texUpper ctrlsetposition [_x, _y, _w, _h];

       _texLower ctrlcommit 0;
       _texMiddle ctrlcommit 0;
       _texUpper ctrlcommit 0;

// radial blur
//call VIR_fnc_hitBlur;

_blood = _this select 0;

       if(_blood > 5 && _blood < 25) then
           _texLower ctrlsetfade 0.2;	 //0 --changed
           _texLower ctrlcommit 0.2;
           waituntil {ctrlcommitted _texLower};

		sleep 0.5;

		_texLower ctrlsetfade 1;
		_texLower ctrlcommit 0.8;

       //lower, 50% middle
       if (_blood >= 25 && _blood < 40) then
           _texLower ctrlsetfade 0.2;	 //0 --changed
           _texMiddle ctrlsetfade 0.85;  //0 --changed

           _texLower ctrlcommit 0.2;
           _texMiddle ctrlcommit 0.2;
           waituntil {ctrlcommitted _texMiddle};

		sleep 0.5;

		_texLower ctrlsetfade 1;
		_texMiddle ctrlsetfade 1;

		_texMiddle ctrlcommit 1;
		sleep 0.5;
		_texLower ctrlcommit 0.8;

       //lower, middle
       if (_blood >= 40 && _blood < 55) then
           _texLower ctrlsetfade 0.2;	 //0 --changed
           _texMiddle ctrlsetfade 0.7;  //0 --changed

           _texLower ctrlcommit 0.2;
           _texMiddle ctrlcommit 0.2;
           waituntil {ctrlcommitted _texMiddle};

		sleep 0.5;

		_texLower ctrlsetfade 1;
		_texMiddle ctrlsetfade 1;
		_texUpper ctrlsetfade 1;

		_texMiddle ctrlcommit 1;
		sleep 0.5;
		_texLower ctrlcommit 0.8;

       //lower, middle, 50% upper
       if (_blood >= 55 && _blood < 70) then
           _texLower ctrlsetfade 0.2;	 //0 --changed
           _texMiddle ctrlsetfade 0.7;  //0 --changed
           _texUpper ctrlsetfade 0.85;  //0.5 --changed

           _texLower ctrlcommit 0.2;
           _texMiddle ctrlcommit 0.2;
           _texUpper ctrlcommit 0.2;
           waituntil {ctrlcommitted _texUpper};

		sleep 0.5;

		_texLower ctrlsetfade 1;
		_texMiddle ctrlsetfade 1;
		_texUpper ctrlsetfade 1;

		_texUpper ctrlcommit 1.5;
		sleep 1;
		_texMiddle ctrlcommit 1;
		sleep 0.5;
		_texLower ctrlcommit 0.8;

       //lower, middle, upper
       if (_blood >= 70) then
           _texLower ctrlsetfade 0.2;	 //0 --changed
           _texMiddle ctrlsetfade 0.7;  //0 --changed
           _texUpper ctrlsetfade 0.7;   //0 --changed

           _texLower ctrlcommit 0.2;
           _texMiddle ctrlcommit 0.2;
           _texUpper ctrlcommit 0.2;
           waituntil {ctrlcommitted _texUpper};

		sleep 0.5;

		_texLower ctrlsetfade 1;
		_texMiddle ctrlsetfade 1;
		_texUpper ctrlsetfade 1;

		_texUpper ctrlcommit 1.5;
		sleep 1;
		_texMiddle ctrlcommit 1;
		sleep 0.5;
		_texLower ctrlcommit 0.8;

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@Nimrod_Z - hi, thanks - but I'm after the particle effect - not the texture splash :)

@IndeedPete - not sure it'd be in the PBO - didn't see it actually used in the campaign, at least, not via a script. I could be wrong, I'll check!

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@Nimrod_Z - hi, thanks - but I'm after the particle effect - not the texture splash :)

@IndeedPete - not sure it'd be in the PBO - didn't see it actually used in the campaign, at least, not via a script. I could be wrong, I'll check!

Just mind that Particles can be configured a bit more complex in an addon than they can be through script commands.


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Hey guys, I am really new to this forum thing so I dont really know where to begin. I have a editing question to what I cant find the answer to anywhere, so I wanted to make a new thread. But I can't find that option anywhere, where can I find it?

Thanks in advance guys

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