High Command Transport
LightWeight AddOn v.1.0.1
A VERY simple / lighweight AddOn that fixes current issues with performing transport in High Command Mode - No addons or mods required.
Author: Henrik Hansen
- If you are using my functions in a realease please leave a thank you note in the credits
Special Thanks To:
- Jester814 for inspiring tutorials / videos
AddOn created mainly to correct high command transport tasks like (but not limited to):
- hc group will not board vehicles that has been assigned to other hc groups (even though cargo space is available)
- hc group will not board even empty vehicles in which the player has been in the driverseat
- Feedback tracker: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=12934
- Go to high command control (Left CTRL + SPACE)
- Use Action (scroll-wheel) Called High Command Transport
- Select high command groups (F1 - F12)
Selecting 2 High Command Groups -> Scroll Wheel High Command Transport -> Load
will perform the "Transport Load" action.
1 Transport Load
Select the HC Groups (F1 to F12) to combine for transport. In the selected groups, 1 group must be in a vehicle, all other groups must be on foot. If you are in the vehicle to provide transport, only select groups on foot that are to mount the vehicle. If the group transport provider is in a helo, the helo will auto find a location to hover, and the groups on foot will mount. Make sure that the vehicle has capacity to transport the groups.
2 Transport Unload
Select 1 or more HC groups that are being transported (assigned as cargo) to dismount the vehicle they are in. If the transport vehicle is a flying helo it will find a location to unload troops while hovering very low, if a helo pad is close it will be used (standard arma). The troops will auto dismount.
3 Crew Enter
Select 1 HC group to mount and take control (driver and turrets) of a nearby vehicle. Closest vehicle will be considered first and so on, only vehicles that have no CONTROLLING crew is considered, only vehicles that can carry the whole group is considered. If the group have more men than the vehicle driverseat + turrets, the rest will mount as cargo.
4 Crew Exit
Select 1 or more HC groups that controls (driver + turrets) vehicles, selected groups will dismount their vehicle.
5 Engine On
Select 1 or more HC groups controlling a vehicle to turn engine on. Its safe to select all HC groups to perform a uniform spool up since the order will be auto ignored by groups not controlling vehicles.
6 Engine Off
Select 1 or more HC groups controlling a vehicle to turn engine off. If a selected HC group controls a flying helo, that helo will find a location to land and shut engine off. Its safe to select all HC groups to perform a uniform spool down since the order will be auto ignored by groups not controlling vehicles.
7 Helo Land/Hover
Select 1 or more HC groups controlling a flying helo that will find a location to hover very low for troops to mount / dismount. Note that troops will not auto mount / dismount, you still need to press 6-1 or 6-2 after the helo is hovering low.
8 Toggle SideChat
Toggle if the HC groups will use sidechat to inform you of performed mount / dismount actions, good feature if you are far away, eq. you want to know when a riffle squad have finished dismounting / mounting a helo so you can order the helo back.
Known Issues:
Although it is checked WHEN ORDERED if a group can fit in a vehicle, ordering many groups at the same time into a vehicle that cannot hold all troops can cause unknown behavior, even desynch of groups.
To do:
- Release Single Player ShowCase
- Add multiplayer support - http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?180909-High-Command-Transport&p=2778858&viewfull=1#post2778858
v.1.0.1 - 9th of january 2015
- Update to handle config changes introduced with "Firing from vehicles" - (Firing Cargo Seats is now turrets)
- Transport Load (6-1) now count cargo seats correctly
- Transport UnLoad (6-2) now unloading vehicle dont move off to old waypoints
- Crew Enter (6-3) now count cargo seats correctly
- Replaced KK_fnc_commonTurrets with allTurrets
- Replaced "deleteWaypoint [_x, all]" with "while {(count (waypoints _x)) > 0} do {deleteWaypoint ((waypoints _x) select 0)};" - (RPT ERROR LOG)
- Added Variable: HC_Transport_Version
Here is a nice video made by Jester814 on high command, it also illustrates the need for a fix like this addon:
DropBox Download: