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Radio Chat in the Editor

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Hello everyone!

I need help with chats in the Arma 3 editor for my next mission in the workshop. The only thing that i know how to use is the sideChat and the groupChat. With the vehicleChat i only how to make talk the driver, not the passenger. And i didn't find the command for direct Chat. Because talking all along in sideChat for the mission won't be very.. very... Well you understand. Also, does anyone know how to remove the player's name for the unit and only the unit's name?

So yeah, i need help for the vehicleChat, the direct Chat and the unit's name!

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You'll want to have a read of this. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?91875-New-conversation-system-how-to Use the "manual control" at the bottom of the post. That's a snippet of code.

JNA_off_1 kbAddTopic ["briefing", "kb\off1.bikb", ""];

JNA_off_1 kbTell [JNA_AR_2, "briefing", "JNA_off1_1"];
waitUntil {JNA_off_1 kbWasSaid [JNA_AR_2, "briefing", "JNA_off1_1", 3]};

class sentences 
class JNA_off1_1
       text = $STR_JNA_Brief_1;
       speech[] = {"\Sounds\silence5s.ogg"};
       class Arguments {};


class JNA_off1_2
       text = $STR_JNA_Brief_2;
       speech[] = {"\Sounds\silence5s.ogg"};
       class Arguments {};


class Arguments{};
class Special{};
startWithVocal[] = {hour};
startWithConsonant[] = {europe, university};

That's a small part of my bikb file, I've been trying to get Stringtable.xml to work in a mission (I'm doing something wrong with it but that's not important, if you're not using that then you'll want the text=line to read text="Bla bla";

For the name you can do a couple of things, you can use this setName "Kerry"; or this setName setName ["Ben Kerry","Ben","Kerry"]; (Obviously replace the name with whatever name you're using. You may also want to use the set Callsign module, it's under group modifiers in the modules menu. You can also have a look at the description.ext page on the wiki, cfgidentities section.

EDIT: Also have a look around for information on Bis_fnc_KbTell. If you figure that out then your a smarter man than me because I sure can't.

Edited by Jona33

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