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How to get the player's current inventory weight?

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Is there a command to get the player's current inventory weight, or do I have to manually calculate this using each item's "mass" value?

I remember in Arma 2 the latter was the case, but I'm hoping with Arma 3 (and possibly with the new fatigue update) there's a much quicker way of doing this.

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I don't sure about this, but I use

_weight = [];
if (systemOfUnits != 2) then {_weight = [round (((loadAbs player)*0.1)/2.2),format ["kg."]];} else {_weight = [round ((loadabs player)*0.1),"lb."];};

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Brilliant, thanks. Now here's another problem - according to config values from the config viewer:


Config mass value: 8

Real world weight value: 0.25 kg

So, to convert the game's mass value to kg we do

8 / 32 = 0.25

So our baseline value is: 32

So now when I get the weight of my player's backpack inventory (which has 2 Stanags) it returns 0.5kg. However, if I return the weight of another item (using the same baseline value), the values don't seem to be consistent/correct. For example:

PCML Missle

Config mass value: 80

So, again, to convert the game's mass value to kg (using the same baseline value as above) we do

80 / 32 = 2.5 kg

This can't be right. The missile should weigh at least 10kg. If these are the values that the new fatigue system uses, it can't be calculating fatigue correctly. Unless the "mass" values are not used, or I'm doing something wrong (most likely)?

Using your formula also shows the same:

Total weight of player's inventory with rocket: 25.27 kg

Total weight of player's inventory without rocket: 21.64 kg

Weight of rocket: 3.63kg (!)

Can anyone shed some light on this?

Edited by Goodson

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No idea either, these values seem rather abstract than being real mass values.

The only mass values that seem to be in kg are the vehicle mass values.

Other than that, no clue.

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I think mass is some weird combination of weight and the actual physical size of the object as you have to remember it essentially 'takes up room' in the vests etc.

It's definitely abstract rather than an algorithm

Edited by Kerc Kasha

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The naming conventions really are awkward at times, like the ammo value "caliber", penetration would be a more fitting word for it.

Wondering why they didn't come up with 2 values like volume and mass and then make a combination of both determine how much of one item you can carry.

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Very odd indeed. The question still remains, what values does the fatigue system use to calculate weight? It must make use of these mass values somehow in order to accurately calculate fatigue. If it simply takes the total mass using these abstract values, I can't see how fatigue can be accurately calculated without being flawed.

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Yes AFAICT the "mass" in the game is a fudged value to represent mass and volume.

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I think I worked it out:

Fatigue = mass x volume / ({game id of dev who config'd object} x {number of shots downed that day}) x SIN(dev mood coefficient)/(QA game balancing) x (sq root of PIE) - (subjective assessment of community rage at not being able to walk faster than as snail when carrying an anti tank missile) / zero.

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I can confirm this is the most correct and valid method of accurately calculating fatigue ^^

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