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RDS A2 Civilian Pack

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hm, I will look into it. I don't have idea what it might be but I think it may be connected somehow to weapon handling (they were armed, aren't they? I haven't made any scenario with those guys armed so maybe?)

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I had the same problem as avka, where if I shoot someone with the civilian uniform/clothes or when I get shot while wearing civilian clothes, the game would crash to desktop.

I found out that the problem was me giving civilian clothing to BLUFOR, OPFOR or INDEPENDENT units. After I gave the clothing to a unit from the civilian faction (these where loadouts exported from virtual arsenal) everything worked fine, as a work around for my particular scenario (police vs civilians), I just assigned 2 groups of civilians to a blufor/opfor teamleader and made his probability of presence 0%.

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hm, I will look into it. I don't have idea what it might be but I think it may be connected somehow to weapon handling (they were armed, aren't they? I haven't made any scenario with those guys armed so maybe?)

Hmm this happends with armed "Civ's" and not armed one but all had something in their inventory. Like GPS Hats Glasses or Backpacks Firstaid Kids and this kind of stuff.

Edit:// Only that one that got shot wearing the Arma 2 Skins crash. Not the Killer or any one else. They too crash if they die in an accident and not in a gun fight.

Edit2:// Even when the player only has the clothing, no map clock compas gps backpack etc, the game still crashes

Edit3:// Game Crashes only when the Player was killed on the Arma 3 Life Server when killed at the VR Zeus mission or the Editor or any mission game does not crash... further investigation needed. Arma 3 Animatiosn work too at the VR. Crash reason should be a arma 3 life script... i think ^

Edit4:// Player Crash even if the player only take damage (hit in the foot etc)..... Crash at Civ get Tazed, Crash at Player gets Damage, Crash at Player gets killed (Testet with full equip and no equip)

Edited by avka

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I changed hitpoints (only Citizen was using a3 hitpoints, I had to forget at some point to change others too) and changed uniform side (6 - all sides can wear that clothing) and it's seems to work. It was very strange for me that it was working on civ side and on east or west not.

Anyway, you can check it all by yourself

It's not official release, for testing purposes only:


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Reyhard thx for your effort to bring a higher quality off a2 stuff to arma3.

Your animated vehicles are really cool, the civ and the island fix do the rest thx.

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This pack is great. I especially like the animated doors and trunks. Really adds to the quality.

I do have one critique. The sound effects are extremely loud. Almost as if the same sound effect is being played 20x at once instead of just one time.

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nice man. i really appreciate the forward porting of the arma 2 content and being able to drive and learn about vehicles that actually exist such as the Ural, Ikarus, Lada etc. i have two questions for you:

1. what is the faction classname for this pack's civilian side? i want to try to make it work with the ambient civilian module of ALIVE. (nevermind i got it: rds_rus_civ)

2. do you have plans to forward port the Takistani civilians, vehicles etc?


Edited by rxnxr23

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I changed hitpoints (only Citizen was using a3 hitpoints, I had to forget at some point to change others too) and changed uniform side (6 - all sides can wear that clothing) and it's seems to work. It was very strange for me that it was working on civ side and on east or west not.

Anyway, you can check it all by yourself

It's not official release, for testing purposes only:


P.S. Wörked! Thx from Distrikt41 =)

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I like your mod,

have you, by chance, changed any of the vehicle sounds?

They seem to be extremely loud, pretty much distorted when comparing them to the same vehicle in A2.


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I also want to say, this is great but the sounds are extremely loud to the point of hurting my ears.

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Thanks for confirmation Eggi. Knowing that works I think it's time to release small offical update. It doesn't contain everything I wanted to include but as I haven't touched for month it's better than nothing.

There Praga Truck & Tractor in preparation but dunno when it will be added - having different priorities now.

Civ Pack 1.05


*lowered vehicle sound

*fixed bones errors

*fixed civilian uniforms CTD on different side

*added gearbox hand anim

*tweaked cargo anims

*tweaked windows

*fixed police cap picture

*tweaked a little bit physx

*i forget about rest

Download Civ Pack 1.05

Edited by Reyhard

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Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


RDS A2 Civilian Pack v1.05


Kaelies Language Addon (available from this page: South Zagorian Army Mod)


You are not registered on Armaholic, or at least not that we are aware of. In the future we offer the possibility to authors to maintain their own pages.

If you wish to be able to do this as well please register on Armaholic and let me know about it.

This is not mandatory at all! Only if you wish to control your own content you are welcome to join, otherwise we will continue to follow your work like we have always done ;)

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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Nice to hear its updated, ! hopefully someone will push it to pws,

So did you end up being able to make clothes wearable by everyone, or did that not work out properly since I thought you had some type of issue with it

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Thanks for confirmation Eggi. Knowing that works I think it's time to release small offical update. It doesn't contain everything I wanted to include but as I haven't touched for month it's better than nothing.

There Praga Truck & Tractor in preparation but dunno when it will be added - having different priorities now.

Civ Pack 1.05


*lowered vehicle sound

*fixed bones errors

*fixed civilian uniforms CTD on different side

*added gearbox hand anim

*tweaked cargo anims

*tweaked windows

*fixed police cap picture

*tweaked a little bit physx

*i forget about rest

Download Civ Pack 1.05

Hey Reyhard, you must have uploaded the wrong file, cus all 4 PBOs are dated back 10th july, it doesn´t updates at all =P


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Updated release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


RDS A2 Civilian Pack v1.05


Kaelies Language Addon (available from this page: South Zagorian Army Mod)


You are not registered on Armaholic, or at least not that we are aware of. In the future we offer the possibility to authors to maintain their own pages.

If you wish to be able to do this as well please register on Armaholic and let me know about it.

This is not mandatory at all! Only if you wish to control your own content you are welcome to join, otherwise we will continue to follow your work like we have always done ;)

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

Edited by Guest
this is the new 1.05 archive!

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Love this pack.

Although I was wondering if you also plan to add the rest of the civies (like the long metalhead guy) or the OA ones as well? :)

I am well aware they are included in CAF.. however I am not a big fan of those custom weapons that come with it, which already clutter my Virtual Arsenal enough as it is (too many AK variants and duplicates :D).

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So with the firing-from-vehicles update, can we have a battle bus? ;)

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It looks like the version 1.0.5 on Play withSix is the wrong one?

- @rds_civpack (not @rds_civ per your download link)

- spams the rpt file with tens of thousands of errors similar to "class HitPoints::HitGlass8 not found in RDS_S1203_Civ_01"

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Lowered sounds? Nice, will try it out soon. I love those vehicles, especially the Ikarus. Fondly remember driving in those as a kid (eastern germany).

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New mod or update v1.0.5 FIX available at withSIX. Download now by clicking:


@ UK_Apollo;

Re downloaded the latest files from the front page and updated our network, please check if the errors are now gone.

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Thank-you very much, that's much improved with the correct version now being downloaded from Play withSix.

RPT errors are now manageable, adding just a few KB to the overall file size.

Error: Bone hips doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
Error: Bone headcutscene doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
Error: Bone slot_backpack doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
Error: Bone slot_backwpnr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
Error: Bone slot_backwpnl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
Error: Bone slot_buttpack doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
<section repeats once for each vehicle spawned?>

RDS_S1203_Civ_01: Glass7_destruct - unknown animation source HitGlass7
RDS_S1203_Civ_01: Glass8_destruct - unknown animation source HitGlass8
RDS_S1203_Civ_02: Glass7_destruct - unknown animation source HitGlass7
RDS_S1203_Civ_02: Glass8_destruct - unknown animation source HitGlass8
RDS_S1203_Civ_03: Glass7_destruct - unknown animation source HitGlass7
RDS_S1203_Civ_03: Glass8_destruct - unknown animation source HitGlass8

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With the latest Arma 3 Helicopter DLC update my Arma crashes everytime I chose clothing from this mod.

Does everyone else have this problem?

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