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Unable to start UV editor - Object Builder

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Was using the UV editor on a project yesterday, it wasn't working so well. Not registering/refreshing movement etc.. I closed it down in the end in frustration. I tried to re launch it and it doesn't work. The window is there, but nothing displayed.


Anyhow I first tried a steam verify with no success. I then deleted ObjectBuilder and redownloaded with steam, no success. Finally I reinstalled with the same result.

I assume Object Builder has other files as config doesn't reset. Would deleteing them help? I don't there location though, search's of my C drive a returned nothing.

Cheers for any help.

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The rest of the settings are stored in registry, chances are they don't get wiped upon uninstall. Open regedit and check HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Bohemia Interactive\Object Builder. Lots of stuff in there.

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The rest of the settings are stored in registry, chances are they don't get wiped upon uninstall. Open regedit and check HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Bohemia Interactive\Object Builder. Lots of stuff in there.

Thank you. Deleted the ObjectBuilder folder there and reinstalled works fine now. Had a look at the UV editor folder, but couldn't see what the problem might be. Either way thanks!

Would be nice if the tools actually uninstalled. :bored:

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well, I get that bug quite often so I made .bat file to remove registry key that stores UV window position.

anyway, if you want to make it manually and don't want to reinstall tools everytime you get that, remove only UVEditor folder from HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Bohemia Interactive\Object Builder

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well, I get that bug quite often so I made .bat file to remove registry key that stores UV window position.

anyway, if you want to make it manually and don't want to reinstall tools everytime you get that, remove only UVEditor folder from HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Bohemia Interactive\Object Builder

Mind sharing?

If you open anything with a different kind of UV mapping it will grind to a halt.

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Just right-click on the UV editor in the Windows task bar and select maximize.

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