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Need Help - Non-Closed Topology?

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I'm going to create a little police-shooting range building to make a tribute to good old ofp.

My work on this is at a very advanced stage, but when i'm going to click at Topology -> Find Non-Closed some end points of the walls are marked. I've read in a tutorial that i have to delete those faces and hit F6 to create a new.

But that dont solve the problem, these points are still marked. The only thing that work is to create 2 Faces at the same Face, but of course you see the texture will flicker. The automatically closing do not work, too.

So my question is: what can i do? Is it my mistake or a error of O2? I hope that im not forced to delete all marked components, because that will be a lot of work :(

thanks a lot for every kind of answers!

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I'm going to create a little police-shooting range building to make a tribute to good old ofp.

Nice :)

My work on this is at a very advanced stage, but when i'm going to click at Topology -> Find Non-Closed some end points of the walls are marked. I've read in a tutorial that i have to delete those faces and hit F6 to create a new.

But that dont solve the problem, these points are still marked. The only thing that work is to create 2 Faces at the same Face, but of course you see the texture will flicker. The automatically closing do not work, too.

So my question is: what can i do? Is it my mistake or a error of O2? I hope that im not forced to delete all marked components, because that will be a lot of work :(

thanks a lot for every kind of answers!

Is it for the geometry lod ? If it's for the resolution lods, no need to close anything.

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Thanks for your answer!

2004 i've made my last addon so i forgot some basic things about O2: When the resolution LOD isn't closed - is it possible that i expect problems later with Geometry LOD?

I'm very dissapointed that nothing helps me to close these faces. By the Way: In Non-Convexities these points are marked, too. So whats my mistake ? :butbut:

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The res lod doesn't interfere with the geo lod, so no problem there.

I don't recall having had this problem but the geometry lod will have to be made of simple shapes, closed and non convex. Most of the time i do the geo lod from scratch (having in mind that it's only a collision lod).

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My work on this is at a very advanced stage, but when i'm going to click at Topology -> Find Non-Closed some end points of the walls are marked. I've read in a tutorial that i have to delete those faces and hit F6 to create a new.

But that dont solve the problem, these points are still marked. The only thing that work is to create 2 Faces at the same Face, but of course you see the texture will flicker. The automatically closing do not work, too.

Check if those points are not duplicated - if they are, just merge duplicated ones (duplicated point = two points which are in exactly one spot). If not, then do what Professor said: if it's resolution LOD, You shouldn't have any problems. And if it's geo LOD, then just make it from scratch using basic shapes Oxygen can make (from the menu Create->Box).

To be honest I never used this option. Maybe it's time to check my models? :p

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Check if those points are not duplicated - if they are, just merge duplicated ones (duplicated point = two points which are in exactly one spot).

Yes, very good idea, sometimes vertices are duplicated. You can use the "merge near" function.

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In any Geometry LOD:

- Select component that has problems with the Topology or Convexity

- Press "D" to delete polygons

- Use "Structure - Convexity - Convex Hull"

Apply it after each change in geometry.

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Thanks for all new replies!

@ krzychuzokecia: I tried it but these points are still Non-Closed. I used the Mearge-near function. But it was worth a try ;)

@ =SappeR= I've tried your suggestion, too. When i'm do this, oxygen only merge 3 points to create a face. So 4 selected vertices will merge into 3. The fourth vertice dissapear. Is that correct?

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@ =SappeR= I've tried your suggestion, too. When i'm do this, oxygen only merge 3 points to create a face. So 4 selected vertices will merge into 3. The fourth vertice dissapear. Is that correct?

It depends on the shape of the selected object.

Oxygen removes the unnecessary point and creates the correct form, which will be correctly interpreted by the game.

What I said above, is suitable for simple forms, the type of box. Such forms and shall be in geometry LODs.

And I forgot to say that after the "Convex Hull" need to re-assign components (Component01... 02... 03... etc).

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Ok, i've created new walls following your advice and i helped, all walls are convex and closed now - thank you!

Now i have another but a little question about modelling a trash can for example. I've tried to create a cylinder and then i put a bigger one over this. Then i've deleted all faces and created new faces on my own and after this with convex cull again.

I made this to be sure that this faces are closed, and they was! The result was a hollowed can. But after this i've made a new check and tadaa: the convex and

no-closed warning appeared again. So my question, is there a special way to create hollowed tubes that are convex?

I remember that i've done this a few years ago to testing how it works, but my hard disk crashed and so i forgot the way to create this. :rolleyes:

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Create cylinder and decrease one of surface with combination ctrl+shift and you will have a nice trash can

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