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Minor Server Request...

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This is relatively minor, but would make life easier. When you connect to a password protected server, it would be _so_ nice if you put in the server admin password in the password box that it automatically logged you in as admin.

Right now you have to connect with the normal password, then do a #login <adminpassword> from the console. I know it's relatively minor, but seems like it would be an easy add that would save a step for admins.

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Very necessary.Good idea.

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what happens if a community server has many server admins and they are on the server at the same time

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Designed to only show a login box on entry if no other official admin is logged in ? Plus being an organised community you would think TS would avoid admins trying to login over admins.

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I would add to this and have a root admin login and then a normal game admin login

Root admin can then overide and take over from any logged in admins

Did you raise a ticket for this?

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