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How do I apply a custom made loadout to spawned group/unit?

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So, I spawned my group using this code

if (!isServer) exitWith {};
_spawnPoint = _this select 0;
_patrolArea = _this select 1;
_side = EAST;
_pos = getMarkerPos _spawnPoint;
_spawngrp = [_pos , _side, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfSquad")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;
sleep 3;
_leader = leader _spawngrp;
nul = [_leader,_patrolArea,"limited","safe","line",1]execVM "SimplePatrolScript\patrol.sqf";

The question is: How do I make this group use the custom loadout I made (called loadout1.sqf)? Any help would be much appreciated.

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so we could add

    null = [_x] execVM "loadout1.sqf";
}forEach group _leader;

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}forEach (units _spawngrp);  

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Hi, depending on the urgency of your little project I'd advise you to wait for the official Arma3 Arsenal release in the next big game update. You should be able to simply create and assign loadouts to oyur units from what i read.

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Larrow, Lala, none of those codes work. Could you try this out on your own system to see if they work? Thanks. Any other help/suggestion would be much appreciated.

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... The question is: How do I make this group use the custom loadout I made (called loadout1.sqf)? Any help would be much appreciated.

Put this line immediately after your _leader = leader _spawngrp;

{[_x] execVM "loadout1.sqf";} forEach units _spawngrp;

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As Beerkan shows, Larrows suggestion will work. Nobody has to run it on thier machine, because it works. Its up to you to code the loadout script in a way that works with the forEach statement.

I might suggest telling what error you get, or providing some/all of the content of the loadout script or even just what you used to do the call/execVM.

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