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Alright, will replicate conditions... seems like a very weird issue i've never heard of before.

Other issues aren't so hard to fix, just small code alterations.

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Ok that is pretty weird.

Testing latest version on ukarma server hoping that particular issue has been resolved by a few other things, rudder authority should be much more now too.

(On another note you can take controls as the instructor or gunner in SP so not sure why it won't in MP)

Edited by NZDF CRASH

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About the dissappearing thing, I had the same and I figured it out and commented it on my cfgvehicles:

rudderInfluence=0.5;//NEVER GO UP TO 1, IT WILL DESTROY UNIVERSE!!!

I checked your configs and you had it at 1, which is the cause.

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Sweet it's sitting on 0.8 right now in updated version.

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(On another note you can take controls as the instructor or gunner in SP so not sure why it won't in MP)

I know. Minor misunder standing from Para's side.

That's working perfectly! love it.

Could you make it so that the back seater as an actual free cam and can switch to the Optics sepperately?

In Spartan's F/A-18 for example the head works like a turret, which is VERY annoying.

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Version 1.1 - Little tidy up in config
           - Added CT-156 Harvard II (CANADA)
           - Added T-6A NTA Texan II (GREECE)
           - Added T-6A Texan II (BEECHCRAFT)
           - Added T-6A Texan II (USN DISPLAY)
           - Added T-6A Texan II (DOGFIGHT USA)
           - Added Ejection Seat model...
           - Added Canopy Model...
           - Added .50 Cal onto CAS versions
           - Added 19Rnd FFAR onto CAS Versions
           - Replaced AT-6B USAF texture to Tactical Grey
           - Replaced Prop Blur
           - Replaced Gunner optics on AT-6B
           - Fixed missing extra1 proxy error
           - Fixed Gunner being locked into optics
           - Fixed Gunner optics info
           - Fixed Gunner + Instructor can take controls
           - Fixed View pilot lod texture issue on wings
           - Fixed Disappear bug
           - Improved lights
           - Removed exhaust (was way too strong and shouldn't be distinct)

T-6 Texan II Pack Download (1.1)

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Hi Crash,

I love the idea of the .50cal but I would like to be able to use it when I take over fire control as a pilot. At the moment when I do the point of impact on the 50 call is high left. Can it please be centred on the recticle. The .50 cal is really I pilots weapon as he is the only one who can actually centre it on target. As a gunner the recticle is right on the pilots head and the aiming cam cant see the tracers very well.

Just a thought.

Thanks :)

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Courtesy of citizensnip

Also next chance i get will update T-6 Pack to fit 1.24 sounds.

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Bring On the Flogger! yay! Beautiful! HAFM Phantoms now have an enemy at the same leverage ;)

and Yeah, we´re all waiting your bootcamp update of your lovely Texans =D


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Updated T-6 Pack to 1.2.

Version 1.2 - Fixed issues related to sound with 1.24 patch
           - Fixed Damage Texture issue
           - Changed Simulation type airplane to airplanex
           - Changed FFAR & .50 Cal Control to Pilot on AT-6B
           - Added Flare Launcher + 60 Flares on AT-6B

Thanks to Erem2k for pointing out the issues on the T-6s with 1.24 patch and snippet of code to fix.

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Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


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I suppose that that's an Flogger-M?

Any plans for a B-Version?

Nevertheless, old russian jets are great.

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Rail Objects Pack






Most of the A2 rail objects apart from the railway stations that don't fit into A3's quality standard.
Trains are not included, will do up a train pack at some point that actually move as this pack is for fellow map makers at this stage.


 -BIS - Original objects from A2
-nzdfcrash - Tidy up and other changes

Change Log

Version 1.0 - Initial Release

Rail Objects Pack Download (1.0)

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Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


You are not registered on Armaholic, or at least not that we are aware of. In the future we offer the possibility to authors to maintain their own pages.

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will do up a train pack at some point that actually move
good luck, that is basically the holy grail since the first shots were fired on Everon. Always wanted, but never achieved - well, there were some nice tries, but not really convicing ones. If you can pull this off, you'll make a lot of people happy.

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Moving trains, if they happen, will probably be a cooperative effort by a crapload of people across several skype channels. (Model makers, terrain makers, maybe scripting, etc.) There's a lot of investigating being done as to the feasibility of such things, and various ideas have sprung up as to how they might work. I think one of the more interesting ones I remember hearing is having the geolods "connect" with each other, assuming it can be made stable enough, and then have the speed limited so it doesn't jump the rails

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