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3d Mission Editor? Precise Object Placement/Map Editing?

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Hi guys, recently I decided to try and improve the Zargabad map to satisfy the needs of some missions that Im currently creating and that means placing new objects, like compounds, vegetation and also improving the existing structures. I´ve been around since early OFP days so I´m pretty much habituated to the in-game 3d mission editor, tho a bit surprised that after 15 years, BIS still didnt improved it, in a matter of fact it was degraded in some ways, like many other aspects of Arma3. Even the current 3d mission editor when I opened it up for the first time I was a bit surprised that it said "Obsolete, Not for Release!", so I´m a bit worried of spending a lot of time in it and not getting the expected results. Also, most threads covering the inbuilt 3d mission editor are at least 150 days old which gives me this feeling that it was surpassed by something else out there.

What I would like to ask is what is the current best way and best tools to map edit at mission level.


Edited by stormridersp

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You can use MCC, which on the plus side is dead simple to learn but can be a bit of a PITA, the delete object functionality is a bit of a flaw as it is so imprecise I've yet to find a way to actually delete what I want. The saving to sqm function requires a bit of thought as well. If you're interested I'll say how I do it. (There have also mutterings about a new BI 3D editor similar to the Zeus interface but I'm not sure if that's a rumour, real or just a long way off.

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Hopefully this might help? This only covers the basics; with the new release of MCC I'm sure there are a thousand things you can do with it that I haven't covered.

Edited by ToxicSludge

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