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[Script] Saving MP Parameter across Sessions

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one of the most annoying things in A3 multiplayer are the parameters. Especially in restart heavy missions changing the params every new round again is annoying.

I wrote this little script (originally for co10 Escape). It is able to save parameters and restore them at the next missionstart:


//###Parameter Storage and Loading by NeoArmageddon.###

//Load default params for SP && Editor
if (isNil "paramsArray") then
   private ["_c", "_i", "_paramName"];

   if (isClass (missionConfigFile/"Params")) then
       _c=count (missionConfigFile/"Params");
       for [ {_i=0}, {_i<_c}, {_i=_i+1} ] do
           _paramName = (configName ((missionConfigFile >> "Params") select _i));
           paramsArray=paramsArray+[ getNumber (missionConfigFile >> "Params" >> _paramName >> "default") ];
AT_fnc_ParamsToVar = {
	//Compile params into real variables:
	_c=count (missionConfigFile/"Params");
	for [ {_i=0}, {_i<_c}, {_i=_i+1} ] do
		_paramName = (configName ((missionConfigFile >> "Params") select _i));
		call compile format["%1 = %2;publicVariable '%1';",_paramName,paramsArray select _i];


//Compile Params into Variables
call AT_fnc_ParamsToVar;

_paramLoading = Param_Loadparams;
switch (_paramLoading) do 
 case 0: 
   uiNamespace setVariable ["AT_SavedParams", paramsArray];    
 case 1: 
     //Load params if existing in UINamespace
     _params = uiNamespace getVariable ["AT_SavedParams",[]];
     if(count(_params)==0 || count(_params)!=count(paramsArray)) then {
         uiNamespace setVariable ["AT_SavedParams", paramsArray];
     } else {
         paramsArray = _params;
         publicvariable "paramsArray";
 case 2: 
    //Use paramsArray, do nothing

//Reompile Params into Variables because they may have changed.
call AT_fnc_ParamsToVar;

AT_ParamsParsed = true;
publicVariable "AT_ParamsParsed";


  • Store and load parameters
  • Set manual parameter mode to disable loading/saving
  • Puts default settings into paramsArray in singleplayer and editor
  • Compiles all values into the param name as a variable (there is a BIS function that does something similar), so you don't have to edit your scripts, if you delete or add new parameters.
  • Restarting the server will reset the settings.

Parameter example:

class Params
   class Param_Loadparams
           title = "Parameter Loading";
           values[] = {0, 1, 2};
           texts[] = {"Use below and save", "Load existing (Use below if not found)", "Use below without save"};
           default = 1;
class Param_TimeOfDay	
    title="Time Of Day";
	default = 24;
class Param_Weather
	title = "Weather"; //--- ToDo: Localize
	values[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5};
	texts[] = {"Clear","Sunny","Cloudy","Foggy","Stormy","Random"}; //--- ToDo: Localize
	default = 3;

The example above will be compiled into the variables "Param_TimeOfDay = 24" and "Param_Weather=3" of nothing is changed or in SP. If something was changed, it will be stored for next missionstart and applied automatically.


But the fn_parameterInit.sqf code in a function file or another sqf file and run it at missionstart on the server. The Param_Loadparams parameter must be present in your description.ext param-class:

 class Param_Loadparams
           title = "Parameter Loading";
           values[] = {0, 1, 2};
           texts[] = {"Use below and save", "Load existing (Use below if not found)", "Use below without save"};
           default = 1;

Calling as function:

if(isserver) then {
call AT_fnc_parameterInit;

Calling as script:

if(isserver) then {
call compile preprocessfilelinenumber "fn_parameterInit.sqf";


Engima for the SP&Editor loading.

Scruffy, Maike, Freshman, Joshi and Darcy for testing.

Name for having no BAS.

And here is a little script that can post all parameters to the ingamebriefing:

//Parameters in Briefing script by NeoArmageddon
_paramsArray = _this;
_settings = "Parameters:<br/>";
waituntil{!isNull player || isServer};
if(!isNull player) then {
   if (isClass (missionConfigFile/"Params")) then
       _c=count (missionConfigFile/"Params");
       for [ {_i=0}, {_i<_c}, {_i=_i+1} ] do
           _paramName = (configName ((missionConfigFile >> "Params") select _i));
           _name = getText (missionConfigFile >> "Params" >> _paramName >> "title");
           _value = _paramsArray select _i;
           _index = (getArray (missionConfigFile >> "Params" >> _paramName >> "values")) find _value;
           _valueName = (getArray (missionConfigFile >> "Params" >> _paramName >> "texts")) select _index;
           _settings = _settings + format["%1 : %2 (%3)<br/>",_name,_valueName,_value];

   player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Settings", _settings]];
} else {
    hint format["Player is null"];

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