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virtual ammobox taking ages too load

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The subject line pretty much describes my issue,when I join my Clans server I have to wait on average about 45mins for it (VAS)to load.

I have VAS V1 installed as an addon.I also have VAS 2.5, - which I believe is for mission editing is this right ?

Before I sign off I did a quick forum search for topics/threads covering VAS and didn't pick up anything.

So excuse me if question has been asked before.


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VAS is not an addon. It is a mission script, so get rid of that. VAS always takes a while but if it is taking that long, your connection to the server is probably not very good. Other than that, if you are using a ton of extra addons like uniforms, weapons, throwables, etc, get rid of them.

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I know in the clan I game with the server has a VAS preloader of sorts that they run before they load the mission we have a couple guys that it takes awhile for their VAS to load as well..the preloader seems to help or re-connecting sometimes does as well.


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