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get cursor position in dialog/script as variable?

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I need to get the location of the cursor so I can use it in ctrlMapScreenToWorld.

I can get it as a hint by writing

onMouseButtonDown = hint format ["%1\n%2", _this select 2, _this select 3];

in my dialogs.hpp, but how can I run it in a script so that I can assign it to a variable?

I've tried to mess around with DisplayAddEventHandler, but I don't understand how they work at all.

Anybody got an idea?

Thanks in advance

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found a solution:

disableSerialization; //reduces errors
_location = findDisplay 1200; //accesses the dialog
_ctrl2 = _location displayCtrl 1300; //accesses the map control box, assigns it to ctrl2, which is control "object"

_varx = _ctrl2 ctrlSetEventHandler ["MouseButtonDown","if (true) then {
_location = findDisplay 1200;
_ctrl2 = _location displayCtrl 1300;
_varx2 = (_this select 2);
_varx3 = (_this select 3);
_position = _ctrl2 ctrlMapScreenToWorld [_varx2, _varx3]; 
_dialog = findDisplay 1200;
_ctrl = _dialog displayCtrl 1000;
_ctrl ctrlSetText format ['pos: %1', _position];

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Following on the above, I am trying to hint the real-time distance from the map cursor to the player while in map view.

From various posts on the forums I have derived the code below which runs but outputs incorrect and erratic distances that are affected by speed of mouse movement, zoom etc.

I have tried MouseMoving, MouseHolding & MouseButtonDown EH's all with the same problem.

I would appreciate some help in getting this to work.

openMap [true, false];
waitUntil {!(isNull (findDisplay 12))};
_index = (findDisplay 12) displayAddEventHandler
	_WorldCoord = ((_this select 0) displayCtrl 51) ctrlMapScreenToWorld [_this select 1,_this select 2];
	_WorldCoord = round(_WorldCoord distance player);
	hint str _WorldCoord;

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added to a display "MouseMoving" will return delta positions - i.e. the difference to the last position

when added to a control it will return the position relative to the control - i.e. no delta positions

so just add the eventhandler with ctrlAddEventHandler to the map control itself:

openMap [true, false];
waitUntil {!(isNull (findDisplay 12))};
_index = ((findDisplay 12) displayCtrl 51) ctrlAddEventHandler
	_WorldCoord = (_this select 0) ctrlMapScreenToWorld [_this select 1,_this select 2];
	_WorldCoord = round(_WorldCoord distance player);
	hintSilent str _WorldCoord;

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thx, so the point of reference for the EH makes all the difference and adds more functionality


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