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display variables/values in dialog?

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I'm sorry if this question is really dumb, but i'm new to scripting and after 2 hours of googling and trying i didn't find a solution: All I want is to display variables with their values in my dialog. I've read through this thread (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?154084-Values-and-Variables-in-Dialog-RscText), and it works fine if I just want to directly access one parameter, in this case my location, but I also need to be able to do some calculations with it.

my dialogs.hpp

class test_dialog


idd = 1200;

movingenable = true;

onMouseButtonDown = "_this call test_dialog_Load";

class Controls


class test_buttonno: RscButton


idc = -1;

text = "no"; //--- ToDo: Localize;

x = 0.5 * safezoneW + safezoneX;

y = 0.751 * safezoneH + safezoneY;

w = 0.06375 * safezoneW;

h = 0.085 * safezoneH;

action = "_nil =[]ExecVM""hello2.sqf""";


class test_text: RscText


idc = 1000;

text = ""; //--- ToDo: Localize;

x = 0.1175 * safezoneW + safezoneX;

y = 0.789 * safezoneH + safezoneY;

w = 0.25375 * safezoneW;

h = 0.085 * safezoneH;


my hello2 script the only way it works, gives me my position in the dialog

test_dialog_Load = {((_this select 0) displayCtrl 1000) ctrlSetText format ["pos: %1", getPos player]};

my hello2 script how I would like it to work:

test_dialog_Load = {

_number = 12+1; //just some simple calcuation

{((_this select 0) displayCtrl 1000) ctrlSetText format ["pos: %1", _number]};


in the latter case it won't show up at all in my dialog.

anybody got an idea how to solve this?

thanks in advance

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Try removing the 'onMouseButtonDown' from test_dialog and then changing your hello2.sqf file to:

_number = 12 + 1;
_dialog = findDisplay 1200;
_ctrl = _dialog displayCtrl 1000;
_ctrl ctrlSetText format ["pos: %1", _number];

In you button you have the action executing the script file. So, when you press the button it should run the code instead of compiling a function like you had previously.

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