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Suggestion: command "disableRadar"

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It would be great to have a command to disable the radar of vehicles (land and air). The command should have global effect (i.e. dis/enabled for all players at once) and should be individual for every single vehicle. It should remove the radar overlay completely (not a radar display just without vehicles).

_vehicle disableRadar true

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Good idea, but I think it would be better for mission makers to receive a command that allows them to disable almost any UI element, not only the radar.

Something like this:

_vehicle disableUI["radar"];
_player disableUI["hintReload"];
_player disableUI true; // disables the entire interface

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This is already possible, I believe. It would involve nothing more than running a script that relocates the radar graphic outside of the view area. I know it works with most hud elements, but a few like the action menu cant be moved.

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