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Creating Custom Vehicle Crew

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Here is the deal, I wan't to fill vehicle with crew, but regular "createVehicleCrew" command wouldn't do it for me. Because, in my case, crew could be from another fraction than vehicle itself. Also it will be a random vehicle, so I couldn't just write some standart commands for that, since I don't even know if there is that kind of seat in that random vehicle.

How do I create a custom crew like that?

I'm thinking I could create standart crew for that vehicle, get all positions occupied by that crew, delete standart crew and move new units in that positions. But I have very general understanding how to do that, especially when it comes to vehicle's turrets.

Any help, guys?

Edited by Champ-1

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First you place an empty vehicle in the editor.

For example, place one MI-48 Kajman and name it: Heli1

Place one Bluefor helicopterpilot, and put this in his initfield:

this moveInDriver Heli1;

Place one Bluefor helicopterpilot, and out this in his initfield:

this moveInGunner Heli1

Now you have one MI-48 Kajman piloted by Bluefor.

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What about turret path, what do you know about that?

---------- Post added at 16:23 ---------- Previous post was at 16:15 ----------

Also, imagine I don't know which vehicle I'm filling with crew. It has to be universal solution.

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I'll use the Ghosthawk for this example.

Place an empty Ghosthawk and name it Heli1.

Place an Opfor helicopterpilot and put this in his initfield:

this moveInDriver Heli1;

Place an Opfor helicopterpilot and put this in his initfield, to put him in the co-pilotseat:

this moveInTurret [Heli1,[0]]

Place an Opfor helicoptcrew and put this in his initfield, to put him in the left-gunnerseat:

this moveInTurret [Heli1,[1]]

Place an Opfor helicoptcrew and put this in his initfield, to put him in the right-gunnerseat:

this moveInTurret [Heli1,[2]]

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Thanks for your contribution, Rhino. But this isn't exactly what I'm looking for. :)

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And what do you need?

kill the crew

{_x setdammage 1} forEach crew heli1

place a new unit on map and move ths unit into the helicopter.

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Also, imagine I don't know which vehicle I'm filling with crew. It has to be universal solution.

I believe all vehicles use the moveInDriver, to place a unit in its driverseat.

Copilot for all vehicles use moveInTurret [vehiclename,[0]].

Vehicles with gunnerseats like the Ghosthawk, will also use the moveInTurret [vehiclename,[1]], however the turretpath will most likely be the next number.

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It will be a random vehicle, created by script. So I can't just write some standart commands for that, since I don't even know if there is that kind of seat in that random vehicle.

That's why I have troubles with it, guys.

---------- Post added at 16:43 ---------- Previous post was at 16:40 ----------

I believe all vehicles use the moveInDriver, to place a unit in its driverseat.

Copilot for all vehicles use moveInTurret [vehiclename,[0]].

Vehicles with gunnerseats like the Ghosthawk, will also use the moveInTurret [vehiclename,[1]], however the turretpath will most likely be the next number.

I don't think there is any kind of pattern for the turret path. It can be a number or even combination of two numbers. And I don't know how to get them.

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I use blocks that look something like this, for said task:

The below will spawn a random vehicle from VEH_TYPE array, and fill the crew seats with the given units.

#define VEH_TYPE "O_MBT_02_cannon_F","O_APC_Tracked_02_cannon_F","O_APC_Wheeled_02_rcws_F","O_APC_Tracked_02_cannon_F","I_APC_Wheeled_03_cannon_F","I_APC_tracked_03_cannon_F","I_MBT_03_cannon_F"

_vehGroup = createGroup east;
_randomPos = [[[_pos, 100],[]],["water","out"]] call BIS_fnc_randomPos;
_veh = createVehicle [[VEH_TYPE] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom,_randomPos,[],0,"NONE"];
waitUntil{!isNull _veh};

"O_engineer_F" createUnit [_randomPos,_vehGroup];
"O_engineer_F" createUnit [_randomPos,_vehGroup];
"O_engineer_F" createUnit [_randomPos,_vehGroup];
((units _vehGroup) select 0) assignAsDriver _veh;
((units _vehGroup) select 0) moveInDriver _veh;
((units _vehGroup) select 1) assignAsGunner _veh;
((units _vehGroup) select 1) moveInGunner _veh;
((units _vehGroup) select 2) assignAsCommander _veh;
((units _vehGroup) select 2) moveInCommander _veh;


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I use blocks that look something like this, for said task:

The below will spawn a random vehicle from VEH_TYPE array, and fill the crew seats with the given units.

Some positions don't have names like "gunner", "driver", etc. They are so called "turrets".

Anyway, thanks guys, I found the solution. A little bit of search gives results as always.

Here's my function, using code from KK's function:

CH_fnc_spawnVehWithCrew = {	
private ["_turts_arr","_trts","_veh_type","_unit_type","_pos","_special","_side","_veh","_center","_group"];
_veh_type = _this select 0;
_unit_type = _this select 1;
_pos = _this select 2;
_special = _this select 3;
_side = _this select 4;

_turts_arr = [];
_trts = configFile / "CfgVehicles" / _veh_type / "Turrets";
for "_i" from 0 to count _trts - 1 do {
	_turts_arr set [count _turts_arr, [_i]];
	for "_j" from 0 to count (
		_trts / configName (_trts select _i) / "Turrets"
	) - 1 do {
		_turts_arr set [count _turts_arr, [_i, _j]];

_veh = createVehicle [_veh_type, _pos, [], 0, _special];
createVehicleCrew _veh;

_center = createCenter _side;
_group = createGroup _side;	

if (driver _veh != objNull && group driver _veh != _group) then {
	_unit = driver _veh;
	deleteVehicle _unit;
	_unit = _group createUnit [_unit_type, [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"];
	_unit moveInDriver _veh;
if (gunner _veh != objNull && group gunner _veh != _group) then {
	_unit = gunner _veh;
	deleteVehicle _unit;
	_unit = _group createUnit [_unit_type, [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"];
	_unit moveInGunner _veh;
if (commander _veh != objNull && group commander _veh != _group) then {
	_unit = commander _veh;
	deleteVehicle _unit;
	_unit = _group createUnit [_unit_type, [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"];
	_unit moveInCommander _veh;
	_unit = _veh turretUnit _x;
	if (_unit != objNull && group _unit != _group) then {
		deleteVehicle _unit;
		_unit = _group createUnit [_unit_type, [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"];
		_unit moveInTurret [_veh, _x];
} forEach _turts_arr;

Not tested yet, though.

Edited by Champ-1

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Thanks for posting this script, it works perfectly, however it also fills the Fire from vehicle Slots.


Is there a way to make sure those are not filled while "normal" turret positions are?

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