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Alpha Whiskey Romeo


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It is also nice how some press folk received free Nexus 7 phones from Ubisoft. Way to stay classy.... :rolleyes:

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Except they've now combined the timelines, so 4th Echelon and the Ghosts are all unwitting Templar pawns who may actually be going after Assassins in disguise! :lol:

There's just one big happy family at Ubi.Imagine if they had Mario or Zelda licenses too,I can already see how their board meetings are going:

"Ok guys we got a whole bunch of new licenses,try to squeeze/combine them in with the rest of our crap.Oh and add some Borgia/Radio/Ctos towers too,we can never have enough of that stuff in our games".

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i was really looking forward to this game, but with all the glitches i've seen so far, i'm not sure it's worth buying. maybe after they patch it.

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Reminds me of the time that a Simon "Ghost" Riley statue at an Infinity Ward office led to a police call because he was mistaken for an actual gunman...

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Either ctOS can err or:

Olivier Garneau got a last-minute promotion before his disappearance mentioned in AC4

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Either ctOS can err or:

Olivier Garneau got a last-minute promotion before his disappearance mentioned in AC4

Or Alan made a typo. :D

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Watchdogs. Yet another console turd + plagued by uplay. Wasted potential.

I've been browsing some reviews opinions and I'm getting such impression as above ^

Yes?No? What's yours?

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Watchdogs. Yet another console turd + plagued by uplay. Wasted potential.

I've been browsing some reviews opinions and I'm getting such impression as above ^

Yes?No? What's yours?


No real issues on my end but a lot of people are experiencing terrible performance, bugs, CTD's and BSOD's. I received a BSOD when I clicked "New Game" for the first time. :plain:

Visually speaking it's nothing to write home about, though it does look great at night and in inclement weather. The controls are as you would expect and function well, but the mouse acceleration is absolutely terrible and hampers movement. Driving is sub-par and the vehicles feel like they have no inertia. Think Saints Row and you are on the right track. You can remap the keys and adjust the myriad of graphics options to your liking until you reach that perfomance level you're comfortable with. Most users are having extreme stuttering and lag while driving where your frames will be steady, then plummet into the teens and single digits. I had the exact same problem and had to run a tweak inside the command parameter. It seems to work... Sometimes.

On the game-play side of the house it's pretty much what you saw in the trailers. There is such a huge amount of things to do that I spent my first four hours simply doing side missions, having not touched the SP portion at all. I did experience several invasions by other players which was really tense. Attempting to locate and stop the hacker that's hacking you or hacking another player is a lot of fun. I haven't touched the other MP modes yet, but I may down the road when Ubi fixes their damn game. So much wasted potential and overt hype. Is it fun? Yes. Is it ground breaking and innovative? Absolutely not.

System w/Ultra game settings

i7 3930k OC'd to 4.7GHz

16GB RAM DDR3 1866MHz CV

GTX 680 OC'd

Running on a SSD

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I did experience several invasions by other players which was really tense. Attempting to locate and stop the hacker that's hacking you or hacking another player is a lot of fun.
This reminds me of Demon's Souls/Dark Souls/Dark Souls II... :lol:

As for the "hacking" -- one of the guys in one of the Skype channels said that Aiden Pearce is basically a script kiddie...

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My idea of hell, games like this, reproduced rubbish..

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@Alpha Whiskey Romeo, thats pretty much how I would sum it up.

If I just add, driving is very bad but worst thing about it is you cant start moving any vehicle without massive burnouts and engine revving so people on the street are running all over the place. Luckily most times they evade your vehicle pretty good but sometimes they just throw themselves under your wheels. Tapping your acceleration key sometimes kind of works to start moving gently but npcs are running all over the place anyway.

More often then not I hear "driving is good, every car feels different" in reviews for these type of game or even racing games and I am thinking, what kind of remark is that? Of course sports car drives different to sedan or a van. Well, in Watch Dogs, thats hardly the case. It is a shame because driving is a huge portion of the game.

In one review I heard smooth cover system. It is everything but that. You have one key to get into it. With this same key you seek other cover and move to it. Then you have another key to get out of cover. It is very hard or even impossible to get out of cover by simply pressing/holding move back key like you can in most other games. Dedicated key to get out of cover is usually bad news.

All in all, you get stuck in cover a lot and get killed for it.

Auto sneaking is very annoying as well. You cannot crouch or sneak on your own, only when game thinks its appropriate for you to do so. Only game when that really worked is Tomb Raider but that was a narrow and very scripted game for the most part.

Switching weapons and gadgets beyond hotkeys on PC is extremely clunky and awkward. That wheel is not working well for mouse and keyboard at all.

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@Alpha Whiskey Romeo, thats pretty much how I would sum it up.

If I just add, driving is very bad but worst thing about it is you cant start moving any vehicle without massive burnouts and engine revving so people on the street are running all over the place. Luckily most times they evade your vehicle pretty good but sometimes they just throw themselves under your wheels. Tapping your acceleration key sometimes kind of works to start moving gently but npcs are running all over the place anyway.

More often then not I hear "driving is good, every car feels different" in reviews for these type of game or even racing games and I am thinking, what kind of remark is that? Of course sports car drives different to sedan or a van. Well, in Watch Dogs, thats hardly the case. It is a shame because driving is a huge portion of the game.

In one review I heard smooth cover system. It is everything but that. You have one key to get into it. With this same key you seek other cover and move to it. Then you have another key to get out of cover. It is very hard or even impossible to get out of cover by simply pressing/holding move back key like you can in most other games. Dedicated key to get out of cover is usually bad news.

All in all, you get stuck in cover a lot and get killed for it.

Auto sneaking is very annoying as well. You cannot crouch or sneak on your own, only when game thinks its appropriate for you to do so. Only game when that really worked is Tomb Raider but that was a narrow and very scripted game for the most part.

Switching weapons and gadgets beyond hotkeys on PC is extremely clunky and awkward. That wheel is not working well for mouse and keyboard at all.

Agreed with the above.

It seems odd that a game so centered around driving would have such terrible vehicle mechanics. One of the things I really enjoyed about GTA4 was the driving because you actually felt as if your were behind the wheel, not the case with WD. If we know Ubisoft, this will quickly become a franchise, which isn't really a bad thing. The AC games only got better with every iteration. The main issue I have is that there is little to no innovation in the game or games set in open-worlds. It's just more of the same.

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If this becomes a franchise, Im thinking Far Cry 2 was first that Ubi made and it was pretty bad in some aspects. Driving was one of them. Far Cry 3 was much better in most ways. So maybe it gets better.

I didnt turn this game yet but story telling seems pretty solid for the most part. They just need fully develop parts of the game.

I.E. Stealth; its good for the most part but would be much better if you could drag guards body around the corner so when his buddy returns he isnt freaked out by a body. And dragging it immediately like in Dishonored not dropping on the floor first.

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If this becomes a franchise, Im thinking Far Cry 2 was first that Ubi made and it was pretty bad in some aspects. Driving was one of them. Far Cry 3 was much better in most ways. So maybe it gets better.

I didnt turn this game yet but story telling seems pretty solid for the most part. They just need fully develop parts of the game.

I think the main difference is that in FC3 you're always forced into the first person view while driving. Try that in Watch_Dogs, it feels very similar to FC3. I wouldn't be surprised if they borrowed the driving mechanics from FarCry as they have with many other elements from their other games. When you can see the steering wheel, it gets a bit easier to drive (I get the same effect in Arma 3). And hey, whoop, one positive thing that's in the game. Car interiors and the inside view, even tho you can't turn your head around much and the mouse acceleration makes it difficult.

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Yeah, first person camera in WD is waste of their time imo due to how the whole driving works. If cars would accelerate and handle like real cars (atleast something like GTA 4), AI driving, AI reacting, not being able to just crush everything, more realistic damage and shooting out of vehicles then 1st person would be usable. I was more comparing how WD might evolve like FC did or, like Alpha Whiskey Romeo mentioned, AC did.

On side note, drinking game with weird mouse acceleration/smoothing... WTF really.

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Just lost my 40 hour save game after failing an initiated tailing mission. Beware. >_<

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What do you mean, save files got corrupted?

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What do you mean, save files got corrupted?

Yep, got discovered and killed in an online tailing and returned to the world stripped of all the gear and the game thinking I did not complete any missions. Basically this.

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Yep, got discovered and killed in an online tailing and returned to the world stripped of all the gear and the game thinking I did not complete any missions. Basically this.

I'd stay away from this train wreck until it is properly patched. I keep firing it up, playing for a few minutes and then switching it off because the performance is so bad.

Ubish!t really dropped the ball on this one.

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Honestly, every day I´m more and more glad that I didn´t believe the hype.

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Honestly, every day I´m more and more glad that I didn´t believe the hype.

Ditto, I saw Ubifail on it, and then gave it a miss, I do the same for EA games nowadays too since they destroyed their reputations.

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And this is why you NEVER believe ANY pre release stuff. This is why pre-release embargos really exists. The ammount of BS they have fabricated is ridiculous. Don´t preorder games!

Edited by Tonci87

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I'm aware of the different appearances between the E3 footage versus release but that video doesn't really show a fair comparison, it's literally day vs night with differently lit scenes, it would be akin to comparing two scenes in GTA at different times of day and weather and comparing them for their visuals, it just doesn't work. Furthermore weather could be different as well, I haven't actually played the game so I don't know if there are gusts of wind like what we see in the left video or if they decided to only keep a light sway on the trees to give the illusion of wind.

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